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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. A simple 5 gallon bucket works fine...but get a old toilet seat and put on four small L brackets on the bottom side to prevent it from slipping off during use
  2. NOW THAT'S FUNNY..... :rofl2:
  3. Although I STILL can NOT ice fish here I was thinking of getting some gear prepped just in case......if you remember correctly I asked about a Super Line for my little Lake Erie perch rod and finally settled on Cabela's RipCord SI 4# test because it was on sale and less then half the cost ($6) of the recommended PowerPro.......but anyways....I have yet to spool it onto my perch rig because I like to use that reel ice fishing and have always used a light mono (4# test) while hard water fishing....has anyone here used a Super Braided line while ice fishing and if so what were the results...GOOD>>>>>>BAD... Should I wait until ice fishing season is over and spool it on and go with the 4# test I already have....or will I be better off with the Super Braid line...
  4. Skippy, I always said "You're a wild and crazy guy"....LOL..... BTW.......nice work......
  5. Boy, I thought there were a lot more nutty professors here....
  6. I "kind of" have something like that on my Tundra.....actually I was able to do this on almost every vehicle I have owned.... Notice the quart of oil stored under the hood right next to the washer reservoir (left side)....this way I always have a extra qt of oil if need be on long trips while towing or not.... Bob
  7. Sir, coupons are NOT junk mail in my house....that's a very serious matter around here.... "I have a COUPON"....who said that in Seinfeld ? ? ?
  8. I guess this guy didn't have any kids of his own....
  9. Oh, come on Billy....I heard that you have a bunch of........ WINNER IDEAS :rofl2: Bob...
  10. Actually I can read and make sense out of that.....
  11. Well, that's just one of the many fun things Pirates do, mate...
  12. When they lift their tops you'll know if they are girls or not....
  13. How many times have you thought....this would be a great idea to invent / develop but of course you never acted on it....SO, what were/are some of your ideas that actually might not be a bad idea...here's a couple of mine. How about a washer/dryer that calls or texts your cell phone that the laundry is done.... Small, very small coffee filters to fit into the My Cup filter screen for Keurig Coffee Makers....I really hate cleaning that filter screen out...
  14. YES, why is that...Capt Billy Bob....CLIFF did you hit my hooch again...
  15. That is correct.....I believe there was also another episode he said it in but not sure which one.
  16. But I don't want to be a Pirate....(Jerry Seinfeld)
  17. I hardly doubt you will get much help here from the Great White North...best I can recommend is Google the lake and start looking for a fishing forum local to where you will be fishing.... BTW are you going to be there for Mardi Gras.....if so take LOTS of pictures of those girls down there trying to get the beads....
  18. Hi Gord....are you sure you want to join this group.... Just be careful of.......oh, I better PM you about those guys.....
  19. OH PLEASE let me know when you're going to do this....this is the BEST FREE entertainment in the (fishing) world.... Seriously.....it's like people watching....we use to go in a large group to Oneida Lake every opening weekend and camp in our vans right at the launch parking lot....fished real early before sun up and would usually limit out...then back to the launch area, tie up the boats out of the way and get beer and lawn chair ready for the action to start....NEVER disappointed there....I believe the boat launch is the # 1 spot that divorces/break ups start...over the many years going there I think I have seen just about everything as many others here could attest to...
  20. Did that for YEARS...they still showed up everyday...but now not so much since I did the things that I already mentioned.
  21. Are you using English or Skippy language when you write....
  22. I know most of you guys are in Canada but I'm sure you all get the dreaded JUNK MAILINGS....so here's what I have found that has worked for me... In regards to junk mailings....some little known facts that might get rid of the same old crap you receive week after week after week.... On many (not all) credit card junk mailings there is either a address or phone number you have to contact to take yourself off their mailing list....LOOK hard at all the small print as that's where they hide it. I have also taken a RED magic marker on these credit applications and boldly marked "PLEASE REMOVE ME FROM YOUR MAILING LIST" then use their own postage paid envelope to mail it back to them.. Last but not least if none of the above actions didn't work (but you have to give them about 2 months for it to go through) take a pen or magic marker and write on the unopened envelope "RETURN TO SENDER" and put it back into the mail box....the post office will send it back to them and they have to pay for the return postage at first class rates....this they do not like or want to have continued... (this tip I got from my mailman Bill) THANKS BILL... I have done each of these above tactics because I was just sick and tire of the same crap every week...some (Southwest Airlines) would send me a credit card application 2 or three times a WEEK for BOTH me and my wife.... Now I am almost junk mail FREE (my favorite 4 letter word) and it feels GREAT.... Good Luck, Bob
  23. For those who are interested....enjoy.. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/article715747.ece
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