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Posts posted by Salmonidstalker

  1. don't disagree with you


    but we are talking about ethics and ethics in fishing is really just ones own opinion over anothers , anything beyond what the law states is just opinion



    I know people who when fishing keep everything legal and when they have their limit they quit fishing, they keep telling me hurting fish for sport is cruel and they only fish for food. that is their ethics, their opinion

    well it is the same for people who need to give every detail and photos and waypoints..they think they are doing a good thing.

    I do not believe that any thing posted here is going to change their minds...and they are not breaking any law, so they see no reason to listen to peoples rightest rants

    They may think they are doing a good thing, but the reality is that they are doing it for swag. And just because its legal, does not mean its good practice or morally and ethically right.


    I could go down the river each day and kill two rainbows, eat them, and get two more the next day....and so on and so on. It's perfectly legal, but the reality is eventually the river suffers. It's posts like these that make it easier for anglers to get their limit or even worse, poachers to take him far more.


    I actually do think it will change their minds if they do read this. They may think twice about posting the day or day after they fish it. these guys must love fishing the rivers, and they are young and they will grow out of their ways.


    And you're right, it's just my opinion. But guys who care about migratories, and river systems in general understand what I'm saying.

  2. could be any river in ontario


    So you put a picture of any river in Ontario, big deal....what does that have to do with my original comment. Its about up to date reporting of spots, giving anglers more info than they should ever have handed to them. And all for internet fame and a crappy rod or tackle that most anglers would pass on it even if it was given to them.


    Are you one of those spot burners? Your location says Oshawa and thats fairly close to all of the tribs being shown in the pictures.


    If you dont understand the responsibility anglers have on the fishery, maybe you should take up golf.

  3. Ive only perused that site a few times but there are a number of things I just dont get.


    I never really understood the concept of having to pay an annual fee to promote a tackle companys products? Shouldnt it be the other way around? Surely if you wanted a free spool of power pro or a few boxes of Salmo lures, you couldve just spent your registration fee $ at the local tackle shop instead. Or instead of putting $50 into NPS, why not donate to an organization like CRAA, Nottawasaga Steelheaders, MEA or the like or even joining a fishing club (like the Scarborough casting club or a bass fishing club) and make personal connections that way?


    All the people I know who tried to pro-staff various products ended up spamming online message boards. At the end of it all, no one really cared for the products or the person. If youre already a sponsored individual and you post reports on NPS about how great their products are, who are you actually promoting to?


    What exactly are pro-staffers supposed to do when they are picked up by a company? On a resume, what would you actually put for a job description?


    It's an interesting business concept.



    I don't really have a problem with the "pro-staff" concept. The pro is for promotion not professional. Some guys get their panties in a bunch when they hear pro staff but there is nothing wrong with it. Fishing companies use pro-staffers to get the word out about their lures, rods, etc. as long as its done tastefully, i dont see it any different than other marketing initiatives. Mostly I see, "I hit 10 steelies today, couldn't have have done it without my streamside float rod" lol.


    The site is a joke and most good guys on the site are getting paid by nps to be there and/or their sponsors make them.


    If any OFC'ers are NPS'ers, please, enough with the full background hero shots. Steelheading is not hard, and you obviously prove that in your reports.

  4. Steelhead season is upon us and without question, the NPS'ers are out in full force blatantly showing pictures with backgrounds. All for what? A hat and a T-shirt or maybe a $50 dollar rod. Its amazing what guys will sell themselves for.


    If you want to write about your fishing adventures, go ahead, just stop showing backgrounds. Stop making it obvious for poachers to go to those ditches in the east end and rape the resource. Wonder why rivers are getting crowded, because on stuff like this.


    Sorry....had to rant.

  5. Well taking pictures of steelhead lying beside your reel on the river bank/dirt/mud doesn't do anything good for the bearings. You may not want to do that in the future. :whistling:


    Send it back to islander and they will take care of it for you. They are very reputable and have excellent customer service.

  6. Kemper, early season/low water, you're going to concentrated guys on every river, every day. And that means combat fishing sometimes. Take it with a grain of salt.


    Lets be honest, most guys don't know how to time rivers properly anyway. A nice cold snap + good down pour + perfect timing and you'll have no one in sight. Even in some the most popular east tribs, I've had the rivers to myself on a weekend because guys just don't time it right.


    Have a good chrome season, it should be a banner year on all tribs.

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