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Posts posted by Salmonidstalker

  1. I know what really took place and what I originally posted is true.

    Were you there when the tickets were given? Just curious to know if this is what you saw or heard. No offence intended.


    Regardless, I think any situation can be handled differently than what it was but I still think the officer had just cause to charge them. I also know how people who get charged leave out information to make their side of the story come off like they are innocent.

  2. What can you really expect from a river that is damned 2 miles from the lake where thousands of fish sit and wait to get absolutely DESTROYED and MASACRED!!!! Oh it's a scene, man.


    I'm guessing some group knew about this a long time ago and now the $hit storm is about to hit.

  3. If the OPP deems the life jacket unsafe even if you're wearing one then you can be charged. Could it be handled differently, absolutely no question. I'm guessing bad weather this summer meant less boating, which means less income from fines on the water. OR, the officer probably found other things wrong and let them off with a smaller fine.


    I also agree with the law with respect to whether or not the officer deems the life jacket is safe to use. I like to see enforcement, it means people are out making sure others are being protected. The word gets out fast with fines and with death on the water. People should put safety as a top priority, not fun.

  4. So all ethics, are put aside there ? LOL

    Ethics and an opinion on a put and take fishery are two different things. I do not condone snagging, and I am perfectly fine with the harvesting of fish where a put and take fishery exists....if that answers your question.

  5. Don't forget, this is the same water that flows into Lake Ontario. And people wonder why some are hesitant to eat fish from the lake. We are the last lake on the Great Lakes chain, the bottom of the barrel. I'll never eat fish from Lake O.

  6. I think deep down, every steel header has good times at the dump. They just don't care to admit it.


    It's good for one thing, but it does offer up a few good laughs, sometimes a little inappropriate behaviour leading to some fines, and always leaves me wanting to come back to the circus.

  7. I had a woman beside me on Langstaff , at Jane she was texting, we crossed Jane and at the next light she was texting, when we got to Edgley agains she starts, this was always at red light I might add.

    I was siting there and figure I'd teach Her a lesson! Revved my car a bit took my foot off the brake and then braked, she took off and relized the light was red oops, I bet she put the phone away!

    Dave, that see you coming! And hide it. Us guys that drive see it every minute!

    So instead of rolling down your window and telling her how unsafe it is to text and drive, you purposely

    trick her into thinking the light was green so she could run a red a light and potentially kill a driver going through the intersection.

    Some times a beep beep and a no no is enough.

  8. So I went for a hike along a new-to-me local creek. Saw lots of big rainbows, one of them was holding behind a rock right along the shoreline... so i snuck up on it and was able petting a wild trout for a moment. It was pretty cool. But as I hiked around, I couldn't find any real pool or anything... just lots of shallow moving water. Was wondering if there was any technique for fishing such shallow water. Most of it was barely deep enough for the trout... whenever they moved you could see their ripples. Other times their back and dorsal fin were breaking the surface. Come this Saturday I hope the fish are still there.

    Not sure if you're joking or not but......


    Those are spawning fish and it's best to leave those fish alone. There isnt an ethical way whatsoever to target these fish, so please leave them be. You would be harming the steelhead population if you took one or more fish off of their redds.


    After steelhead spawn they begin to drop back down stream from pool to pool to the lake, these are the places you should try and target steelhead. If you see fish in shallow runs, just walk on by and leave them alone. I will warn you though, that most ethical anglers will not be too impressed if they see anyone targeting spawning fish of their redds so be careful and protect your fishery.


    Have fun on opener!

  9. It's just advertising plain and simple. I don't see how it's any different in other sports. The fishing guys have to say it more because they don't have tv timeouts like on live hockey, or ads wrapped along the side boards, or Molson/Coors banners and flashing signs hanging from the stadium.


    How about football, kick off, commercial, 3 and out, commercial, change of possession, commercial, touchdown, commercial, extra point, commercial, kick off, commercial etc.

  10. We were at %6 with more than 2 years left on a 5 year mortgage... Took a huge penalty but scored a 10 yr. deal locked in at 2.99 %... it hurt pretty bad short term, but over 10 years we're saving a ton...


    like some people said, find the best rate you can find, do the math and if it's better off go with it.


    We could have gotten 2.50% over 4-5 years but we figured 2.99% for 10 years is pretty tough to beat... and if rates skyrocket in the next 5-8 years it won't affect our mortgage payment which is sweet.

    If rates sky rocket your home value will decrease substantially. Your mortgage could be more than what your home is worth. In which case you would pay in a much less sweet scenario.


    At the end of the day mortgages aren't there to help you get what you need, they help get what you want. And in 25 years, you've probably paid double what your house is worth. Get a line of Credit, pay your debt off fast....that is your sweet scenario!

  11. I have owned and worn all kinds of waders. Simms, Redington, Bare, Orvis, William Joseph, White River, basically low to high end.


    Sinker is right when he said that waders do wear out; however, the cheap ones wear out offaly fast. You should consider where you do most of your fishing. If it's the eastern ditches where crossing and wading deep doesn't happen often then you can probably get away with inexpensive waders. Those pin hole leaks that come from time to time won't be bothersome because you're not wading waist deep to fish and pressure from the water will probably penetrate.


    Now if you fish big water that requires wading or crossing deep sections don't cheap out or you'll be wet a lot. Depending on your budget, I'd say the Redington Sonic Pro are the best bang for your buck.


    As for used waders, don't bother unless you can try them on and wade up yo your nipples to see if there are any leaks.


    Personally, I like to be comfortable when I'm on the river, and comfortable waders can be pricey. I use Simms G4 Pro and am extremely pleased. The seams on the boot foot came off after 2 years and Simms sent me a brand new pair. Other than that, they have done an adequate job.

  12. Never really understood the reasoning behind ripping it down frozen lakes, especially ones we'll travelled. With huts, pressure cracks, drifts it's very dangerous.


    The police indicated the vehicle rolled numerous times ejecting the occupants. They must have been doing at least 80 and probably more. Head shaker for sure.

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