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Everything posted by fishnpro

  1. well looks like your gonna miss some good fishing this morning. Im hoping to be the first one there to secure my spot for the day lol.
  2. Looks like someone didn't take the time to take the hook out properly.
  3. Cant go wrong with scugog. I hear they have been doing pretty well for walleye lately. Try fishing the buoy markers in front of Goreski's or the ones just north of those.
  4. So when can I get a sample of some of these lol. Nice jigs bud, i need to learn how to tie like that so I can stop buying them.
  5. I think all salmon posts should be banned for the remainder of the season. Ever f-ing week its the same crap about salmon and snagging and poaching and im getting tiered of reading this crap every day. Can someone please do something!
  6. Thanks alot guys you`ve helped me out big time. The rod is a st.croix and I didnt really wanna send it away but I will go to my local tackle store and get them to fix it. Atleast this way I can still use my rod for the rest of the season.
  7. Hey guys, I was fishing a couple weeks ago and hit my rod tip off the boat and the ceramic ring on the top guide popped out. I tried to pop it back in place with some super glue but it only held for a couple days and with out it there it frays the line. Is there any other way of getting it back in there or should I try and get it replaced. Does anyone know where I can get it replaced?? -Thanks, Fishnpro
  8. DMASSE nice fish bud and thats a beauty brown. Im jealous as I am yet to catch one this year.
  9. Hey DMASSE, it looks like you got into some nice fish today. I only manage to hook one but it broke off right away. I might be out there tomorrow or Saturday so hope to see you there. It was nice meeting you. Good Luck! -Fishnpro
  10. Oh you mean line them right.
  11. Hey, how did you end up doing after I left??
  12. I will waste every last penny i have to go out and catch that 1 chinny because it beats staying in the house all day. Personally I fish at least 5 times a week and I have no problem going out and washing off all my spoons and rapalas. Oh and just let you guys know iv already hooked 2 fish in the creeks and believe me they weren't the only 2 there.
  13. Don't get discouraged Fishing For Life, I have gone out many times in the past and not caught a thing. Believe me, when it comes to early season Chinooks you have to hit the right day and when you do you`ll be lucky if your arms don't fall off by the time you leave. It takes a lot of patients but it pays off. Ill be out all night this Friday trying to hook into another silver bullet. Good Luck and dont give up!! -Fishnpro
  14. I was at bronte last night and hammered 211 Chinook all on roe....I think everyone should go to bronte, thats where all the fish are
  15. For salmon I like to use 12lb andy line. Toughest line iv ever used and have never broken off..........I usually like to downsize for rainbow especially in the spring. -Fishnpro
  16. WOW! Take me with you next time lol. Those are some nice fish DanC so keep em comin. Good Luck!
  17. Daiwa for sure or high end shimano.
  18. Does anyone know any spots where I could wade in and fish pads?? I wouldnt mind gettin the waders out and goin topwater.
  19. Im always fishing in bowmanville and oshawa so Ill prolly see you around muddywater because I myself will be trying to enter some fish this year also.
  20. Hey guy, I've been out to simcoe twice in the last week and we fished around thor. for smallies with little success. I know this is a good spot because we have seen countless amount of fish and some really big ones to. My brother managed to hook a 5+ smallie on a spinner bait but other than that we didn't get much. I was hoping someone could tell me what is working this time of year? We have used everything from cranks to tubes. We are fishing anywhere from 5-15ft of water around the island. We are going to be going back out this weekend again in hopes of landing some big smallies so if anyone could tell me what I am doing wrong or should try I would really appreciate it. You can pm me if you feel come comfortable. -Fishnpro
  21. Its hard to say what fluoro is the best but I use P-Line Halo 10lb test and I like it alot but I am considering going to the 8lb. -Fishnpro
  22. I went there to go and get my motor inspected by them and they told me you need a new motor......he even had one priced out already when I came back to pick it up. Id stay far away from that place if I we`re you.
  23. fishnpro


    Hey kemper, I was the one who netted that beauty of a brown for ya. There are some nice gators down there and you will definitely see me more often. Give me a pm if you ever wanna hit the spot for the day or something. -Fishnpro
  24. Those are some beauties. I was just wondering if you where fishing any of the eastern tribs because I was thinking of heading down tomorrow but I don't want to make the hour drive if the creeks are high and muddy. Any info would be appreciated. -Fishnpro
  25. I know what you mean corvette. I was out fishing this past summer and broke my G Loomis walleye series rod setting the hook on a 2.5lb walleye. It was the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen and Its costing me to get it replaced. I think that if you spend that much on a rod with a lifetime warranty it shouldn't break on small fish in the first places and if it breaks it should be replaced no questions asked. When I broke my raven IM6 float rod last winter I had it replaced for free and it didn't take longer than a week.
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