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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. If I was smart I would.....so you know that's never going to happen....
  2. If you keep wasting your hard earned money on Seafoam it wouldn't be long before you run out of loonies ...... maybe then it will stop snowing...
  3. I think my Toyota Tundra is the best truck....
  4. A hunter and his friend were sitting in a tall tower stand near Highway 7 early one cold December morning. Suddenly, a huge buck walked out over the corn they had spread in the low shrubs. The buck was magnificent, a once in a lifetime animal. His rack was huge. The hunter's hand shook as his mind was already counting the Boone and Crockett points. Moving quickly, the hunter carefully aimed the Leopold scope on his .300 Win Mag at the unsuspecting buck. As he was about to squeeze the trigger on this deer of a lifetime, his friend alerted him to a funeral procession passing slowly down Highway 7. The hunter pulled away from the gunstock, set the rifle down, took off his hat, bowed his head and then closed his eyes in prayer. His friend was stunned, "Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen you do. You actually let that trophy deer go to pay respects to a passing funeral procession. You are indeed the kindest man I have ever known, and I feel lucky to call you a friend." The hunter shrugged. "Yeah, well, we were married for 37 years."
  5. I getting to hate you Fisherman....LOL We are suppose to get another 3-5" through out the day.....HOWEVER, we already have more than that....last week 42 inches and now this white puke is adding to it.....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  6. Yes, all old farts remember Commander Tom...I also remember watching I think was Commander Tom with Santa Claus....They kept reading off Santa Letters from all us good boys and girls...
  7. You guys got jam up there...home made jam....if so I'll be there in two shakes of a Ugly Stick...
  8. Don't you ever sleep up there......
  9. SMALL radio, no CD player.....it has to be small with good sound for when she's working and can listen to country music and weather reports on the AM side.
  10. So who makes the best small AM/FM transistor radio.....the bride wants one for Christmas....
  11. The 3 smaller TV sets are HD but only get HD reception when working off the roof antenna....HD IMHO is over blown.... When my son Billy comes into town he keeps telling me I need a new big TV with HD reception but I don't see it anytime in the near future the way my house is wired with 2 TiVo units hooked up to 6 TV's and can be run independently or share receivers.
  12. No new TV for me....I like my DirecTV TiVo units and I can't use them if I change my service of a HD TV...
  13. Someone beat you to it on Wednesday. And I stand by my mechanic in a can Bull.
  14. Are you saying Sony doesn't make any part of the TV or are you just referring to the "screens". Bob
  15. I'm just going by how long my 53" rear projection TV has lasted without any service to it....must be 12-14 years now... OK, so WHO make screens for Sony now...China would be my guess....
  16. Take a moment in this fast pace time of the year and sit back, read and listen to this.....I know it's a USA theme but the same can be said for your true hero's serving you and I away from their families so we can enjoy ours. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_P6yU_ymFM&feature=share Merry Christmas and God Bless Everyone, Bob
  17. Buy any brand you like as long as it's a SONY..... Don't mess with rest if you can afford the best....
  18. You will have to spell it out.......I don't speak Canadian...LOL
  19. About 10 years ago I had Lazik surgery from world renowned Canadian surgeon Andrew Taylor...I'm still 20/15....
  20. Have to disagree on this......I have 2 that are 60Hz and they suck on fast movements.......want a good easy test.....put a 60 Hz TV on ESPN News and watch the bottom line that is moving....the letters will be a little fuzzy compared to letters (type) that are not moving..not so on a 120 Hz TV....
  21. LOL
  22. Whatever you do don't listen to mercman about big screen TV's......he really has a large magnifying glass in front of his real old 13 inch Philco........
  23. If you get a LCD make SURE you get at least a 120 Hz.....this is a MUST if you watch any sports...it's the refresher rate of the pizels....the 60 Hz refresher rates SUCK for sports......240 Hz is even better but expensive and really not needed. Bob
  24. Must be one of those crazy Canadian things.... Bob
  25. CD......your dissecting this fish finder purchase way too much...with Global Warming and the Damn Demorcrats on the loose fishing may be outlawed by next spring.... Get another firearm, join the NRA and get ready for the revolution.... Redneck Bob
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