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Posts posted by Victor

  1. have not used either camera, but i did a quick search on google and there are alot of comparison articles/forum topics you can look at. From the general consensus seems like the main differences in terms of features are:


    1) Xsi 12MP vs D3000 10MP

    2) Xsi has liveview and D3000 doesn't


    Good luck! You might get real good deals on boxing day but if you really need it for xmas you don't have a choice i guess

  2. it's still early to make any predictions ... but i'll comment on what i see so far


    good things

    1) bosh is finally playing like an all star, I think he's within top 5 of the league for ppg, rebs and FTA

    2) barg also improved quite a bit, more confidence, less stupid fouls

    3) I'm liking the defense from amir johnson and wright


    bad things

    1) can't close games

    2) personally I find that they don't go to a player when they're hot ... in one game I remember barg + turkolu each had their moments, but they never got the ball back to their hands

    3) wright needs to know that he's a defensive player and is not a major offensive force ... multiple times i saw bosh/barg calling for the ball but he decided to drive in himself, and on most cases he missed/turned it over


    It's still early so there's plenty of time to get more chemistry going ... i'm also curious to see what will happen when reggie evans comes back. It is kind of disappointing to see them lose to both Magic and Spurs without some of their starters (lewis + VC for magic and TD + TP for spurs).

  3. Awesome pics generously proportioned


    This past weekend, Victor was curled up in the fetal position and mumbling "when is my new camera coming" over and over again. Perhaps when he sees this thread it will drive him even more insane :thumbsup_anim:


    I finally got the tracking # which means they shipped it and it'll be here by today :D!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY.


    Great pics Anthony, just wish that we can attach a piece of line/hook onto those pellets lol


    I'm heading up to algonquin this coming weekend so hopefully I can bring back some nice pics.

  4. I'd personally save the pics and get a replica done when you can afford it.


    I second that. As I'm also a student right now, I'd say, it's not really a great idea to have to put down so much $ + monthly payment of something that you don't absolutely need at the moment. You have the measurements & pics, so you can always get it done later.

  5. Nice fish Victor it's sad but i see those all over the place when im out anyway im sure theres one with your name on it out there this season we should get out soon


    Uh Trevor! It's been a while, hope all is well. We shall go for another carp outing at hamilton sometime in the near future, they're putting on the feedbag this time of the year.

  6. Did ya weigh it?




    It's in my fridge right now, i'll let you know when i get home :w00t:


    And for everyone else who wants to know how I caught this beast:

    A roe bag drifted near the bottom at a relatively deep pool with a small steelhead hook. This thing also gave me quite the fight, the float shot straight down right away when I hooked him. Unfortunately I think I was overly excited, palmed the reel too hard so it couldn't pull much line out.

  7. wow...crazy!


    i'm gonna give river fishing a go tomorrow morning for the first time ever.


    Thanks for the info you have provided victor, i'll let you know what happens and whether or not you'll be seeing me in the fall for steel haha :D


    That certainly was a new PB, although it's not legit (snagged in the guts... wait... if i deep hook a fish, the hook WOULD be in his guts... so ... lets just say it's legit haha).


    As you can see, i'm not really the best person to ask for advice lol (with my limited experience out there), i hope you do bettter than me though.

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