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Posts posted by Muskieman

  1. Your catch limit is always your possession limit !!!! If your limit is 2 walleyes you are not allowed to keep anymore walleyes till those fish are consumed !!!! You cannot stockpile fish and count them as its ok to catch 2 more tommorow and 2 the next !! You can only do that if you eat your limit everyday then you can go back out and catch your limit again!! That's the way it works for whatever area or if you are in an area whith special regs or slots


    Right , but filling someone else's limit is also illegal , could fall under the " party fishing" law ... By that law all anglers must be able to identify ( their ) own catch ... stock piling is definitely a big problem all over the province , it also contributes to the depletion. .

  2. I thought if you are less than 18 yrs old you don't need a licence, so I would be legal to have 2 walleye in my freezer for each of my 4 children. Wife not included.They would have to prove that my children did not catch them. Am I right?



    Agree .

  3. There isn't a better jig on the market with the capability to twist your line like the Airplane has .

    Use a quality in line barrel swivel about 10" above the Airplane , it will help ( a little ) to reduce line twist ... but when they work they work well .

  4. I would imagine if someone ratted you out , and the MNR decided to a DNA test on your Walleye , if they are deemed Nipissing Walleye , then your ( at home ) possession limit , would be 2 fish per angler...

    I can see this becoming a problem , considering that Nipissing is the only lake that has a 2 Walleye limit and is surrounded by 4 Walleye limit lakes , enforcement is gonna have fun trying to figure it out on a roadside spot check .

  5. Sorry Dan, I am a glass half full type guy. If you expect people to be lazy and steal from you, they will likely meet your expectation. 25 years ago, drinking and driving was common place. Today, most kid would not consider getting behind the wheel if they had a drink. Education is the answer. Restocking will give us the time to work on the bigger issues.

    It's easy to say it will never work, it's hard to try to make it work.

    Yep ... Not saying who I represent , but yep .

  6. Happy to see that this thread has remained civilized and unlocked ...good on you all.

    Hoping that Vic's letter will help ... But probably won't ... the decision made is an educated one ... based on studies and surveys , it's a preventative measure that is needed right now ...

    More info to come ...

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