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Everything posted by Castmaster

  1. Detroit river and Lake St. Clair open all year.
  2. 1988 Chevy Suburban. Mint condition. 230 000 kms. Doesn't leak a drop of oil. Fires right up every time. Towing capability of 8800 lbs. Purrs like a kitten and passes everything but a gas station. Use to have a Ford Bronco and like the Chevy alot more.
  3. The Detroit river is all open water. My local ramp at the upper mouth of the river is also wide open as of today. St. Clair is still pretty frozen but I 'm taking the boat out Sunday to pull some wire for some early spring eye's. Last year this time I landed a 9 1/2lb walleye as my first fish of the year. I'am so darn excited!!! Could it be Sunday right now please?
  4. There were a bunch of abortion activist's out front of the hospital one morning when I was driving my daughter to school. She's 10 years old and I wasn't too happy that I had to explain to here what an abortion is. On the way back after dropping her off I pulled up right beside the one with the biggest sign, got out of my car, grabbed her sign right out of her hands and ripped it in half. I got back in my car and drove off. She didn't even say a word. I was really mad. Shaking just thinking about it!
  5. Daylight savings has been extended one month for 2007 and hopefully permanantly. Sweet folks! Days are gonna be longer in 18 more days! http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=77
  6. This is My grandfather in his yard right on Lake St. Clair. I've been fishing there with him my whole life. He's now 78 and my biggest hero! What a fisherman!
  7. I second the Grandpa's. I fish with mine all the time but could never tire from the company. They've taught me so much.
  8. Thanks everybody for your replies and offers. I'm still just starting to weigh my options so I'll keep all of these ones in mind and see where I can go from here. This was my first attempt. My second attempt is my Brother lives and works in Gravenhurst. He's checking into a few thing s for me up there as well. Thanks again everybody. Especially Big cliff and Irishfeild. You guys are great and your offers willl be considered. I reallly appreciate the help! Derek.
  9. I am now stupider having read this.
  10. Quick!!! Go download it before you forget!!!
  11. I am from a smaller city and would like to move to a comparable sized place if not smaller. I personally hate the hustle and bustle of Toronto. Don't even like driving through it. I have no problem with hard work but want to live in a fairly laid back community if I'm gonna move my family to a new place. The wife feels the same way.
  12. I've flipped canoes on purpose and accidently and have never seen one sink? The bags look like they would help he canoe right itself but still never saw one sink. If I'm wrong... well then there's a first time for everything.
  13. I have been considering leaving WIndsor for a few years now and have heard about Barrie and Parry Sound's rapid growth. Today Chrysler anounced it will be eliminating 1300 jobs here in Windsor. Ford has already slated two plants to close here within the next year. An one of the biggest maufacturing shops for many years claimed bankrupcy and locked it's doors this morning. Tool shops are closing at almost the same rate as they opened 30+ years ago. I was hoping some people from these other areas could give me some feedback on the job situation up there. Would be looking for something in a manufacturing environment as I built plastic injection molds for 11 years. Or I have also been running my own small concrete buisness for 5 years now. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated because this is a huge move for me and my family, but one that has to be seriously considered right now. This city is in big trouble! Thanks, Derek
  14. Hey Hooked! If you don't video tape the final outcome of this situation, you're gonna have alot of dissapointed people around here. Oh please video tape it and put it up here for all to share in your glory!!! This is the funniest thread I've read on any site in a while!!
  15. Yeh me neither! Was going to the local watering hole at age 16. Was fun going in on my 19'th B-day and asking for my free drink!
  16. That's exactly what I would do. I thought it before I even read it.
  17. That is incorrect. I was over a few months ago with some friends on the way to a buisness seminar. One friend had a previous DUI conviction. The customs guy asked us all if we'd ever been arrested and we told him the truth. We were all allowed entry without incident. Actually 3 of us had been arrested before. Only one had a conviction. I get asked every time I go over if I've ever been arrested. ANd I have, so I tell them. Never been turned back once and I cross about once a week. The key is honesty. They usually know the answers to their questions before they even ask them. And passports are not yet required for entry by land. Only by air. But that will change. Just a matter of time.
