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Posts posted by Salmonidstalker

  1. So, explain why YOU think its not safe?

    Its perfectly fine. YOU are over cautious. Nothing wrong with that, its your choice, but if I had that boat and van, I wouldn't think twice about towing it, and I would not have a single problem. Common sense goes a long ways if you use it right.

    For the last 5 years I've towed a 16ft deep and wide starcraft with 40hp engine, bowmount, 2 30 series deepcycles, gas, gear, 2 kids, and a 100lb lab all over the province with no issues whatsoever. The car is rated to tow 2500lbs. If you can drive, and have a bit of common sense, you will be fine. If your afraid to drive, maybe not.


    Once you start towing close to the manufacturers recommended limit, you start to put the vehicle under stress, or as MrSimon mentioned, excessive wear on vehicles (which would fall under a safety concern for me). Plain and simple, it's just not safe in my opinion. I have years of experience towing with different vehicles with different boats and observed friend towing boats with under matched vehicles (not to say they weren't rated for the weight). I see it when they brake, on inclines and declines and when they need to power up. You can tow with whatever makes you feel comfortable, as I do. The OP asked for advice so I gave him mine, and in my opinion, you either pay now or pay later.


    We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one pal.

  2. IMO, you're over cautious.

    The Sienna will tow that rig no problem, its rated for it, and as long as the driver isn't an idiot, all will be fine.




    Yes, I'm sure the Sienna will pull that rig and probably more, but is it safe? No. I've been in trucks that are under powered for what they are towing, even though they are rated for such weight. It's very unsafe and very hard on the vehicle. Sometimes common sense is more reliable than what's in your owners manual.


    Thank you to all for the responses. I'm reconsidering my boat purchase (for now) and looking at getting a pickup and trading in my corolla. Having two big gas guzzlers is not ideal (the wife won't trade in the van), but like people say, you sometimes have to pay to play.

    Good decision. You won't regret it.

  3. I think you'll be fine as long as you taker easy, and pick good ramps. A lot of people here are a little over cautious if you ask me.


    I think what you mean to say by "taker easy and pick good ramps" is your vehicle is inadequate, right?


    I'd rather be over cautious than under prepared especially when you're involving the safety of yourself and others.


    Again I ask, why take a chance?

  4. Nothing worse than towing your boat to your destination on pins and needles worrying about whether or not you're going to make it there. Piece of mind and safety of others should be a priority.


    The other issue is if you do get into an accident, be sure insurance companies will investigate whether or not you were using good towing sense or negligence was at play. And any lawyer will argue the later in a personal lawsuit.


    I really never understand why people take chances.....

  5. If you're going to tow 3000 lbs you better have yourself a solid V8 or you can guarantee you will have engine, brake and tranny issues. Doesn't matter what your owners manual says. If you have a V6, you should upgrade the tranny but braking will be your biggest hurdle. Trailer brakes will help if you have them on your trailer. But still, you're taking a chance. 4 wheel drive is your best friend at boat launches.


    You'll hear of guys saying they've never had an issue towing over and above what they should, but it only takes one time to have a serious accident. In my opinion, you have to pay to play so upgrade your towing vehicle.

  6. If CT is still selling the exact model, why not purchase a new one & repack the defective one for return the following week? If they offer a replacement, tell them you were on a remote excursion & had to purchase a replacement from another retailer. Worst case scenario is an in store credit. I do it all the time @ CT when purchases are out of warranty. Did the same with a CTek charger just a couple of months ago.

    Very snakey. Go the honest route I say.

  7. First off, fishing anything east of the Humber is pretty much as easy as steelheading goes. Second, avoid using specific spots in your posts.


    To answer your question, it takes a long time to learn how big systems fish. When fish run and where they are in the river at certain times of the year are extremely important to know. The best thing to do is fish the river when it is clear. Dissect and identify the pools and runs and walk as much of the open sections as possible. You'll be well prepared next time you go.

  8. I've used this reel before, I do a bit of field testing for Amundson. For the price its a good start getting into centerpin fishing. You won't break the bank if it's not your cup of tea. The reel spins nicely and it's fairly light but the one flaw I found is the clicker placement on the back plate. Constantly engaging while holding the reel.


    They have one model higher that is better.

  9. These threads always make me chuckle. You guys all back up how important the wild rainbows are, and how they need to be protected....yada, yada, yada.....then as soon as a fresh run is in, your the first one at the creek/river keeping the hens, so you can kill them. I don't get it. The whole fishery needs to be shut down.

    Why is it that the migratory fish are the only fish with an open season during spawning season anyways?? Who's idea was that in the first place?? It makes no sense whatsoever.

    Don't get me wrong, I spent decades fishing the tribs, but all more than a decade ago. Back then, there were more fish than fisherman, and people had a little respect for each other, and some ethics. I don't see that any more. I see more fisherman, NO ethics, and FAR LESS fish. I guess like everything else in ON, it will be taken care of when its too late.


    Very closed minded statement.


    Mike's comments were simply based on an observation. I for one agree that more education is needed for all river anglers. It's kind of like a shoot first ask questions later mentality most river anglers have.


    There is definitely a demographic change in steel heading. A lot more young and uneducated (as it pertains to river dynamics) anglers out on the river.

  10. It will be rough for the first few days but it will get better. Everybody is different and very body is different. Just keep an eye out for fevers. I've had a few buddies that got an infection after surgery and that is no pretty picture.


    Lots of stretching and exercise and you should be fine. However your knee will never be the same for the rest of your life. Just one of those things.

  11. Have you thought about buying roe? There are a few web-based companies that offer it at a decent price.


    As for loose roe, legally, you must keep the entire fish and not let the carcass spoil. Harvest your eggs at home.


    What you witnessed at the river was illegal....but nothing new to salmon fishing. Its too bad you had a terrible experience, the river can be an amazing escape from the every day urban environment, even in the GTA. When it gets cold, head back down. There will be a lot less of what you saw and a lot more silver fish around. ;)

  12. To be honest it's not really an issue I have. I don't post reports etc, as I have no personal interest in it. That said, if someone wants to post they're slayfest on my favorite river, I don't really care. I can always find a bit of water to fish, and the odd fish to catch, wether I am fishing with 1 or 100 of my closest friends. If not, I'll move on down the road! I don't see the issue with backgrounds, and frankly I don't enjoy fish in the muck pictures, or a fish laying beside a float reel. They all look the same to me! To each their own.

    I too enjoy fish pictures of fish with backgrounds, it enhances the photo greatly no question. As long as it doesn't hit the nps site, this site etc. Remember, it's not the good guys we worry about, it's the ones that rape and pillage.

  13. Here's a different opinion. Close the rivers to this onslaught. Solved.



    Interesting opinion but I I'll assume you don't target migratories predominantly. For a die hard migratory angler and conservation minded individual, they understand how sensitive the dynamic of a river fishery is and what it needs to sustain itself.


    It wouldn't be cool if someone posted pictures or burned whatever fishery you are in to, or even worse, close it down. I love all fish but I have a passion for migratories, in the lake and in the river. Closing the fishery is definitely not the answer. Even a little common sense, like not posting backgrounds goes a long way.

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