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Posts posted by bigbuck

  1. Cyclophosphamide is not a lot of fun. i hope they gave her some anti nausea meds. No oranges or orange juice. They counteract the drug. I had 8 rounds of chemo with it in the cocktail. She wont feel well for a few days but will get her strength back fairly quick. She has to eat. Very very important. She may not want to but you have to make sure she eats so her body can fight. Good luck. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your wife. Be strong for her when she cant.

  2. WOW, nice report!!! I miss LOTW. Witch Bay goes into _____ Bay. An unnamed big bay on that magical lake that has a couple of spots where we have absolutely NAILED the walleye. I caught my first ski up there and it started my passion. The in laws were up on Route Bay, about 35-40 mins from the camp. I spent a fair bit of time bending Gord Pyzer's ear and also Bob Mehsikomer's as well a couple of years ago at the Odyssey. I am hoping to get back up there in the next year or two.

  3. 2nd citywide welding. Lou is a good guy and does good work. He fixed a prop for me and did a nice job. Gbay claims yet another victim. Kings on Muskoka rd 5 on the way to HH is another good place. Calvin has been at it his whole life and is pretty good as well.

  4. Depends on where you plan on spending the night. Wawa is about halfway and there are a couple of places there. If you can push to Thunder Bay, there are lots of options. Tbay will leave you with about 8-9 hours to the 'peg. All depends on how the mrs feels. The 'larger' towns have better options. Have a good trip.

  5. Pick up a new one. It does not necessarily need to be a marine unit. If it has a cover you can use an automotive stereo. You will probably need to buy new speakers. Those should be marine because of all the moisture they are subjected to. Stereos do not last for a very long time in boats because of the moisture.

  6. They are keeping people working. Somebody missed the memo that talked aabout how we need PRIVATE enterprise to keep the govt going. We are on a sinking ship with big govt. I wonder what was wrong with the old bridge?? Re-paving it would have been nice. Replacing it??????

  7. Try a spark plug as has been suggested. Clean or replace the air filter And run seafoam through it for the next couple of tanks of fuel. If that doesn't work, it probably needs some carb work. It may cost you around a hundred bucks at a small engine repair shop. It is at the point where you owe the lawnmower, not the other way around.

  8. It keeps the number of people down. Trailer parks are licensed with a capacity of people they can have on the property. It sucks but if everyone who had a trailer could have a bunch of people every weekend over, the park would be a zoo. It was a pain but it was kinda nice not always having to entertain when we had our trailer. I have ours up for sale. Its a 30ft'r and sleeps 6. Most parks want trailers that are less than 10 hears old. Remember that when looking for one. you can build a deck and have a small shed at most places. You have to do your homework. See what is offered and what is included. Make sure you have a sewage hookup, kinda important otherwise you will have to get a honey wagon that you empty your tanks into then have to dump. It can be messy if there is a leak or spill. It isnt exactly cheap to own a trailer but it is cheaper than buying a cottage. PM me if you want any more info.

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