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Everything posted by RichNavionics

  1. Hopefully this winter Navionics will release sonarcharts in Canada. this is where certain humminbird plotters can record their sonar logs, upload them to navionics, and within a month (for lakes that we currently have zero data) new contouring will be available when you update your platinum, navionics+ or navionicsupdates charts. If the chart presently shows up on our maps, the process will take a few days. But for those lakes without any data, we have more work to do, like using satellite imagery to acquire accurate shore lines. http://www.navionics.com/en/sonarcharts.
  2. the simplest trick for updating Navionics charts is this: Delete all Navionics programs on your computer (except for 'PC app'). They may say 'navservice', 'navionicsworld', navionics chartinstaller'. Then try the update again. if you still have problems, contact me directly. [email protected]
  3. SonarCharts was released in the US and hopefully won't be too long before it is released up north. here are two screen shots of what I recorded two weeks ago. Big difference in the data from before Hurricane Sandy and after.
  4. Coming soon to Canada Navionics will release a new program called sonarcharts (please don't hold me to a release date, but maybe this fall). Your hummingbird plotter has the ability to record sonar. If you upload this data to navionics, you will see a new layer of bathymetric data on your platinum chip everytime you update it. here are two screen shots of what I recorded two weeks ago in NJ. Big difference after Hurricane Sandy down here.
  5. If you purchase a new chart called Navionics+, you will be able to read the new sonarcharts data that is now available in the US (and coming soon to Canada). On certain Humminbird plotters, you can record your sonarlogs, upload it to Navionics, then download the new bathymetric data to the chart. here is the link. I will also post some screen shots recently done in NJ. The shots show the difference from before Hurricane Sandy and after. http://www.navionics.com/en/navionics-plus
  6. There is a software update on the Elite7 that without it won't read Navionics charts in any detail. Here is the link. http://www.lowrance.com/en-US/Software-Updates/Elite-7/. Transfer the update to a blank SD/MSD card. Insert it into your plotter, then power it up. "All GPS enabled Elite-7 units will now support Navionics mapping content with 1ft contours. In addition to enhanced contour content, we have increased the resolution of Navionics content when zoomed in close."
  7. You cannot record data from your phone, if that is your question. But from certain chart plotters, you can. SonarCharts was released in the US and should follow this fall in Canada where you can record sonar logs to update the charts. http://www.navionics.com/en/sonarcharts. This is a simple process of recording your sonar logs and uploading the data to Navionics.com. After about a week, when you update your current Platinum chip, Navionics+ or NavionicsUpdates chip, you will see a new layer of bathymetric data.
  8. That chart is now available. It is called Navionics+ (http://www.navionics.com/en/navionicsplus). You download onto the chip chart areas anywhere in Canada and the US. So you can get inland lakes, Great Lakes and all coastal waters combined. This is Gold and HotMaps Premium together.
  9. when you search for Navionics on an iPad, you will only see the HD version. If you search on the phone, only the regular app will appear. $15 for the phone and $55 for the iPad. Plus auto-routing is available within the app. add some waypoints and the app routes you safely. If you are looking for a particular lake and it is not there, than you can do something about it. Check out SonarCharts (http://www.navionics.com/en/sonarcharts). Just released for the US, it should be available before the end of the year in Canada.
  10. If you update the app, you will see that an in-app purchase is available for auto-routing. Based on your boat settings and the chart data, Auto-routing will plot a course for your travels! Routes can be edited for alternate plans or situations. Auto-routing is for general planning and reference only – it does NOT replace safe navigation practices and should never be your only reference source.
  11. Hopefully we will have a cure for missing lakes by next spring. We just introduced Sonarcharts in the states.(http://www.navionics.com/en/sonarcharts) If the process takes off, then you will see tons of new data early next year. With certain Humminbird and Garmin plotters, you can start recording your sonar logs now, upload the data to Navionics, and you will get back new and improved charts. Even for lakes that aren't covered, you can create the maps. The link shows you how with some cool videos.
  12. Same goes for the Navionics chart. Here is the link to update it. http://navionics.com/en/freshest-data-0. make sure you do it within 60 days of purchase.
  13. Navionics just released auto-routing as an in-app purchase. Based on your boat settings and the chart data, Auto-routing will plot a course for your travels! Routes can be edited for alternate plans or situations. Auto-routing is for general planning and reference only – it does NOT replace safe navigation practices and should never be your only reference source. This will save you time on the water. as for the HotMaps, you do get one free year of updates. Just make sure you register the chart within the first two months of purchase. http://navionics.com/en/freshest-data-0
  14. Don't also forget to update the software on your plotters as well. This is free and adds great new features. Lowrance has updated their Gen2 and Gen2 touch to add shallow water highlights, depth contour shading, rock filtering, and more.
  15. As an employee of Navionics, please feel free to reach out to me on any issues or questions on the forum or in an email to me. [email protected]. Mr Blind Justice was correct. We keep adding new data that smaller cards need to be swapped out.
  16. For $15 the Navionics Marine & Lakes USA/Canada app gives you access to both coastal and inland waters. Over 18,000 lakes and growing. This is the perfect back-up GPS that includes routes, waypoints, tracks, search features, marina listings and more.
  17. There are a few reasons why it might not be included. 1. the data isn't available for purchase or doesn't exist 2. the data is too expensive to purchase for such a small lake The Navionics mobile app is $15 and shows charts of all of N. America that are on the chips sold for GPS chart plotters. here is the link to see what lakes are on either the app of the chips themselves: http://navionics.com/en/hotmaps-platinum click on any region to populate the list.
  18. To get coverage on all three lakes, you would need to order The East Great Lakes Platinum+ 901P+ chart. This covers Lakes Ontario, Erie, St Clair, Huron and Georgian Bay. Platinum gives you both 2D and 3D chart data. Platinum+ is for coastal areas, including the Great Lakes. HotMaps Platinum covers inland lakes (here is the link to see the lake listing. click on any region) http://navionics.com/en/hotmaps-platinum you also get one free year of updates on the chip and must register within 60 days of purchase.
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