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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Every wood burning stove circumstance is different.....depending on how your vented out......if you have only one turn on the chimney that close to the stove where it gets hot, then you might have a clean burning unit....however, if you have more then one turn or the turn in the chimney is far away from the stove where it's starting to cool down...well this could collect a lot of soot that needs cleaning once a year... My wood burning stove is a high tech design that doesn't put out much of any smoke, PLUS I have a completely straight run UP and out...every year I take off the chimney cap and find NOTHING to clean out. The wood you burn and how hot you burn it also makes a huge difference. Bob
  2. 30hp in the 4 stroker
  3. Yep, mines all done too.......I hunting way to much now to fish.....but when I was much younger I fished in my boat all year long...
  4. LOL.................it's going to be a LONG EDGEY night in AMERICA...
  5. W.T.H. Skippy.....you're blowing my cover.......
  6. Skipper..........we had a GREAT 3 Hour Tour.......
  7. It's starting to come together.....
  8. ALL PICTURES ARE WHEN YOU WERE YOUNGER.... Think about that...
  9. When I upgraded my panel I had a license electrician do it...he put a box on the outside of my house and I run a 40' huge line from the generator to that box...and that box also has has main breaker that I keep off all the time...(God, I will not play with the big electric stuff)...it then was inspected by the electric company here (NYSEG) and approved...so I'm good to go..
  10. The correct way is to come in from the bottom of your main panel with a feed just for the generator and that switch is always off until you lose power....then you turn off the TOP main switch and ALL the breakers on the panel...then start your generator and feed the panel from the bottom of the MAIN switch that controls the generator feed only...LEAVE THE TOP MAIN SWITCH OFF AT ALL TIMES WHILE USING THE GENERATOR SO NO BACK FEED GOES TO THE POLE.....then one by one start turning on the breakers to feed the things like the well pump, furnace, sump pump, fridge, etc depending on how much your generator can handle...mines large enough to feed the whole house including the A/C if need be...but most times if we lose the electric it's not needed...during our storm storm on Oct 13, 2006 we didn't have power from the electric company for 7 days...but that was a unusual HEAVY WET SNOW STORM that came with all the trees with their leaves still on...THOUSANDS of trees were destroyed and with them the power lines came down leaving over 100,000 homes without power.
  11. VERY Nice looking fillets...... So I'm guessing that those who support all catch and release DON'T HUNT...
  13. I DO have a BAD BAD habit of killing EVERYTHING I eat..... When Janice at work ask me why I kill all those nice animals, I told her "because they just wouldn't stay on my plate when I try to cut them up if I don't kill them first...(true story) Almost every week she asks me if I killed any more animals...and of course I say yes even if I didn't go hunting (or fishing).....
  14. LOL.... :rofl2: That's like me saying I'm a vegetarian....except I like steak....I LOVE STEAK....GOD I LOVE STEAK...
  15. Somehow I don't believe you....LOL...as you are ALWAYS there...
  16. So, no you're wrong....I may be wrong, but I don't remember mentioning my truck once here...
  17. THERE YOU GO AGAIN....IGNORING THE NHTSA and NASA reports that is was INDEED DRIVERS ERROR....you read the report....YES...so it doesn't fit your means you elect to ignore it....just admit that you will never again have me address this.
  18. So you're completely ignoring the report from NHTSA and NASA because it doesn't conform to your opinion because you like GM.... :wallbash: GOOD IDEA... :rolleyes: Edited to add it case you (BillM) didn't read all of the article... But NHTSA also mentioned another possible cause: drivers pushing the gas instead of the brakes. Many drivers may have confused the gas and brake pedals a problem that may account for "the vast majority" of the unintended acceleration incidents the agency investigated, NHTSA deputy administrator Ron Medford said at Tuesday's NHTSA press briefing. "What mostly happened was pedal misapplication where the driver stepped on the gas instead of the brake or in addition to the brake," Medford said. OH...forgot to add this part too... This summer, NHTSA released the results of some investigations into Toyota sudden acceleration incidents. Those investigations specifically looked into 58 alleged unintended acceleration cases. These investigations suggested that drivers themselves may have been partly at fault. But I'm sure this is NOT even good enough for those Toyota haters.....
  19. With every vehicle it comes to the "bottom line".....and that is where Honda and Toyota excel EVERY time....check the trade in values for any Dodge, GM or Ford in the same model size vehicle to a Honda and Toyota and the Toyota and Honda will bring a MUCH better trade in / resale value EVERY TIME.....GEE...I wonder why.... But either way you choose....please PLAY nice... Drive SAFE,..(in the middle lane) Bob
  20. Actually Billy M you might need to apologize to the "Big Guy"...as he's really right......As I do remember this on our World News about a year or so ago....of course it was a VERY short report admitting that Toyota was right all along....here's one of the FEW articles every written about it... http://money.cnn.com/2011/02/08/autos/nhtsa_nasa_toyota_final_report/index.htm
  21. I had a 1995 GMC Safari.....CRAPPO....first vehicle with ONLY 63,000 miles on it that I had to replace the FLY WHEEL...let me correct that...it was the ONLY vehicle I had to replace a fly wheel on...and absublately NO HELP from GM...I can't remember everything that went wrong with that WHILE it was under warranty....and I had to fight tooth and nail for GM to repair it....exhaust when it was only 2 years old...Rear shocks at the same time and they didn't want to replace them...BOTH front door power windows....rear hatch struts...power release on the hatch...it went on and on and on....that was the vehicle that made me SWEAR OFF ALL GM vehicles since.
  22. I TAKE WHAT I WANT.....
  23. Me too....since a LONG time ago I did have one of their credit cards that earned points to use a money when purchasing a vehicle....If I remember correctly, I got just over $1800.00 off the price using those points...then shortly afterward they ended that program...and to today, GM still sends me the adds for their vehicles just as if I still had their GM Credit Card... I am a customer of their online bank..."ALLY BANK"...best rates ANYWHERE...
  24. Interesting INFO for those in the market for a new car........ http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121030/BUSINESS/121039970/1005
  25. BTW just for INFO.......our NYS Fishing and Hunting license runs from Oct 1st to Sept 30th.....so if you get it now you will have it for almost the whole year/season. Bob
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