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Everything posted by fishnpro

  1. Was out on jacks yesterday and only manage to get one walleye, there was about 8 inches of black ice and about 2-3 inches on white ice. Was also talking to a local and he was saying that hurricane point area is still unsafe.
  2. can anyone give me a good report on sparrow lake and how the ice is holding up?? planning a trip and want to know b 4 I make the drive......if anyones been out...how's the fishing been??
  3. Hey guys thanks for all your help. We are leaving at 2am and are goin to dalhouie but I havent been there in years so I forgot how to get there.Could someone please give me directions A.S.A.P.. Thanks for all you help again. Fishnpro
  4. Hey guys, all the tribs in the east are frozen shut so I was hoping that someone could help me out and tell me how the fishing at niagara or dalhousie been lately?? Is it worth my 3 hr drive to go there or should I not even bother? Thanks Fishnpro
  5. I hope santa is reading this because I have just found out from the marina that I blew 2 pistons in my 150 v-max so I hope that santa can bring me the 150 evinrude e-tec iv always wanted.
  6. Hey steve nice fish! where did you get those if you dont mind me asking? I also go to fleming and am a 2nd yr F&W student. We`ve been hitting the eastern tribs with great success but I want to try somewhere new. Also people tend to get mad a gill hold shots so you might just wanna let your buddy know before taking a pic next time. Great report and good luck!
  7. Sounds like you had a great day. I was out there with my school doing our annual fall fish survey. We trapped a couple nice sized walleye and one small muskie that day. It sure was a nice day out.
  8. Hey addy79. The sinker is stopped by the splitshot from hitting your hook so the sinker is 18" away from the hook and I like to use number 10 hooks unless they are circle hooks then I prefer an 8 but iv even used #16 that i use for single eggs and caught them so it all really depends on how quick you can set the hook.
  9. Bottom bouncing with floating roe bags has always worked for me. Just a simple 1/2oz egg sinker and a small split shot to keep your egg sinker away from your hook. I place my splitshot about 18" from my hook. Good Luck!
  10. Nice job guuys. I though i recognized you from somewhere. I was the one who was fishing under the bridge for the most part and then I walk down to the pool that ccm was fishing. Did you guys end up goiing anywhere else?? right after you left that hole i managed to get a nice male from under the logs. Ill be back there today so I hope to see you around.
  11. My brother and I stayed on Lake Pakwash. It is about 15 mins north of Ear Falls and the fishing is amazing. On my brothers first cast of the trip he landed a nice 42"/20lb pike. We also boated many nice sized walleye through out the week. The lake is smaller than Lac Seul but it still gets pretty rough out there.
  12. Hey CC, me and my buddy where thinking of going ice fishing at the mouth of the ganny or oshawa. I was just wondering if you could tell me if icefishing has been productive this winter?? Also what are some good baits to bring? Any info you can give me would be helpful. Thanks, Fishnpro
  13. Was planning on going to simcoe sometime next week for whities and lakers but I have never really fished for them and am not to sure where to go. I don't have a sled or atv so I don't know any places where I can walk out not to far. What are some basic lures I should bring with me. Iv heard meggs work real good but what do you tip them with?? Iv also heard you have to chum your holes before fishing or its very hard to catch them, is that true? Anyone? -Fishnpro
  14. Thanks alot fort the help guys. Ill make sure to leave my southern ontario bait at home lol. If anyone could just tell me where I can get bait somewhere on callender bay??
  15. I was thinking about heading to nippissing this weekend with a buddy and was wondering if anybody would happen to know the ice thickness on callender bay or the west arm??? Also where are some good area so go?? I have never fished nippissing in the winter only summer. Also can I buy minnows down south and bring them up with me?? Any info you can give me id appreciate. -Fishnpro
  16. Which side of the lake does your source check the ice because i dont think it is that thick by ceasarea.
  17. East tribs all the way!
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