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Posts posted by Salmonidstalker

  1. Yup, I agree 100%. The water on our side of the border can boast world record numbers, even more than NY stocked rivers. There is sooooo much potential. Unfortunately, the MNR's answer to fish shortage is stocking, as opposed to taking down barriers and letting salmon and trout do their thang!


    Just think, if the dams were down on the Credit and Bronte, the west end would be an amazing year around fishery with thousands of fish in the rivers at all times. Port Credit's nick name is Salmon capital of the world......give me a break. There are hardly any returns which makes for a garbage summer and fall fishery for the boat anglers. That pen project's are a joke.


    MNR needs to give their heads a shake. Take down dams, get fish access and hire a CO. Rocket science eh!?!

    Stop wasting money on stocking when fish can do it better than we can.

  2. The MNR already has an agenda. This is just a formality that they have to go reach out to the public. Its all Bull. If MNR ran the fishery like a business, then we would have an amazing fishery already. Unfortunately, they are sucked dry of funds and are left with limited stocking ideas with a bring back the native species initiative for Atlantic Salmon and Brook Trout.

  3. I do not believe in the politics that surround government. There is far too much lobbying and the money always trumps what is right. I have never voted and I probably never will, because I refuse to elect someone who is going to be bound by its supporting groups and scam the general public. No one is held accountable for any wrong doing.


    At the end of the day, I know electing someone will never truly change my life. I pay my taxes, and enjoy life not worrying about all the dummies that run our country.


    Harper, Trudeau, whomever.....its all the same Caca!

  4. Have you actually tried this? I'm a butcher of 15 years, and in my experience, salt dries it out too much causing the meat to be tougher, you want to keep all the juices in it that you can.


    Another tip for cooking any meat other than birds, leave it sit on your counter top for at least 2 hours prior to cooking, bringing it to room temp causes the the muscle fibres to relax and cook more evenly and be more tender and juicy.


    You can also pick up a pack of Frenchs Marinade for $1.50, just add water, or any other liquid you want, let the meat sit in it for an hour or so.


    When it comes to meats, you truly do get what you pay for.


    Try to buy AAA or better, pick out a steak or roast with good marbling, don't pick out the leanest piece in the counter. Animal fats are natural fats and are actually good for you and for your joints. There's a reason why prime rib is more tender than sirloin, and its because of that marbling.

    Agree 100%. except for animal fats being natural fats part. They are not good for you. Fat from fruits, vegetables, some oils, seeds and nuts are your healthy fats. Sorry to sidetrack the OP's post.


    I think if you have to let a steak sit in salt for an hour and a half, you've got a crappy piece of meat. Unless you're making some kind of jerky or salt cured salmon, but even doing that requires more seasoning than salt to maximize flavor.

  5. Maybe calling elders by their first name is a mangiacake thing. When my wife (girlfriend at the time) introduced her Uncle's and Aunt's only by their names and not by Uncle John or Auntie Jane, I was like, "what the what!?!?" She's a mangiacake so its ok that I use this term.


    All I know is I want my kids to greet people with a Mr. or Mrs. To each their own I guess lol.

  6. I have done this once, closer to the mouth of the Pretty, only to see massive chunks of ice flying off on a windy day. One guy ventured out quite a ways, and thought he would never make it back. We were in about 4 feet of water. I dont need to catch a fish that badly. Those days are over. Plenty of time during open water season.

  7. You can't be upset that she has a mind and thinks for herself. To me, this is something that I would nurture in a daughter. i dont know why you would be upset, as I am an angler and hunter just as yourself and would not care whether my daughter had a different opinion on this subject.


    for example, I am an athiest; if my kids decide on their own to believe in a religion, so be it.

  8. Oh no, some kid is on a table. IT'S AN EPIDEMIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    But people will go into the malls, slide their hands down the handrails, then go eat lunch and think nothing of it, lol!

    You can justify anything with anything to make something sound less dramatic. The simple point here is (and probably why this was posted), is that this business is sloppy and serving food to the public should be done so with respect and care. The fact that they let this kid walk around barefoot is a clear indication that they don't really care about safety regulations and probably doesn't stop at bare feet in the kitchen.

  9. White fish are fatty and oily. Maybe after you smoke them for 8 hours they are palletable, but thats just me. If you enjoy them then who cares.


    Lake O is worse than Lake simcoe, no question, but all of the lakes around southern ontario are polluted so I choose not to eat fish period. And of them all, Lakers and Whities...no thanks. In fact, I don't really eat fish because I know where they come from, including the farm raised fish out there like salmon, trout, tillapia etc. no thanks.


    Sinker, good point. Breathing that nasty air in the GTA is probably worse.


    BUT, to each their own. I don't hate ya for it lol.

  10. If you have to smoke something just so its edible, thats pretty gross in my opinion. To each their own I guess.

    Ive tasted lake simcoe fish (perch,whitefish,lakers) and they're not good at all. The whole lake is polluted thats for sure.[/quote"] First off, smoking is one of the best ways to prepare these type of fish (herring, Lakers, whities) secondly, lake simcoe whities and perch taste horrible and its a very polluted lake? I can understand why you wouldn't like the greasy simcoe Lakers but whities and perch? Something's wrong with you dude, lol, and I mean sure its polluted but compared to other lakes in the area, its one of the cleanest.

    Whities are as greasy as lakers and I just dont enjoy eating greasy fish from polluted lakes like Simcoe, Lake O and every other water system in Southern Ontario. You're not going to die from eating them but like I said, to each their own. Enjoy!

  11. If you have to smoke something just so its edible, thats pretty gross in my opinion. To each their own I guess.


    Ive tasted lake simcoe fish (perch,whitefish,lakers) and they're not good at all. The whole lake is polluted thats for sure.


    You're kind of asking how long is a piece of string. Depends on the card, and depends on how you use it. They're all different.


    I travel a lot for work, so of course I book all my flights and hotels on this card. But I also buy groceries and pay my utility bills with it. For this particular card, travel spend earns points at a different rate than groceries or utility bills do. So how much you need to spend to get xxx-amount of reward depends on what you charge to the card as much as how many dollars you spend.


    Bottom line is, whether you wind up getting back enough points for an $8,000 vacation or an $800 fishfinder ... it's still money for nothing provided you pay the card off every month, and simply use it to cover expenses you're going to incur anyway.


    Who doesn't like free stuff?





    There are a lot of ways to earn reward points beyond basic spend. Tons. Do a little research on the web.

    If youre going to be that disciplined with money, you might as well use the Manulife One "line of credit" mortgage and pay of your home a lot faster and pay it back as you would with a traditinal mortgage payment.


    The idea of getting a reward of 7-8k is a bit of smoke and mirror. I assume your company or your line of work contributes to the majority of your reward? I dont like Credit cards personally, its too easy to spend more than whats really needed and gives the ability to add to many "want" purchases to the shopping list which in turn eliminates the illusion of reward.

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