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Posts posted by Victor

  1. Great to read a report from you Mike!

    I can't believe you nutbars had dinner then fished again on the open ice 'till 1am after fishing all day in the cold! For ling! :lol:


    I think I remember what it was like to have that kind of fire burning in my belly. :) Ahh to be young.



    You're a fighter, stay the course and beat this thing!


    I'm looking forward to showing you some special steelhead spots this year.


    Chris, very nice gesture of you.




    We were pretty tired by the time we walked back to the car with all the snow/slush, after a full day of fishing. I was devastated lol, drilled alot of holes and covered alot of grounds trying to find some active fish, and skunking.


    Couldn't have passed up the chance to redeem myself when we heard that the ling turn on at night haha. That was my biggest ever fish on ice though so i was happy. Now I just need to catch my first ever laker soon.

  2. Good luck with the job search kemper, cant really help ya with finding one though.


    The job market does seem better now than when I was doing co-op (the last 2-3 years). You should totally look into tackle companies lol, that'd be awesome if you can work for one. :clapping:

  3. Thank you very much for the tip. Here's one for you. Try either bread or maggots. You can roll the fresh bread into balls or tear off a piece and pinch one end of it, put the hook through the pinched end. Use a light weight. Good Luck. And yes Tobasco or any other hot sauce is good. Just a dab'll do ya.


    I've never tried for them in the winter time but i doubt that maggots will stay on the hook long enough till a carp come by. It'll turn into a perch fest lol.

  4. a couple of us were out today as well. it was COLD.


    we fished shallower and only got into some perch. It was tough.


    Good on ya for braving the elements and you sure were rewarded :thumbsup_anim:


    be sure to bring the water next time though, being a few clicks away from shore, exhausted + dehydrated's not really a good thing

  5. Your right your 345 is only a single 200 kHz beam & the dual beam is not the transducer you need.

    As for "Im just going back to where I bought it and see what they'll do for me" I hope it works for you but don't hold your breath.


    Call: 1-800-633-1468

    or www.humminbird.com & click Support

    Although I have never required to go this route I've heard they will give you a North bay # to call. All reports I've seen are that North Bay # will look after you quite well.


    Hummingbird 345c


    Woodsman, it should be a dual beam model.

  6. This is a great post! Good job 'Dude' haha.


    I used to keep one as well, just a very simple excel spreadsheet. After each trip I'd type in a few words: where, when, who, what, etc.


    for a period of time I was going out quite alot so I stopped doing the journal (it's like coming home at night and then get ready for next morning).


    This certainly made me want to start again!

  7. It really varies depending what car you got. I checked 2-3 years ago (i was 20 back then), to put me as the primary driver of my family car, a 2001 nissan sentra, was $4000+ a year. It's ridiculous. I've had a license since i was 16 and my whole family including myself has a clean record. Mind you the company was more catered for people in their 50s+ (like my parents)


    I've actually been looking to get a car myself as well. I heard that TD has pretty good rates but their services aren't the greatest.


    Maybe you can look into buying an older car and only get the "3rd party insurance" or something like that.

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