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Posts posted by Salmonidstalker

  1. I only bbq from spring to fall and cook inside all winter long as i like the art of cooking in all forms. It gives me something to look forward to all winter and too much meat definitely isn't healthy. But the only way to go is charcoal in my opinion. I'll never go back to gas or propane; so lame.


    Manitou - I made a fire pit using rounded landscape brick from Home Depot. Cost was under $100

  2. I remember as a kid we had a big gathering to celebrate May long weekend. All the parents chipped in and bought fireworks. Well doesnt the neighbours kid come out holding his own lit roman candle and the thing backfires in his face. Ambulance came and took him away. I remember vividly how much pain he was in.


    You have to be pretty stupid nowadays to do something like that.

  3. As I pointed out.. the idea is for the money to come out ONLY after you have stopped making an earned income. So you draw from your RRSP's at the lowest tax rate available and if possible not above the basic personal deduction so you pay NO tax on it.

    Yes I understand fully how RRSP's work, and for some they make sense but I personaly do not want the government in control of my money with the fear that if I ever needed it one day, I would be slammed with taxes. Just my opinion and don't really fault anyone for investing their money that way. To each their own.

  4. The returns I've seen over the past few years would disagree with you. The only times you see a loss is when you actually pull the money out..

    At some point that money has to come out. I'm not saying that you're right or wrong, the stock market just doesn't really interest me, even if the returns are fruitful. It wouldnt sit right with me at night.

  5. The key is getting out of debt as soon as possible. I'm 32 and I've never bought anything if it wasn't in cash, including my house, my boat and my cars. It's probably my European background. I'm completely debt free and what a load off it is not to have the mortgage payment every month, car payment every month etc. Im also a saver. I sacrifice a lot but what I get in return is much greater and deeper than having more STUFF.


    Add up your interest amount on your house, your car and everything else you need a loan for and you'll probably see that you are working for the bank not yourself.


    If you have debt, get rid of it and you'll see that retirement will not only come sooner, but the load off your shoulders while getting there will make a huge difference in your overall happiness.


    Debt.......that is the killer.


    I guess to add to this is that I am not retired so, I can't really add the advise of those that are there; however, I think I'm headed in the right direction. Can't imagine how hard it must be for young families out there with kids, a never ending list of bills, a mortgage, and car payments. At the end, very little must be left.

  6. Do any of you actually go down rigging? You can't compare a vertical presentation where there rod actually sets the hooks hen a fish hits the bait, verses diwnrigging where the rod plays no part in setting the hook. That is the issue, the rod setting the hook. The clip in down rigging plays very little in "setting the hook". The fish gets pinned when it turns and runs away from the boat moving 3 mph.


    This product for sure will be off the shelves.

  7. No thanks, I enjoy my resident brown fishing. Those fish are reproducing just fine below the barriers.


    Maybe stop spending millions on Atlantics if you want to improve the chinook/steelhead fishery (Although does anyone think the steelhead in the credit need help? I don't)

    They do in fact need help BillM, just as the steelhead need help on the Saugeen. Dams do not create healthy fisheries, they cripple in almost all cases. As you can read above in Johnfromcraa's post without manually lifting fish above Norval (and above Denny's Dam) and transferring them to suitable spawning water, there would be no wild self sustained populations.


    I too enjoy resident brown trout fishing; however I do believe, in my own opinion, that all trout can live together and can benefit from each other just as they intermingle successfully on many many other rivers like the Beaver River, the Bighead River, the Ganaraska River, Wilmot Creek, Bowmanville Creek, the Nottawasage River just to name a few. I believe that it would be of benefit to the river to see all fish have a barrier free environment. All of those rivers I've named boast fantastic populations of steelhead, salmon, along side a healthy population of resident trout. ALL, due to the fact that fish have unrestricted access to prime spawning waters.

  8. The hook is the first point of contact between you and a fish. I've caught so many steelhead that I couldnt care to count, but it's those big ones where you better hope that your gear is on point or you can can kiss those 15-20lb chromers goodbye. Only Owners for me. Strongest hook on the market in my opinion.

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