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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. And HOOCH....don't forget the HOOCH in case I drop by....
  2. As long as Buffalo has a football team, I highly doubt the NFL would allow a team in Toronto... From what I have read...only $135 million in stadium upgrades with the Bills actually putting in 35 Million of their own money...the remaining 95 million will come back to the state and county thru payroll taxes on the players...so in the long run we actually will pay nothing.
  3. Maple Leafs are having one of their best seasons ever....haven't lost a game and may go undefeated......
  4. I guess we have to put up with the BUFFALO Bills for the next 10 years....with a HEFTY FINE of 400 MILLION DOLLARS if they do leave Buffalo........if they keep playing the way they are maybe we'll pay them to leave...LOL http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121221/CITYANDREGION/121229867/1109
  5. If we continue to have more winter like last year...and so far this year...we will all have to relearn how to ice fish..... MOTHER NATURE...please bring us Cold Weather WITHOUT snow...you know that's a four letter word....MOD'S why isn't "SNOW" filter out on this board... I am writing this as a HUGE WINTER STORM bears down on us....the NWS has named it "DRACO"....first time I noticed a winter storm with a name...
  6. She thinks her middle name is "NO"
  7. I like catching pike..if they are good size fish.....but bass don't do it for me...I can catch all I want in Lake Erie, yet hardly ever fish for them...and they are big smallmouth.
  8. Now I have to learn how to say "Tundra NO" in French.... ..
  9. THANKS...
  10. OH, I guess I will never go to Quebec.....I only have A/T tires on the Tundra.... ....so Ontario will only get my tourist dollars...
  11. OH MAN....There's going to be a LOT of CASINOS up there.....
  12. SO...what you're saying is you don't trust the Fish and Game guys to bring life back to that lake because they are the ones that managed it to where it is now..... .......I HEAR YA......
  13. OH...that's RIGHT....after Friday.... ...
  14. Well, you can only eat so much Sugar Maple, Hickory Smoked BACON.....
  15. IMHO your spinning your wheels trying to manage a lake for sport fishing all the while it can be commercially netted....HOWEVER, perch are the #1 enemy to walleye fry...the more perch you have the lower chance ANY (natural or stocked) walleye fry have to grow large enough to spawn or be caught by anyone. Oneida Lake has seen a steady fluctuation of walleye depending on how large the perch population is...LOTS of perch mean a smaller percentage of walleye make it past the fry stage.
  16. For those interested in fishing streams and other areas on our side of the border (looks like some good opportunities).......... http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121218/SPORTS/121219152
  17. I have LOTS and LOTS of Hickory Wood...it's what I mostly use to heat the ranch... As matter of fact...I was splitting a bunch of it early this morning for kindling that I use to start my wood fires in the stove.
  18. Looks like a nice family car....
  19. That would be good in Toronto too....Better yet on QEW to get to Toronto...
  20. OH....that's the City of Buffalo....most normal people don't live there anyway's....it's now a waste land....best would be to fence it in and let them kill themselves without out our interference... But anything east and south of the City is very nice....and some areas north until you get into Niagara Falls, NY...it just as bad as Buffalo or worse...another fence would work there too.
  21. I just read/glanced at the report on Lake Erie....what a bunch of CRAP...the concerns listed have been the same for the last 30 years and now the fishing is some of the best I have seen in my 55 years of fishing it....EXPLAIN that Buck-O... Perch, walleye and smallmouth bass fishing in Lake Erie is the best in the WORLD....
  22. They would look good if you wear them to that bar tonight...
  23. I'm not sure what the hell you're talking about...but hot maple syrup on vanilla ice cream is the BEST...
  24. Here's a local article about it......LOL http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121219/CITYANDREGION/121219094/1002
  25. The way my wife has been charging Christmas Gifts this year...it would really bail me out...
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