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chris f.

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About chris f.

  • Birthday 10/14/1982

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  • Location
    Trenton Area
  • Interests
    Gone Fishin"

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  1. lol.. thanks for the insight fella's.. and im as sorry for bringing up this old post as i am for having to see those gross worms coming out of such beautiful fish.
  2. i know this is an old post but i brought home 4 walleye from opener saturday on Bay of Quinte and the 2 larger fish had what now appears to definetly be tape worms. the biggest on had the worm coming out its mouth, ass and gills. when i cleaned it, i watched the worm curl up into a hole burrowed into the tissue above the spine. i put the fish in the laundry tub with ice and water and after a few hrs, there was close to 3 feet of tape worm in the tub. i have never seen this before but all my fish are usually caught up north. filleted alot of fish from the cottage and seen the grubs and pimple things, but never tape worms..someone told me its the southern lakes that are warmer and more "fertile"..? i dunno about that but its kinda gross.. either way, the fish was cooked and no sign of anything wierd in the nice flaky flesh.. so well cooked is the way for me unless you can see obvious grossness lol just my 2 cents
  3. where was this call when gretzky high sticked gilmour? lol urgh!!!
  4. hey... been busy the last few days and didn't get pics up... had more issues with the waterproof polaroid.. but still got a few good pics. No fish to gloat about, but enough iced to make for a good time first we got into a bunch of small snot rockets.. not a good sigh for the walters... then a few smallies came around.. nothing else b ut bites for the rest of teh evening so into camp for pops and tunes next day much of the same.. camera froze so no pics til later in the afternoon. there was 22" of ice where we were fishing and the old jiffy was running good so i challenged my buddy to a drill off... him with the jiffy, and me with my $60 walmart mora hand drill... both 8" lol, there is a video on my buddys phone going on youtube soon to show it... so i won't even gloat but man... of the 4 of us, after watching the vid.. have never seen anyone hand drill 2 feet of ice in under 20 seconds. then we built an igloo to get out of the wind for a bit lol got a quarter of the way thru and ran out of good snow to use so we gave up lol.. had fun, no real fish to speak of, but hey... cant slam em every time
  5. hey guys, i've been having issue's with my polaroid underwater camcorder ( sound sucks after being immersed and had to put tape over the mic to stop it ) now i'm looking at the gopro's, and it tooks like the white, silver and black all have WiFi ? does one have better WiFi than the others? the website doesn't give much info... thanks for any input
  6. thats how i chose mine.. the one piece is the way to go.
  7. packed up, ready to go in the morning be back thursday morning with roses and breakfast in bed for the wife, and reports and pics for ya'll
  8. where do i get the sign?
  9. go-pro or go-home lmao... that would make for a great safety training video... LMAO
  10. thanks, i can't wait lol
  11. must be separate buckets to make it "easier" for mnr to count and verify that you have the right amount and type of bait. i thought it was stupid too but...
  12. lol... thanks guys, cleaned the tank, mixed new fuel, cleaned the plug, and primed her... 2 pulls and purrrr purrrr. they built thing better back in the day lol, i'll never get rid of this jiffy. thanks again for the help guys
  13. i use these style with a 2 way rig. split shot on the end, a snell hook 6" up from the bottom, and a floating jig head 6-12" up from that with tail hooked minnows.. seems to work well for me lol
  14. Hey guys.. i pick up my new truck tomorrow and have the go ahead from the wife to get back up to the cottage on monday for the week. Taking the same buddys as last time, and they now know to stay away from the logs sticking out of the ice lol. i hear there is close to 20" of ice up there in some of the bays so i'm looking forward to getting out again. Hopefully the trout will be on this time lol. I will have pics up and a full report when i get back. and i'll tryto get all my video's up on youtube so i can link them.. Cheers!!
  15. anyone know the price of lead.. ? i found a bunch of lead pucks and big chunks of left overs from making torpedo's for lake ontario.
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