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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. Fishnwire read what I said. GM itself is NOT blameless. Any company can make bad decisions. But a company making bad decisions can recover if it is not being choked to death by the burden of catering to a union. All big companies have overpaid execs, it's a fact of todays world. But the $$$$ they receive is nothing compared to what is doled out to the employees because of the union contracts.







    BTW I live in Oshawa now. I could spend a whole afternoon telling you what a complete mess GM is in because it has catered to a union for all these years. The ridiculous benefits they have are choking the company to death.
  2. The printing company I work for has union and non union plants. I have worked in both over my 27 years. No benefit to the union shops in my company. The union shops make the same but pay union dues so actually take home less. We all get the same compensation packages/benefits.


    And as far as Walmart goes....thank god for them. About 20-30% of our print volume is for them. In todays economy we have worked overtime almost every weekend this year and lots of that is due to Walmarts new store openings.


    Not to mention I shop there as well. As I mentioned I am a printer. I wear crap cloths to work cause they just get ruined anyway. I can buy track pants for $10 at Walmart instead of paying double, triple or more somewhere else. Best quality no..but I'm happy paying $10 for "throw away" cloths. In the long run Walmart works for me on many levels.


    Todays world...in Canada anyway... has way too many safeguards for companies to pull the same crap they tried years ago. Unions in my opinion are a dinosaur. No need for them in this country as far as I am concerned. BTW I live in Oshawa now. I could spend a whole afternoon telling you what a complete mess GM is in because it has catered to a union for all these years. The ridiculous benefits they have are choking the company to death.

  3. Have never been impressed with Bass Pro. I went last fall to get Rocky boots on sale...the ones I wanted all GONE. Tried to get a floater suit last winter. Priced them at Bass pro cause I was out there. Then priced them in Oshawa where I live and they were $30 cheaper at Gagnon's in Oshawa.


    I'm sure if I lived closer I would go more....but it certainly is not worth the drive from Oshawa.

  4. Make sure you have a gas powered auger or a 4inch manual.


    Would not recommend a 4 inch manual for slabs. I have a 5 inch lazer and I had several fish last winter I had to roll up the sleeves grab by the lip and force through that 5 inch hole. A 4 inch hole with a 14inch plus crappie would be something I would try to avoid. :D

  5. In the winter crappies move to deeper water.


    Don't tell the crappie in Scugog that. I like catching them in 3 FOW through the ice :P I think they just move to where ever they are going to be able to feed the best. Now I'm talking an evening/nite bite here in water that shallow. During the day I'm sure they are deeper. I have not run across anyone getting them with any consistant success during the day in Scugog.


    In crappie magazines I have read that in alot of waters they feed mostly after dark. I hope this isn't true for the Kawartha's. I'm just not interested in being out on the ice too long after dark.

  6. Let me simplfy this for you.

    Let's say I was cleaning out my car and FOUND MONEY under the seats. I now have $1.53 in my pocket that I didn't expect to have. Gee, maybe I'll treat myself to a coffee.


    When we sold, we didn't plan on getting full asking price or over asking price. That's not the trend in London. So we have a few unemcumbered bucks to spend.




    No problems...I was only poking fun. :lol:


    Over full asking price :glare: ....perhaps I should rethink my previous statement. Who did you say your listing agent was :worthy:

  7. Years ago I laid claim to the bottom right crisper. Since then it is referred to as "Dad's Crisper" It harbors my veggies seeds and all things fishing related. Worms, leeches, maggots & roe. No one opens that crisper except me, cause they all know there is nothing they want in there anyway ;)


    This has worked well for years. But I'm sure if I ever get an "escapee". The committee will out vote me and things will change :(

  8. Well I can vouch for your location Cliff. You and Sue have a nice home in a perfect location.


    We stay at a hotel every fall in Orillia for my perch weekend with my brother and dad. The Eagle Inn cost us $90 a night and has a kitchen so we can clean our catch and do a fish fry. And just down the road is a Hotel that is $75 a night for 2 beds and a pull out couch, but no kitchen. Neither place is near as nice as what you have. But both are adequate for a guys fishing weekend.


    I guess it just comes down to who you wanna attract. And how much time money and energy you wanna invest into it.


    This is a ground floor opportunity for sure with Ice Fishing opening up this winter. I can see a tidy little profit in there for anybody willing to give it an honest go.


    Good luck with it Cliff.

  9. There is a big buck down there that I run into while float fishing if I am down there before sunup



    Some big coyotes too. Saw a huge one last week. Might wanna do the early morning float fishing with a buddy. Or pack a ...cough...gun :whistling:

  10. For 3 days in a row on my way to and from work in south Oshawa... in the harbor area...I have passed a group of deer feeding in the back of a cut down corn field. I figure the farmer must have had a spill of corn there because they are always in the exact same spot.


    Can you hunt in such an area? I'm just curious. I snicker when I see all the posts on here about some folks having trouble bagging one this year when I could have easily got one of these. They are about 80 yards from the road and don't even look up when I drive by.


    Not trying to rub salt in any hunter who is being skunked this fall...I really just am curious about the law.

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