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Posts posted by Muskieman

  1. I wish this was fishing related...I've been fishing THREE TIMES all year May 19 , June 17 and Thanks Giving Sunday (regular outings , nothing spectacular)




    My work schedule had become extreme this past summer 60-70hrs /wk, winding down now..to something normal.

    It's brought me all over Ontario and parts of Quebec, Niagra, Kingston ,Collingwood, Sault, Wawa, Kap , Timmins, Ottawa, Toronto... etc..





    My elevator has a name , Delta Chelsea





    Muskoka Wildlife Centre Moose




    Canada's Wonderland , Rama for concerts a few times a month , fiddle/country fests, drag races, plays at Princess Margaret ( WarHorse was awesome) the Falls, Agawa Canyon, Algonquin Pk, Karaoke contests , BBQ's and apple picking and horse grooming...just to name a few.


    that's enough about work.


    I did have time for some usual bad luck though..


    I started off by breaking a chunk off a Wisdom Tooth, I called all the local surgeons, they said we can take you next week , go to the ER they'll give you pain meds and antibiotics..really?



    I figured why wait a week when I can to it myself?


    I got rigged up in my basement bathroom , disincefted all my tools and went at 'er.



    It HURT !!




    Success!!! I almost passed out ~!




    Then a Cat Bite


    I'm sitting on my deck enjoying a cold beerkingfisher.jpg

    , this little black & white stray cat strolls up onto my deck and does a figure 8 around my legs, I drop my hand down to pat it , the Monster rolls onto its back and bites me TWICE ! By the second bite I had the Beast swinging off my hand and off the deck into the backyard, never to be seen again..


    I rinse and disinfect my wound.


    I called the SPCA , they told me that if I could trap it they'd come pick it up.. :dunno: no help from them whatsoever..


    wake up the next day with my hand and wrist 2x normal size.. off the ER..


    I immediately get an IV drip,and a shot along with the extraction of a CAT TOOTH embedded in my hand.


    they give me 12 hrs to get the cat or I have to go in and get my shots, all 21 of em + 7 IV drips..If i didn't comply , they were calling a JP to quarantine me for 10 days..


    Never found the Feline and went for my shots...PEP & Rabies + IV drips..

    turns out I tested positive for " Bartonella Henselae" Cat Scratch Fever


    all better now.


    If you recall, last summer, I hooked up with a brother I hadn't

    seen in about 33 years, I did the same this summer , I had the opportunity to spend a few days with him in Hamilton before he flew back home to BC.. where he passed away the same day..



    Had to arrange a cross country cremation and funeral here at home, all while having to have a surgery myself..

    I broke out in hives for 5 days .. but managed.


    all is well now..


    ......enough with the bad luck..

    I spent the little time I had to myself on family and the " little things"




    I went to an awesome BBQ with TJ and friends :clapping: :clapping:


    In September, my wife and I ended up going to an awesome party/concert at Gramp's Place near Temagami, I actually helped organize a bus , a bus full of very happy party goers :)



    With fall arriving , I decided to re-model my "Man Cave" I have,Paint, Trim and flooring left to install.








    I also picked up some " Man Cave " decor at a recent auction..Butter Boxes , Decoys , Signage, Rods and Reels a level and a few crates..







    Im looking forward to some time off and maybe some fishing ..or at least more OFC and WFN in the Man Cave :)




  2. Jig & Minnow / Dew Worm / Leech


    Doesn't matter what's in the box , I never have the right lure. ;)

    I don't know if I have a favorite ?

    I have a "go-to" or "confidence" bait / lure that I use for different species .. from there .. I let the fish tell me what they want .


    Walleye : Wally Diver , X-Rap, Rubbers, and LIVE BAIT .


    Pike: "go-to" Williams Wabbler #50&60.. Body Baits and Sponnerbaits.


    Bass : accidental


    Trout : occasional, no particulars.


    Muskie: 1/2 of a Hockey Stick .




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