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Posts posted by Muskieman

  1. Bruce , the owner is a very good friend of mine , Kalonka has filmed a few shows there and Canada in the Rough just filmed there too , fishing is very good , it's a private lake .

    Send him a message his handle is , get this .... " olivethelake"

  2. all points of view respected and accepted in my corner.... but .....

    what if ?

    My buddies that got caught were reported by an angler that followed the rules/law and was kinda jealous about them stockpiling the freezer...he had been watching them bag a limit everyday for over a month.


    I'm not about to take that risk.

  3. Too many do this , sometimes I have to think twice , can or can I not being this fish home ?

    Yes : I have fish in the freezer , usually around about a 4 person limit( Walleye, Pike , Trout and a few bags of Perch ) , we love fish , and yes , fresh is better , I agree 100%, there was a time when I used to be able to say" I'm going out to catch supper "... but... family matters = family matters.

    The time isn't always there to catch and cook , they end up bagged and tagged in the freezer ..


    Nothing wrong with that .

  4. HOLAY Wow ! I have a few friends that were nailed for " freezer stocking "

    they're not in a " good situation"right now , one stands to lose a truck an boat , the other has been through the courts and it cost him 6500.00$ .....

    Over limit is not to be seen in my freezer... never has , never will .

    A 4 person multi species limit in my freezer will feed 30 people with left overs ... easy .

  5. It actually would make cents to Northeners , I go to BPS at least 3 times a year , that's about 400$ worth of gas , not to mention lunch , a stop at the Candy Shoppe , XXX Video , Jim Borton's , Friskew Farms , and not to mention my time .

    My usual spending is about 250$ per trip + 100$ gas , 12$ lunch ( no fast food here ) , 5$ @ Jim Borton's and another 60$ or so at the Candy Shoppe , Concorde Candle Factory and Friskew's ...

    It would save me 180$ or so every time ... I'm 3 1/2 hours away ( stop free ) away from BPS , imagine the savings for someone from Timmins or Seneterre ?

    We need something up here , other than CTC , Wally*World and boutiques , Mom & Pop operations are great but the variety of stuff isn't the best .

  6. I could see one somewhere in the Near North , say ... between Sudbury and North Bay .... It would help revitalize the area , and provide a closer outlet to a whole whack of customers in the north .... I know of a lot of folk who drive from Timmins James Bay,Kap,Hearst and Northern Québec ... 10 + hours to get to BPS ...


    It makes a whole lot of cents to me .


    Randy .


  7. As long as they are within the law I say people should mind their own business and move on. This will most likely cause a crap storm but I say if you are really so concerned about this, lobby to get the laws changed. Until then quit poking your nose into others business it might get poked back.



    I've kept Muskies for the smoker , 33" Walleye , 22" Smallies and 45" Pike .... Not to mention the Sheepshead , Silver Bass , Gar , Catfish , Snapping Turtles , Bullfrogs , Clams an Crayfish .... all you can friggin' eat ....


    I don't always do it .... but when I do , I do it for a reason ...


    To each their own .




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