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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. For the son and I, we kept 66 in the 9-12" size. Hate to think how many the three of us put back.



    I was waiting to see if you where gonna respond to this Bruce. Without counting your fish my estimate was that you guys had 60. I guess I was pretty close ;)


    Like I told you guys it was a sub par day in there....hopefully next time you get to see it's true colours. With those big schools of shiners that we saw moving in, things should pick up in November.

  2. was a wonderful day out nice to finally meet you steve


    The pleasure was all mine Robert. We had a great day. Nothing better for me then sharing a nice fall day perching with other fishermen who enjoy it as much as I do. Make sure you tell your old man to take it easy in the next little while,cause I'm looking forward to getting down your way with you boys.

  3. Yeah I enjoyed it Bruce. I'm glad you guys made it up and I'm happy you took a few home for a good fish fry. The 11 I kept are scheduled for a supper appearance as soon as I get off OFC and start cooking :P


    BTW thanx again for the jar of pickles AND the jar of salsa. I tried one dill it was great...and the salsa is almost half gone...you did an outstanding job on that.


    You and Robert are welcome in my boat anytime.


    I'll return the jars this winter if I get down for smelts.

  4. My wife is a manager at a TD and both my kids are at the bank as well. Cheque frauds and frauds in general having been getting worse and worse every year. All banks have beefed up there security measures, to protect there own arses and yours.


    You will get the same treatment every where.

  5. 35-55 FOW...vertically jigging a jighead and a minnow or worm. Or an ice fishing jigging rapala with a dew worm impaled on the front hook then twirled around the rapala barber pole style and impaled on the back hook or the bottom treble...depending on the size of your worm. That all you need to know for the walleye spots I fish this time of year.


    The deep water eyes tend to feed all day as well... with mid morning usually being the best bite. No need to get up early and no need to go out after dark. Gotta love it.

  6. I have mixed feelings about the Kawartha's being open for the hard water. I plan on retiring to Bobcaygeon so it would be nice to fish closer to home in the winter.


    However I have the same concerns as Stoty about the fishery going to hell.


    I think a good compromise would be to open it for pannies and walleye for a short season like Scugog...but really monitor it. If the fishery starts to go south then close it up again.


    It would be fantastic if it was sustainable.....and it would be good for local businesses to get a little more tourist $$$$ during the winter.

  7. Also to get back those child like days---go fishin with a bobber------it takes on that feeling we all had waiting in anticipation for it to sink outta sight.

    I've caught tons of trophy fish but I have the most fun flingin floats and watching patiently for the mostly smaller fish you'll catch.




    With you on this one. A friend of mine who is the best steelheader I know told me when he introduced me to it that the best part was watching the float go down.


    I target pretty much everything besides musky...and use floats for different applications for all most all of them.

  8. What are you doin with those two old oars......

    One of my favs as well joey. Along with my all time fav when Mrs Champ was helping old man Mckluskey plant a flowerbed and another neighbor commented to the champ that he saw Mrs Champ plant her tulips around old man Mckluskeys Stump....PARDON

  9. Does it really matter? Aren't they a put and take fishery and not actually self sustaining... aren't they all going to be dead in a week or 2 anyway?... and from what I understand, they aren't even fit to eat!... the only good part about them is the eggs to use for bait, and why not? The eggs won't hatch and they'll just be wasted anyway... might as well put them to good use!!!


    Maybe they should just legalize the snagging of Salmon only???... wouldn't that be simpler?



    Gotta agree with Dawg on this one. It is strictly a put and take fishery and all those snagged fish as gonna be dead in a month anyhow. I have never snagged a salmon...and never will...but money wise I think the best bang for our buck would be to have the stocking numbers increased slightly then just let the hooligans have at it for a couple of weeks in the fall. As long as the lake fishery doesn't suffer...what does it really matter?


    Truthfully I'm far too busy chasing perch/crappie on Simcoe this time of year to worry about salmon.

  10. Well however a person handles a situation is up to them. Everybody has there own comfort zone. For the people here that tore a strip off Photoz...I can only say this. I have fished on the ice with the man. As well as the rivers and even had him in my boat several times. I can't think of any individual that I have fished with who shows more respect for the environment, and the fish he is after. He is also one of the first people to offer help or advice to anyone fishing nearby who might appear to be new at the "game". Steve is a stand up guy who I am happy to call a friend.


    BTW Photoz....perch season is JUST around the corner....PM me if you are in for a road trip up Orillia way.

  11. ....



    Then the Ketchup... this is where it gets me mad...


    I was getting my Daughters HD ready and there is a Bottle of Heinz Ketchup that says "Easy Squeeze"


    You have to squeeze so hard on the friggin' thing that when it comes out it's like a "Turbo Jet" the Ketchup came out so fast it almost blew the food off the plate while covering everything in it's path.






    Yeah I hear you about the ketchup. Been there, done that :angry:


    I just took my fillet knive and carved that pesky little plastic membrane out of the hole. No more worries. When the bottle is finished I transfer the modified lid to the new bottle. My family think I am crazy :wacko: ...but it has restored peace to my world :thumbsup_anim:

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