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Everything posted by Heybud_e

  1. welcome aboard fellow niagarian...
  2. no no, its no prob remo, im sure i can find somewhere to dispose of it, not a prob... and you can count me in to clean up the area i fish, i usually bring a bag with me to clean up every now and again (when the bite is slow) Give props to all who participate.... Ontario, Keep it beautiful!! Bud
  3. what cha reccon we do wiff al deese trash bags when their full??? i know i have a 2 bag limit... just curious...Bud
  4. nicely said Terry, the picture is worth 1000 words, i couln't agree more... Bud
  5. i think i am going to order that mold, they look kinda interesting... glad i could help if i did tomcat... happy posting ....Bud
  6. i have found in the past cpl years that they have been a little wormier than usual, so i would asume that could be part of the reason.. (my opinon)
  7. well i can agree with ya, last july during my fishing trip to elliot lake i have caughten more than usual, still only kepted my personal limit of 3...
  8. well, maybe this will help you out..... Bud http://www.do-itmolds.com/products/jigmold...rave_digger_jig
  9. here is a picture of my son and his very first fish, we took a small hike through our backyard and right to the water reservoir, where i casted his spinner bait and let him have it from there on in... Bud
  10. why thank you for the info.. just seen on the ctc store flyer, they got a a vinyl waterproof suit for 9.99! but im sure ill walk out with 50$ spent.. EASILY lol it will be my actual first day fishing where i have no time restrictions so im hoping for the best... Bud
  11. well i was quite exstatic to find out that i have a day off today woohoo! (doesnt happen to often) so i plan to go fishing with another co-worker who was also given the day off, who is indeed a full blown knowlegable frenchman . from what i hear its sposed to dump down rain here so i was wondering where i could get in in-expensive but decent raincoat?? my first thought was CTC.... thanks for suggestions.... Bud
  12. dang ur good..
  13. make sure u have html checked... in your posting options
  14. where is the storm? it flurried for a small bit here, but nothing major... it was actually nice out today...
  15. good job little angler... keep it up!!
  16. awesome, you guys are great! i also got a jigging mold, looks like stingray in a way, pure lead is good, nice and clean..
  17. or how about.. when you old timers used to walk 4 miles to get to school in the snow with no boots??? LoL
  18. thanks northhunter, im actually heading to Elliot Lake in July, im sure i can manage to hit Sudbury if i dont find any here....
  19. wow that place is still there!!! i havnt been in that little town for a longgg time... i used to live there for 13 years, will definatly check that out!
  20. i have a fujifilm finepix A400... not bad for the money i spent....
  21. could it be the glass shad rap?
  22. ahhh gotcha, id like to get my hands on some for a few spoons, got a bucket of spoons which the paint had peeled off and some i found snorkelling... may as well use em for something....
  23. ahhh gotcha, id like to get my hands on some for a few spoons, got a bucket of spoons which the paint had peeled off and some i found snorkelling... may as well use em for something....
  24. cool nippissing, i am taking notes i am also wondering about that glow n dark paint i just seen, have u tried it? has anyone tried it??
  25. can i get the powder paint at like walmart, or michaels or something like that??
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