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Posts posted by Muskieman

  1. Diesel rocks ! Ford have 4 thousand of pre built 4.5 TT Diesel engines sitting there waiting for the light truck market to pick up ... pardon the pun ... Rumor has that VW have a full size full frame 1/2 ton armed with the V10 TT ... Touraeg engine lined up for 2014 ... Oh my ! that's gonna be hard to beat. ( I'm a Ford man ( bash away) ..

    The best MPG I've ever got out of my Expedition is 18MPG ... I tow a 30' camper and do from 0-12MPG depending on the slope.

    I also have '08 Mazda 6 4 cyl auto 5... 44MPG hwy ... but nothing I've owned will meet my 01 Jetta TDI , I once figured out a trip to Dryden at 68MPG ... Diesel all the way ( until it comes to repairs ) ... congrats to GM for making their new truck look like a Ford...

  2. If you eat two fish (catch per angler) for a shore-lunch.. that is a lot of fish to eat...!!!!


    Walleyes were NEVER native to Lake Nipissing.. but are an introduced species...


    I have been fishing Nipissing for 55 years now.. and can still enjoy fishing these waters... any time...


    Besides walleyes we also have pike, bass, pan fish and musky... among many other species...



    p.s. I own a fishing lodge and support the MNR on their new measures...



    Anyone local, who is really worried about the number of walleyes in Lake Nipissing is more than welcome to help us this coming spring.. with one of our many re-stocking programs... But this would involve some effort over many weeks... Talk is cheap...!!!









    the cap't





    I agree.

  3. We used to go to Ardock, On. for a few weeks during summer when I was a lad. (not sure where around Ardock, I was 8-9-10-11) and catch them at night with a BIG net , I think Dad ,uncles Angus and Howard drank too much sauce and used the badminton net from the camp... anyways , I remember running around with an Eel Belt tied around my camo pants.


    They were cleaning them with pliers and scissors like we do with 'lil Brown Cats, we had a HUGE Eel fry, Clam Boil,Upsidedown Turtle, Frog Legs and Barbotte and Ecrevis ( I'm Scot/French we eat anything)

  4. Eh!


    I'm gonna attempt to plan a Quinte trip this upcoming February ,I'll have a few days off (mid week) during the second week... I'll be staying in Oshawa ..

    questions... What's the drive from Osahwa like in the AM?

    Where should I start from, where do I park?

    I walk out I guess?

    Do I look for people with floater suits and sleighs?

    Go punch a hole 50'away or so to be respectful?


    Thanks Gang.




  5. Anywhere north of the 50% the information is based on factual surveys and studies but not everyone who fills them out are honest , say a ( Metis Harvester ) not allowed to use a net but allowed to keep anything that bites his/her line ... Same as the retiree who spends his winters on the ice , brings home 4-8 or more Walleye almost everyday for 90 days .. I really don't think that the statistical data is 100% fact either ..but the numbers are making some sense to me.

  6. I typed LEGAL netting , somewhere in that 50% is the ILLEGAL portion of the netting business , this illegal stuff is frowned upon by the legal .. just saying .. The illegal part is the real problem here , and not to mention agriculture and poaching and Cormorants and soon ,Pelicans.

  7. If its prepared right, you'd swear that you were eating halibut. I've had it once when when we were moose hunting on the Attawapiskat about 15-16 years ago when we could still keep sturgeon. It was amazing fresh. But we made the mistake of freezing one whole and bringing it home. Let me tell you that the thing transformed into the smelliest fish you have ever smelt. I guess that fat does not freeze and it goes rancid quick. Too bad they put the moratoreum on the whole province as there are many on the Ogoki, Albany, Attawapiskat rivers up north.


    Yep , and yep.


    fried in Olive Oil ,remove skin, dash with lemon Pepper and Garlic Salt...

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