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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. NO NO NO....it was suppose to be a car that ran on WATER....see here... http://www.videosurf.com/video/government-has-a-car-that-runs-on-water-man-1282394043?vlt=
  2. LOL....it don't get no better then that....
  3. IF and when they do open a season on these birds....well this is what it's going to sound like... http://www.videosurf.com/video/bang-bang-bangity-bang-wmv-1254078649?vlt=
  4. Sounds like a GREAT day to spend with the family...you know the old saying "A family that shoots together, stays together"... When I was in high school we could get 1 legal day off a year to go hunting...just had to bring in your hunting license to the principal's office and tell them what day you wanted off....gee, that was the only time I didn't mind going to the principal's office...LOL...go figure...
  5. Around here KFC is better know as Kentucky Fried Rat......but now Randy has proven they use some kind of creature that has feathers....So now I'm thinking Cormorant too.... ....heck, that could be our answer to the cormorant problem....Randy how many times a week do you go to Kentucky Fried Cormorant ? ? ?
  6. Not a deal.....sounds like a STEAL....
  7. Are Osprey overrunning the lakes by the thousands near you ? If so show some pictures...I'm sure we would all love to see them. Meanwhile take a look at these pictures....see anything pretty about them. Now wouldn't you like to have them all over your dock and shoreline...
  8. If you enjoyed a gun show you would LOVE a gun raffle....our fire department does one each year in Feb.....we sell 500 tickets and they go FAST.....$25 includes 11 raffles of guns....all the beer and food you can eat and drink....there are 50/50 raffles....last year the first one yielded $935 each....and then we have another 10 side raffles ($5 each) for even more guns....GREAT TIME by all that attend.....there are many of these raffles around, especially in the winter months....but tickets can be hard to obtain....go figure...
  9. Yep....that's how I get all of my firearms....
  10. It probably does and many unlucky people live that nightmare every day....but that's mostly in the areas that have all but banned guns for law abiding citizens......where I live it's a safe as can be....don't even lock the door most times...well the wife does....garage hasn't been lock in over 30 years....truck and car is never locked in the driveway...but this isn't the norm for many folks who live in the big cities where only the scumbags have guns....oh, and the clerks who drive around in police cars. I pray you and your family continue to be safe as prayer is the only hope you have. Be Safe, Bob
  11. It only takes one time and if you can't defend them is that OK with you....it's not with me....I could never live with myself if anything ever happened to a family member of mine while I stood by helpless.
  12. In the City of Buffalo (thank God I don't live there) I have always considered cops as clerks with guns....they show up well after the fact....take down notes of the crime scene and then basically nothing....it was reported, recorded and forgotten... rare do they ever find who shot who down there....and I'm starting to wonder if they really care... ...it's to the point that shooting are happening so often in the city I don't even bother reading about them any more...hell, most don't even make the front page... GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE , PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE ...oh my, now I'm agreeing with Capt Bruce.... ....truest statement I have read all day long.
  13. Tackle stores is probably the easiest place to start but you might find some for less money elsewhere....are you planning on selling the lures and need a lot or just a little for your own use.....what about hardware stores and maybe a piano/music store/repair shop...with Toronto being a very large city, you should be able to find some without a problem....get the diameter measurement and start calling around by using the yellow pages.
  14. This September I was untying my boat at Erie Basin Marina launch to do some late season walleye fishing....just starting to get a bit light when all hell broke out...bang bang bang bang and so forth....the security guard came running over to me asking me where the shots are coming from...(now for those not familiar with Erie Basin Marina, it's in downtown Buffalo). The last time this many shots where heard in downtown Buffalo 4 were killed at the City Grill after a wedding....but this time I knew all the shots came from the lake.....after we launched we putted out of the harbor only to hear and this time see these yahoo's banging away at Canada Geese from inside the outer harbor....that's city limits even by the longest Redneck's imagination....those are the guys that give real hunters a bad name...
  15. ALL firearm purchasers must have a instant background check before the firearm can be sold.
  16. About 2 years ago our local TV news had a story that a man was walking down the street with a shotgun or rifle and police picked him up after someone called them....they never followed up on the story....problem was they probably couldn't as no laws were broken....yes, it is against the law to discharge a firearm in many villages and even some towns here...but possession of a firearm (long gun) is not a crime.....but don't have a loaded long gun in a vehicle or even leaning up against a vehicle while hunting...that's a no no that's going to cost you dearly.
  17. So, what religion do you think cormorants practice.....
  18. Excuse me Doc, who's words are these.....
  19. So then your against controlling rats....... How about skunks under your deck or all over your neighbourhood....rabid raccoons are good with you also....and how about millions of uncontrolled dogs and cats....you must be against neutering them, right. And you must NEVER kill any mosquitoes or black flies or you would be going against everything you have posted here. The list could go on and on....
  20. GYPSY400, good post....see that's exactly what I have been trying to say....first hand experience vs study study study study until the resource is dead or beyond repair. For all those who read everything that is published about the cormorant and take it as gospel....I have one important question......what is the cormorants natural enemy that is suppose to keep this flying black fish eating rat in check...
  21. I don't think you high jacked this thread at all....as a matter of fact I highly doubt the OP is to be taken for real....at least I don't believe any or all of that info. I think it was meant to be a joke in all honesty. Virginia seems like a very reasonable state when it comes to gun ownership....I think it's about time we regain our Constitutional Rights back....states and or local governments are going against the law by restricting my 2nd Amendment Rights IMHO.....the NRA is making headway through the courts but it's a slow and very expensive process....however, without the NRA you would be luck to own a BB gun.... Antigun groups continue to ignore hard facts when arguing what they want and what is real and what the majority of the USA citizens want. Damn.....now you got me going.....I going to send out another fat check to the NRA today....
  22. Yep, just driving from one state to another with your hand gun can get very sticky.....your carry permit is legal in the state it was issued and not in the state you may be driving through....lots of guys don't realize that. Art, how strict is Virginia....in NYS we have some of the strictest in the country.....took me 6 months or more to get my pistol permit and that was over 30 years ago....probably harder now, and more expensive.
  23. Not even close in most states....there are some states where you can purchase and carry a hand gun without a permit, but they are few and far in between from years ago. Here in NYS you wouldn't even be able to handle a handgun in a gun shop without showing your pistol permit first....BTW our crime in NYS is much higher then those states that are more liberal in purchasing and carrying a side arm....go figure, eh.
  24. No one is ticked off here, at least I'm not....I guess your reading skills need to be brushed up on... Like I have said, I have WAY more REAL experience then you do in these matters......so I trust my experience a lot more then any government agency telling me what's good for me....keep trusting the government and see where that gets you in the next 20 years....I can't blame you for your beliefs as I too was once young and believed all the things I read...but then I did all the things I was reading about and found out a lot of it did NOT add up. Doc, you're still a good egg in my eyes....we just don't agree on what to do with all the cormorant eggs.....hey did you notice the last for letters in cormorant....LOL.... Bob
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