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Fishing yoda

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  1. You guys all have great points but since when do pple say there is no muskie in west arm, i caught one last year right behind honeymoon island ????? i think maybe you guys might not be looking in the right places. My unlce has lived here for years and catches them every spring off the dock.... If you truly want a good concentration of good size muskie( between 40" to 50") my recomendation would be the veuve river , a lot of big muskie caught in this small river. I have 2 friends that fish this river regularly and they have both caught some over 50". I would say the french is good for muskie probly the average would be in the 40's . I've been fishing the area for about 10-12 years now and there is pletty of muskie up there just need to know were to find them...
  2. A growing body of psychology research shows that incompetence deprives people of the ability to recognize their own incompetence. To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it. Similarly, unfunny people don't have a good enough sense of humor to tell. ...need i say more!!!!
  3. Amen Squid, well said!
  4. Capreol is a good place to start, i know xstrata is laying some pple off and hiring in certain dept.'s there is pionneer construction for a machine op( they are always hiring for summer jobs) there is also transfield services out of north bay he can try. and anything really in sudbury there always looking for good machine operators up there. how many years doe he have on the shovel?( if you don't mind me asking?)
  5. Does anybody have any good tips and tricks on waterproofing a boat, I have a small 14ft alum. and it leaks in a few spots and i have reset the rivets on them last year but its still leaking in the same spots does anybody have any ideas on how i can plug these leaks????? I have already tried J.B weld and all the epoxy stuff you can buy and they only seem to last the season ( if even that long) I was curious if anybody ever used the stuff you get a canadian tire to coat the inside of a pickup boxe as waterproofing?
  6. looks to me like a splake.. the colors and the square tail leed me to believe what you got there was a splake, now mind you some brookies aren't very colorfull but at a first glance looks like it to me.
  7. Used these last year( heavy duty ones) got into it with a big pike about 40" or soo and he bent it straight... don't know what happen but that and the leader were torn up realy bad. might be the huge weed bed he went into could have caused this be cause i heaved him out of there but they do work well!! i uses these when bass fishing beiliev it or not!
  8. Wow, more proof that the conservative goverment doesn't care about canadians information! here's another great example....Huawei Technologies!!! and the telecom industry, were all gonna be speaking chinese in 10 years from now! Harper gov't slowly selling canada to whoever wants to line his pockets including communist regimes! !! And as far as the U.S thing goes, its not like they can do anything we have this great thing here called freedom of speech.. problem is once you cross that border you might be screwed!
  9. Cops are always doing this sort of thing, last year in Ottawa they shot 2 moose in front of a bunch of kids cause they made the police nervous... once in a fenced in school yard( kinda like shooting fish in a barrel) and the second one they shot cause they calimed they called the MNR and the mnr told them to shoot it but the MNR has no record of a police call into there systems!!! We all grew up in canada to some form you must know that come spring time young animals especially bears move around in search of their own territoy all they would have to have done is shoot some bangers at him and guide him back into the forest and i'm almost positive he would not have retuned, I have dealt with bears my entire life and being from northern ontario i know how to get rid of these ghuiys without having to shoot them! any body see the deer that was in downtown sudbury 4 years ago, they didn't kill it when it broke into chinese restaurant, i guess he was hungry for some chinese!
  10. here we go long weekend trout and catfish fishing!! oh ya!!

  11. never thought this thing would survive around here, always thought a koi would get gobbled up by a muskie or a big pike being bright orange and all!
  13. This might be silly question but.... does somone have an example of what kind of sign were supposed to have? first timmer here looking to contribute as much as i can!
  14. If there poaching call in the heavy's and let them do their job, that's why they are there. I am guessing alot of them would have multiple charges brought forth against them, then its up to them to clear their names afterwards and explain their actions to the court... I really don't care if mom is cleaning timmy's for 10$ a hour or if dad has to moonlight as a pizza driver.. If you want to fish in canada you have to follow the regulations! simpls as that!! Buy a license and follow the rules we ALL have the right to enjoy what mother nature has provided for us in moderation of course... I personally have never had to deal with anything like that.. I cannot comprehend the emotions you must be goign through.. personally don't know how i would react if someone casted their line on top of mine while i was attempting to land a fish( mind you i always carry nippers in my pocket when fishing so i think i would just cut their line if it's on top of mine!!!) it may be wrong but casting on top of someones line is wrong too. I guess its a metter of opinion on that one!
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