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Posts posted by Salmonidstalker

  1. I always enjoy your articles, you certainly have a great story telling ability. This is what makes great writers! Whether this works out for you or not I hope you don't stop sharing your stories.


    I don't really know how anyone makes a fair salary from the fishing industry. I know guys that dedicated 40 hours a week for 5 years on top of their regular jobs to just break even at that point. I love fishing too much to turn it into a job but I wish you lots of success!

  2. Who cares what the reason is as to why he wants a chance at catching a large Bass. And who cares about not fishing the east ditches because you'd rather go here or there. Help the guy out if you can. If you want a chance at Big Largies, the southern states is a good place to try your luck

  3. Landry


    Your comment reminded me of something I have been wanting to ask and always wondered .


    There seems to be great runs of browns on the USA side and anglers from this side seem to flock to it.


    Why is there not the same here? I can remember fishing the humber way back, and the brown numbers were great. I dont know what the numbers are like now, but you dont hear of guys saying the numbers are great on our side.


    Yes I know ,many will not report it, but for some reason, the numbers are stupid crazy accross the boarder from what I read and heard.


    I use to fish the four sisters during the winter months for browns during the 80,s and early 90,s. We caught , what I was told, a german strain of browns that were introduced by the american side. They were in great numbers then. Would of loved to fished it in the earlier years .

    It's a stocked fishery predominantly. The DNR stock millions of smolts across NY. The anglers then have something to fish for in the rivers that have no chance at natural reproduction.


    They also run their fishery like a business. They give what the anglers want to see, fish!


    Browns would do amazing in any river as long as they have access to prime spawning water.

  4. Chris, how you continue to spew pure propaganda is rediculous. We all know that ofah gets money to run this program. The ofah are a bunch of scam artists.


    What the ofah has done to the credit along with TU and the Aurora district is a shame. Good luck with your 2 fish that returned this year. What a joke.

  5. Can not Chinooks successfully spawn below, it is my understanding that they hatch and leave the rivers before the heat of the following summer ?

    Yes, Chinooks can spawn below Norval with success. However, there is very little spawning water ie. Shallow fast moving water over gravel beds. There might be a few hundred yards in total downstream of the Norval Dam in which they might have success. I've also seen these better spawning sections pretty much dry in Summers that don't provide enough rain. So if and when Salmon make it to these areas, the water is far to shallow to utilize.


    And BillM, you're right. Browns love Atlantic smolts. Start tying up some Atlantic streamer patterns lol.

  6. If you know the Credit intimately, there is very little spawning water below Norval. Steelhead definitely would not stand a chance spawning there, its just too hot during the summer for fly/smolt survival.


    Fish can 100% can take care of themselves; provided man does not interfere too much. I would love to see more angling opportunities for everyone. A quality run of Pacifics and migratory trout would benefit the river anglers, and create a fantastic Lake fishery. And you can bet those resident browns would put on some serious weight and size gorging on smolts all year long.


    Atlantic salmon ... yeah, there's a laugh. Stock a half-million each year so that 30 show up at the ladder. Great program, let's go with it.

    I agree. The MNR and OFAH really dropped the ball on that project and I do not support it at this point in time. However, my point is simply the MNR are now focusing on Brook Trout and Atlantics.


    Unfortunately for anglers, whether upstream or down, it will affect everyone. It will be a sad day when no migratories will be left to catch on the Credit; for the sake of a few fly fishermen and their stocked non-native brown trout.


    X2 agreed, keep the gong show to the lower river


    edit: please keep the dam on the Ganny as well

    You will eventually loose you're brown trout fishery. The MNR will be lifting the no kill soon moving towards the Atlantics and Brook Trout only.


    I feel like those that are against dam removal have very selfish motives and want to keep something for themselves.


    Damnation was a great documentary, and has become a hot topic around the world.

  9. I was planning to plant this weekend but I agree, best to wait one more week. Besides, my tomatoes are thriving indoors right now anyway. No need to take a chance.


    I'm doing brandy wine and cherry tomatoes, bib lettuce, sweet peas ( already planted), carrots, sugar baby watermelons ( first time) and a bunch of herbs.


    Great to garden with the kids. They love to see the plants grow!

  10. I am a teacher. And I don't trust any politicians really. I just want to teach kids, have fun with my family and fish as much as I am allowed to. I am tapping out in this thread. I am done getting fired up about things like this. Life is too short.

    Im curious to know if you trust your Union reps who handle your contracts........

  11. Anyone that has seen the actual data on catch rates and total harvests will understand that the oceans are being raped. Not to mention illegal catches. It is a bad situation. If you think MNR is bad what do you think coastal African nations are like at enforcing regs? This is not alarmist emvironmentalism. This is legit data collection and analysis backed up by real world experience from those actually fishing. Just look at east coast cod. What has that been 20 yrs and no where near recovered. All those that think this is just Bull are flat out wrong and frankly ignorant. Not saying to stop eating fish that is a personal choice but the situation is very real.

    Well put.

  12. I personally do not trust the sources where most fish/shellfish comes from. Its my opinion that the ocean is highly polluted along with aquaculture farms and many lakes and streams within North America where commercial fishing takes place.


    I think the food industry, particularly in the United States is highly corrupt and the large companies are providing horrible and unhealthy food products for massive profits at the expense of the general populations health.


    Just my opinion.



    first base is your cutoff guy for a throw to the plate from centre or right


    and happens on a force at first and you need to throw over to third for a runner trying to advance

    If the farthest a player (1st baseman in this case) is needed to throw, is no greater than across the infield, then your arm does not need to be good. The player profile of a 1st baseman does not include strong arm. Arms of strength are for the pitcher, catcher and outfielder(but more so for centre and right field).


    Ed Sprague was never a power hitter, and put up the same home run numbers Lawrie, with exception of 1996, where hit 36, but through his career, he 10-20 HR


    Pablo Sandoval, his best year he hit 25, other than that 10-20 HR seasons


    Wade Boggs had 2 seasons where he hit more than 10 homeruns.



    this idea that 3B has to be you power guy is just ludicris

    As I mentioned in a previous post, there are exceptions reserved for exceptional players. You've named 3 very good baseball players.


    There are player profiles, Its just the way it is. And there are few exceptions.


    Its no difference in any other sport. Positions call for specific player profiles. If you dont agree, thats ok, but thats the way teams are built.

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