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Posts posted by Victor

  1. You should try them next time...Afraz and Fishingitis say they're tasty...Maybe they're like tilapia where their diet of excrement makes them so tender and juicy :D


    Actually I did try eating them already at a restaurant, deep fried. It was quite good but then alot of fish taste similar when deep fried.


    I wouldn't eat anything from where I was fishing, lots of sewage outlet mixed in with gasoline :S.

  2. Hey Vic


    Good to see you’re enjoying your trip…Very eager to hear about your squid fishing adventures...I'm actually tempted to run out and get some calamari myself.LOL


    Do you know what that species of fish is you caught?


    I have no idea what it's called in English, but I know its chinese name. I guess "rabbit fish" it is. However I don't think they are herbivores. These fish like to eat crap (literally crap), you find them around the dirtier water and they have tiny mouths. Here in HK people usually use an octopus hook (basically like 8 hooks all on one shank), put some dough above the hooks and snag them.


    Very nice! Talk about fresh! I guess its cheaper to buy from the locals then the commercial fisheries? Or is that their commercial fishery? :Gonefishing: They probably don't need a commercial license either!


    One question. Where are their rods?lol

    these would be considered local fisheries and they should be cheaper/fresher. The fish are probably caught by netting and the crabs/shrimp by submerging cages. As for the clams and other hardshelled seafood I have no idea :S

  3. Hey all,


    I'm currently on my grad trip in Hong Kong. I have been here since Apr 21 and will be staying till beginning of June. However, even though I'm on the other side of the globe I still come on every so often and I still think fishing everyday :P. Did a side trip to Taiwan for 10 days and I dropped lots of $$ at the tackle shops there already. Most fishing in Taiwan and Hong Kong is saltwater and their tackle/technique is very different.


    Yesterday I visited the public pier at Saigon, Hong Kong.



    Along the pier all these fishermen display/sell their catch to the pedestrians on the pier, once the buyer pick out what he wants, the fisherman would use a long net to deliver the items.



    Creatures in saltwater are just so colorful and pretty.



    Of course I did a little bit of fishing and tried out the new whip that I bought in Taiwan.



    That was the only fish that I caught but I'm happy to catch anything. I did raise a decent sized crab at one point but it let go of the bait when I tried to lift it out of the water. O well. I have made plans to fish for squid later in the week.


    I hope everyone is doing great back home and I will post again on my squid trip if I'm successful :P



  4. Hey Vic...When are you coming back?


    We need your DSLR :thumbsup_anim: ...Brookies are some of the most challenging subjects I've ever taken pics of...1/2 chrome, 1/2 kaleidoscope of colours and they never sit still for very long :lol:



    I'm back on the night of June 3rd, which means I'll be good to go on June 4th :D!!!


    Aren't you guys using Ant's? You should just do bursts, take multiple pics all in short period of time and I'm pretty sure one out of many would be nice.

  5. Great report Stephen! Looks like you have been having lots of fun and success lately! I certainly have to get Randy to teach me how to fish with the whip one day.


    Are these carp from ontario ? there are grey and ornage fish in there, how the heck did that happen ?


    All the carps i have seen here are golden / brownish never seen any grey and orange ones.


    I find that the smaller carp here are usually grey/silvery (maybe up to about 5lbs or so) ... then the bigger ones are all golden/yellow/orangey

  6. They hydro lines are right there, and we wondered if they hit them also. We were so busy watching the fire and arcing sparks we didn't pay attention to why at that point. I was actually shaking I was so worried about him. I do think that he either hit the line or something on the ground, as the big blue fireballs came from the ground up and the tires on the manlift were melted rubber in the end.




    The lift probably did touch the wires and it's grounded to the ground (tires) ... glad that he's fine

  7. LOL that 2nd last carp looks like barney gumble or something, it looks drunk....and ugly.

    ive caught about 4 carp maybe 5 in my life,none really gave me a "good fight" all were in the 10lb range. Although i still have many people tell me stories about hard fighting carp. they're just too ugly for me


    If you don't fish for the table, and only does C&R, it doesn't really matter how they look like. You can hook into big fish and potentially get decent numbers as well within a 15 minutes drive from home. (seeing that you're from Hamilton, I'm actually very jealous of that)


    They do fight harder when it's warmer, maybe all the ones you've hooked into so far were caught during the cooler months? If you have a couple of hours to kill, give it another go when it's warmer. Hamilton Harbour houses alot of big fish, there are some 30s in there and even 40s have been caught.

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