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About Tomcat

  • Birthday 04/17/1943

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  • Interests
    Walleye fishing

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Almost a Guide (5/10)



  1. Can you please share what the walleye harvest length limit is at 10 mile lodge?
  2. Outstanding art and workmanship!
  3. I born and raised in Essex County on a dairy farm about 20 miles south of Windsor. My Dad had me fishing walleye and bass in the western basin of Lake Erie, the Detroit River and Lake St. Clair from the age of 5. After some learning, I moved to Ottawa in 1966 for a job. The first fishermen I met in Ottawa were speckled trout and lake trout guys and they introduced me to fishing La Belle Province of Quebec. 54 years later, I’m still fishing shield lakes in Quebec for lake trout and walleye. Scenery is awesome and the fishing is good too.
  4. Hi Jerry, It's been quite a while since our last communication. Glad to hear that your health is improving. After I read your post, I googled for Green Wilderness Lodge Reviews and came across the following - see https://www.facebook.com/pg/greenwildernesslodge/reviews/ There are numerous reviews from trips taken in 2019. Good luck on your 2020 trip. Jay
  5. Our fishing group really enjoys sipping some Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva rum during our trips.
  6. The bottle of 18 year old Highland Park that I purchased had a harsh taste - it wasn't anywhere near as smooth as the sample I taste tested in the bar. Currently, an 18 year old Aberlour is what goes into my glass.
  7. A few years back, I visited the biggest scotch bar in Ottawa to do some taste testing (they had tasting size prices). I was hopeful that I could avoid spending big $$$ only to be disappointed. One of the bottles I wanted to try was the 18 year old Highland Park. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this somewhat peaty scotch. Consequently, a few days later, I put down $200 at the LCBO for a bottle of the 18 year old Highland Park. A week later, I opened the bottle and poured myself a dram. IT WAS TERRIBLE! It had hardly any resemblance to the Highland Park I had taste tested in the bar. I corresponded with Highland Park representatives to try to understand how this could happen. Highland Park's response provided no satisfaction. I concluded that their quality control was non existent and that I would never buy another bottle. However, there's a good ending to this story. My son-in-law loves a dram now and then and so I invited him to try the Highland Park one evening after dinner. He loved it and the bottle instantly became his.
  8. I've had a Mustang Model 3153 (MUSTANG MD315302 H.I.T. INFLATABLE PFD AUTO (HYDROSTATIC INFLATION)) for 12 years now. It's so comfortable, you are hardly aware that you are wearing it. Highly recommended.
  9. How did you get there once you flew into Havana airport?
  10. Great pics!! Thanks for sharing.
  11. Thanks for the input guys.
  12. Can anyone share their experience vertically jigging lake trout with Shimano Butterfly jigs. I will be fishing shield lakes in mid Aug. Recommended jig colours would be a bonus. Thanks in advance.
  13. Congrats on your cabin progress. I was wondering how long it takes for your cabin to get to a comfortable temperature with your pellet furnace.
  14. When I fished the western basin of Lake Erie out of Colchester harbour with my Dad back in the mid 40s, he said we were fishing for pickerel. So for years, I called them pickerel too. After listening to so many Americans referring to the same fish as walleye, like aplumma, I did some research. And I too learned that the correct name for my favourite eating fish, Sander vitreus , was actually walleye. Consequently, I haven't been pickerel fishing for a long time. Au contraire, I've been and continue to go walleye fishing. Even so, it doesn't bother me much that so many Ontario fishermen refer to this fish as a pickerel. Old habits are difficult to overturn.
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