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Posts posted by Salmonidstalker

  1. Wind was howling. Major ice movement out there today. We started out 11km from port bolster and had to come back in. We we drifting!! Crossed one crack coming back that was open 10 or more feet that wasnt there on the way out. Pretty crazy day out there. Ended up on my perch waypoint and between 5 guys we got 10 keepers. Same story from everyone we talked to our there too. Oh well....it was an adventure at the very least!

    Always amazed at what some do to catch a fish. Lol.
  2. Obviously you haven't been a victim, be a victim five or six times and tell me you haven't had enough.

    Hit me once, OK, Hit me again, OK, after 3 times not OK, after 5 times your whole out look will change your behaviour.

    Sorry, but it's human and animal nature. You poke a dog with a stick and think it's funny, NOT

    As some have stated, could you still pull the trigger, I don't think I'd have the balls, :worthy::dunno:


    I think the victim will have some sleepless nights. Just look at the cop that took his own life this week. NOT Funny.

    I'd rather have the headache dealing with the insurance provider getting another vehicle rather than dealing with the courts for manslaughter or 2nd degree MURDER!......but that's just me lol.

  3. Have this happen to you numerous times and lose your house insurance over 3 claims, then on the insurance blacklisted, no one will insure you, and tell me then if I feel sorry.

    Some people just had enough. Call the police and they arrived 15 mins later and just laugh and tell you have to go to the station and fill out a report IF you like, good bye.

    You never get back what they take, and your insurance penalizes you.

    I don't have any sympathy, sorry. :clapping::stretcher:

    One more Parasite gone.


    The first new vehicle I ever bought in my life was stolen from me back years ago, MAN I felt like I was raped.

    After they found it stripped I cried, then the insurance said they were going to replace it with someone else used one. :worthy::wallbash:

    So people who steal should be put to death??? Justice should be blind not stupid.

  4. I honestly don't know, Chessy. Try to get a written guarantee from MNR/OFAH that steelhead, browns, and Pacific salmon will continue to enjoy full access past the dam, but I suspect that still wouldn't be worth the paper it is written on. The Ontario government breaks promises every single day without a second thought.


    The only long-term solution is for all anglers to engage another political party that supports proper resource management in Ontario and axing the Atlantic program altogether, then get them elected.

    This is what I suggested in another thread here. But like you said, even if they put it on paper you can probably wipe your butt with it.


    Chessy, I'm sure this is power no one can stop but if you care about that river, protest it. Do whatever you can to not have Atlantic's put in the Ganny.


    Daryl Choronzy warned us long ago about what Atlantic's would do for our fishery. Not many believed him or wanted to jump on that ship including myself. In the end, he was right.

  5. Exactly Craig. Finally, someone understands.


    For the Ganny boys, I would fight this tooth and nail. Get the mnr to sign a waiver saying that other species will not be disallowed access through dam during the introduction of Atlantics. That would be a sign of good faith on their end. If they don't, well then it's quite evident what the outcome will be should Atlantics start reproducing or returning. We all saw what a few dozen returning Atlantics did to the Credit. Total shut down.

  6. the ofah does not and will not control the ladder

    Ofah is heavily involved in the Atlantic program. They will have some say, believe me. Of course mnr has to be present as well. But you can guarantee they will slow fall migrating coho Chinook Browns and steelhead to capture and process returning Atlantics. They don't just run in the summer months. Numbers of Atlantics that returned to the credit showed up in September. Good luck.
  7. the atlantics will be put in and will fend for them selves there is no special treatment for them. the ladder will be open for ALL fish to get through no fish will be stopped

    How do you know for sure? If Atlantics gain traction on the Ganny, you can bet that mnr and ofah will be all over the ladder, monitoring it and slowing fish down. Do not trust the mnr.




    I never claimed that there isn't room for improvement. I was just wondering why you are expecting the Chinook runs on the Credit to disappear altogether. Or, at least that is what you wrote in your 10:48 AM post.


    As long as the MNR stocks the Credit, I would expect to see returns on the Credit. No doubt, there could be better returns if the fish were given access to more of the river.

    A few thousand returning Chinook salmon, in my opinion, is pretty much a disappearing run of fish. But it's just enough to capture an egg quota.



    I dont think I would go that far. They only do what they can. They dont get all the dollars we pay for lic. It,s almost like they are pawns,puppets now. Sad as it might seem, but true.

    Brian, you're a victim of your own environment. Aurora district is a mess. Go north to see what other mnr districts do to preserve and maintain their fisheries. They would laugh at what goes on down here. The main focus has been lost.


    And it costs nothing to let fish swim and reproduce. They are doing it the very hard and difficult way. It's a joke.

  10. They are increasing quota as well to the West end so there might be a few more. But when you see 2-3,000 nooks total returning fish to the Credit, it is a waste. Enough fish to get mnr quota for eggs but those kind of numbers have nothing to offer anglers in the lake and in the river. Isn't that what we all want??? More angling opportunities!



    How about lowering the take limit on these fish. 1 trout,1 salmon? From the mouth up. Yes/no?

    Absolutely. Our limit of fish for the lake and Tribs are horrendous. Lake and charter boats destroy populations of trout. Time for a real change in regards to limits.


    Mnr is mismanaging the whole fishery. They are not held accountable for pour results.


    Why would the Chinook disappear from the Credit? The MNR is continuing to stock the river.

    their stocking practices are pour and their track record has proven this. (Brown trout stocking, Chinook stocking and Atlantic stocking) Which is why they are trying to change their ways.


    Bottom line, when fish can spawn on their own, fisheries will flourish.

  13. Atlantic are a heritage species. They run the rivers spawn and return to the lake till next year. Think it's up to 3 spawns.


    Chinnooks return ounce and die.


    Atlantics are as dumb as a post. They will hit any thing flashy and bright. That's why flash on your fly's is illegal. And that's why fly fishing only.


    Again I ask name the river and explain the project and supply the proof that tree plant reduce river temps or reduced silt.


    Are you asking for proof that planting trees on the banks of rivers reduce temps and silt levels???

  14. I am not a Salmon fisherman but love to learn. Is there a significant difference between Altantic and Kings? I can now tell between a Steelhead and a Coho, I can recognize a Brown Trout now but haven't caught one. Is there some scientific reason they are choosing to introduce Atlantic on the Ganny when it didn't work on the Credit River

    No, they are just a bunch of bozos trying to stick a square peg in a round hole.


    If I was part of any organization to go with the Ganny I would be up in arms. They will sell you on rehab and benefits for all species but in the long run its natives they want and everything else will be pushed aside.


    There are individuals within mnr and the political background asking why we even have rainbows Browns chinooks etc. and are pushing for all native species reintroduction.

  15. Youre perfectly entitled to disagree. But when there are no Chinnies left at the Credit....which will be soon....they will move to the Ganny.


    I had my blinders on when the Atlantic program intensified on the Credit. We all thought it would benefit all species. Guess what, it didn't. And that is a fact.


    Atlantics are not the reason that Chinooks & bows are not allowed above the dam.

    The new direction of the MNR is focused on Atlantic Salmon and Brook Trout only. Everything gets a back seat as far as I'm concerned no matter what is done on behalf of other salmonids. If my home river was the Ganny, I would be concerned.


    Also keeping in mind the MNR is now shifting Chinook egg collection there as well, they will destroy that river like they did the Credit.

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