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Posts posted by Victor

  1. Hi everyone!


    it's been a while since i have a report-worthy outing. Spent two hours at the Grand after school today for some carp action. I started targetting them late last year and before today's outing ... my PB was a 5lber lol. Here are the pics ...


    first of the day - 3-4lb range ... for some reason i always catch the tiny ones that no one's able to catch lol



    and here's my new pb ... a 12lber according to my berkley scale ... i've never handled a fish this size before so i'm struggling alittle ... you can see it on my face




    i just looked back at my fishing log ... these are my 6th, and 7th carp and i've gone out more than 20 times since i started targetting them. Sometimes it is frustrating but i can't be any happier today. Just want to take this opportunity to thank a few OFNer who has helped me alot - Photoz, Wolfville, MJL and Dsn.


    i read Snog's post regarding "blurring photographs" but i think it's unnecessery since we have a healthy carp fishery and there aren't that many people who keep them anyway. If anyone would prefer these pics to be "blurred", please let me know.


    to end off the report ... i'll show you guys what's a tiny carp haha ... it was caught when i went sucker-fishing 3 weeks earlier ...


  2. now i don't feel so bad for getting skunked all week at the grand :D ...


    nice bowfin and defintely a nice day out though, especially with ur dad

    i'm heading out tmr night for some crappie ... hopefully i can break off the no fish spell since last time i went out for suckers lol

  3. i forgot about it when i got home last night lol ... now you'll have to wait till tonight :D


    just for reference ... i think alot of the crappie caught at the opener this weekend will be bigger than my carp haha

  4. but hey, they have a right to live and reproduce as much as I do.




    thanks for the report minnow! it's just nice to catch some fish and "warm up" for the openers.


    i'll be heading out tomorrow...if there's no action... i'll put my hat sideways and see what happens haha



  5. urbanangler: who told you that there's going to be a 5th game? lol


    it's not possible to shut down VC .. but if we are able to hold down the other Nets scorers then it should be okay ... VC isn't kobe after all :D ... with bargnani back out i'm sure we'll do fine

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