  18. Heya Bob! Now we can chat on 3 sites!!! For those that don't know Mr. Brunner, he has 78 years experience on the water and is a true legend Down here on Lk. St. Cair in US waters and Canadian. We all can learn alot from Him. Welcome to the site Bob! Are you gonna get out on the ice with Greg still?
  19. Be out before sun-up. The water surface temps will be close to 85degrees F in mid July.. Other than early morning the last hour of daylight will be the only other productive time of day. An don't forget to put on bug spary for the night fish or you won't last long. Doesn't seem to matter where I go up there in July, after 9am the fishing is not as much fun as the drinking!
  20. Must be somethin in the air today cause I got carded for smokes today too> I'm 30.
  21. Getting into Canada is not the problem. Going back to the US is another story. My buddy was here on Sunday and they gave him a hell of a time going home to Michigan. This is a post from another site that i put up back on Jan 24. What a nightmare it can be crossing the border. QUOTE<Yes we had a blast didn't we. What a gorgeous day to be on the ice. I sure am happy the day went better than this morning! Don't want to jump all over your thread H20, but you know what I went throught to get over there. So for everybody else... I left my house in Windsor at 5 am. Got my extra large Timmies and straight to the tunnel. Pull up to the booth on the American side an the guy ask's where I'm goin? Tell him to a friends house in Royal Oak to go ice fishing. Joked around with him for a minute and he was very friendly. Says "ok just pull over for a minute so we can take a quick look in your truck." So I do and another guy sends me inside. That is where I sat for an hour watching 6-8 border patrol officers rip my truck to pieces! They wouldn't even let me take my coffe or cel phone! Pulled off all the door panels, pulled out the carpet, pulled down the headliner "which is now ruined!), took off my tail-lights, and searched every square inch of my truck 3 or 4 times. Under the hood and under the truck. Then they took me in the back room and made me take off 2 or 3 layers of my clothes to make sure I wasn't hiding anything between them Thank god they didn't break out the rubber glove! The one officer even went so far as to tell me this is what happens to DRUG DEALERS! I understand that my reason to get acorss sounded a little funny, but give me a break! I'm going to meet my friend Greg, whos last name I don't know (thanks Mark!) LOL. To pick him up in Royal Oak where there is no lake. To go fishing, with no fishing gear in the back of my truck. BUt I was nothing but honest and then I was treated like a criminal. So with no reason to hold me any longer they let me go after all that. It was a tough ride over to say the least. Talk about feeling violated. Took a couple of hours for my nerves to calm down. Then the day got much better. Got to H2O's house with quickness and ease and it was great to meet you finally!!! What a fun guy you are to hang around and I will fish with you anytime. Same goes for you Mike! Even though I have to put up with all the canadian jokes! Like H2O said we didn't catch tons of fish but but the company was excellent! Nice to see Walleye Mike again too. I sure hope he come's over to The GLF as it is full of great members also! Well guy's I'm in a better mood than earlier this morning I'll tell ya. Feel's good to be home and safe back here in good old CANADA!!! I hope I didn't hi-jack your thread again H2O. But you got home first!LOL!" end quote.
  22. Check out some outfitters at Algonquin.
  23. That's all we use for lake trolling down here. Bottom bouncers and harnesses like those on a 2 foot leader. Deadly!!! Nice rigs. How much $$ for a nice selection say 2 of each?
  24. That was unreal!!! talk about monsters. Thanks for posting that. Worth every second to view.
  25. Bon Echo Provincial Park. The most beautiful place I've ever been. Fishing was excellent also. Big Lakers and nice walleye. Over 400 feet deep on Lake Mazinaw! http://www.ontarioparks.com/english/bone.html
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