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  1. I think you have already got lots of informations and tips but one more thing is important too, wheel balance. Better to check if you need to tow that far.
  2. Thanks Kelvin, I think I will go this weekend.
  3. Nice Video kelvin, may I know where you were? 2nd line or 6-7th, the sonar you are using is it 999. Did you use the ice transducer or just the one come with the unit? This year I haven't go up for laker and white fish yet, still worry about the ice.
  4. Nice catch, Brian, hope I can try to fish next weekend.
  5. How they will drive out without checking the Ice. weeks ago is a ATV, now is a Jeep...... every year is the same.
  6. Nice video. You guys are really hardcore fishermen but it's a nice trip and good catch. I think I will wait for another week or two.
  7. Hi John, The first thing is how you transport it to the lake, you will need to have a big car or trailer, I have a clam scout(one man) if I fish alone and a Nanook if fish with friend or my wife, they both work good and last years, scout is 8 years now and the Nanook is 7 years now, I have just purchase a thermal replacement tent for the Nanook 2 days ago. For the zipper, I don't have any issue at all.
  8. Hi Bean, I have just help my dad called the number 416-235-3579, before 9am it's busy signal, after 9:05am then I got the ringing tone then I was put on line for 25 mins waiting for a officer to answer my call. After you told them the number of your driver's lic, then they will tell you the closer centre, time and schedule. But it's better to use a speaker phone, if not you nee to holding your phone to wait for the officer........good luck.
  9. Nice! What a great day
  10. Nice outting Nick, looks like it's a easy walk, I hope I can start my season next week in Scugog.
  11. Nice outting Nick, looks like it's a easy walk, I hope I can start my season next week in Scugog.
  12. Great memory Simon, I brought my little one when he was 1 and half too. He was so patient waiting for the first bite. After an hour he was playing in the snow making snow angel, finally he put his leg in the hole try to wash his boot. The trip was short but fun, now he is 7 and surprisingly he still remember that. Now, everytime I bring him ice fishing he will tell me he won't do it again.
  13. Hi Wask, Try this web http://www.tc.gc.ca/wwwdocs/Forms/84-0166E_1210-14_E.pdf
  14. Holly, It's not too close, it's just beside. If that's me, for sure something will happen! back to 15 years ago. I was shore fishing with my friend in Cannel Lake under the big bridge, 12am midnight, we were facing the main lake and catching Walleye and Crappie, we heard a whole FAMILY(FATHER, MOTHER, LITTLE BIY AND LITTLE GIRL) was climbing down to the other side of the bridge, then after awhile, my friend suddenly asked me to watch my back, when I turn my head to my right, there was a rod just 2 feet beside my head and that guy said: "don't worry me, I see you". What the FXXX. Then I told my friend to leave and on my way home I told my friend, I will buy a boat. After that, I thought I will get away from this kind of thing. BUT NO! 2004, I fished in Rice, I found a nice drop off then throw out a marker. me and my buddy had lots of fun until a bot of five stop close to us and cast to our marker............ I asked them what are they doing with our marker........ the reply is " is that your marker?" 2008, Last trip on rice, Bewley shore fall fishing with Walleye, my buddy said he will like to try late fall fishing at Bewley, I went with my elder son, 3 of us arrive there before sunset, during sunset, people start catching. when I TURN and bend down to change lure, a guy was already stand behind me and fishing on my spot. when I stood up, I knew somebody was there. I wait until he finished a few cast, I asked him " You try my spot already, can I have it back?" His reply in a loud voice " I fish here all the time, there no such thing your spot or my spot!". I was putting down my rod.... then somebody asked the guy " Come Back ". The other morning, my wife said my son scare I will push that guy in to the lake. I just don't really understand these people why they have to do this kind of things, respect the other is not hard why they don't think about it.
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