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Posts posted by crappieperchhunter

  1. This time of year all the perch move out of Cook's Bay and head for the narrow's in Orillia. The real big jumbo's hide under the bridge there. Any muskie size crankbait will do the trick.


    Good luck :angel:


    And BTW welcome aboard :canadian:

  2. A buddy I fish with kills perch and crappie with those. And he fishes them as a cast and retrieve without a float. He has the touch for it. I do not. Or rather I just find it much easier under a float. When we fish together it is a friendly competition to see who puts more fish in the boat. When the water is warmer he tends to outfish me. But when the water is cold I tend to do better under the float.


    Both work. Just pick which you are most comfortable with and good luck.

  3. You gotta love that dry heat. 90 is indeed very tolerable down there. My warmest day was 112 in Laughlin and I wasn't even sweating. I chuckle in the summer everytime the news up here says tomorrow's high will be 75 but the humid x will make it feel like 90. I'd take the dry Arizona 90 over the humid southern ontario 75 anyday. And the way things cool down in the evening...man I love that too.


    Retirement is just around the corner for us, so Debbe and I are starting to look into snow bird options ourselves. If you got the time to PM me some of the details about your area it would be most appreciated.


    Enjoy your season in the sun

  4. I haven't been since I was a kid...but St Jacob's was always a nice place. Lotsa interesting things to buy and people to meet.


    Knowing your interests I can only assume you felt right at home there and probably looked forward to it every weekend. Sounds like a dream job to me.


    Take care of yourself in the off season and next St Jacob's "season" will be here before you know it.

  5. Thx for the post. I found it very interesting. Trapping I'm sure is something that is in serious decline as far as the younger generation taking up the trade.


    Do you eat any of those critters? The reason I ask. In 80 I was a JR in Kiosk...Algonquin Park. We had a trapper visit out camp and give us a little presentation about his craft. He was asked if he ate any of the animals he trapped.


    He said with a sly little grin to a group of 17-19 year old guys that eating beaver was his favourite. We all laughed like hell and all the standard comments where trotted out. But once all the joking settled down we found out that he was indeed serious. He was an entertaining gentleman who clearly had a passion for trapping.


    Nice to see others are still enjoying an honest outdoorsy trade. Good on you.


    I'd love to see more pics of your passtime.

  6. Black squirrels in our attic 3 years ago...don't know how many...just heard them skampering around UP THERE. The little buggers took ALL the pink blown in insulation and piled it up in one corner of the attic above my daughters bedroom...making a nest I suppose?The rest of the attic was void of insulation.


    I took a radio up there with and extension cord and left it in there with the volume turned up high for 2-3 weeks. Haven't seen them since. Guess they didn't like my radio station :P

  7. I've still got lots of beets and carrots to pick. Even some peppers yet. Still selling field tomatoes at market.


    Yes I love veggies. We had corn, chard and cauliflower with our goose breasts tonight.



    Your killing me too Bruce!!!! Being down the road a little bit from me I know you get a 2 week jump start on me in the spring...give or take...and a 2 week extension in the fall as well.


    BTW just finished your salsa last night. And my son said to me yesterday. "Your buddy sure packed the dills in this jar...it's work to get one out!"


    Side bar....everything goes with breasts...everything :whistling:

  8. The lettuce and onions are looking a little wimpy right now, but with some cooler temps and another shot of fertilizer... they'll perk right up!!!


    Dawg what varieties of lettuce and onions do you grow? More specifically are they day neutral specific to your region? I have a big veggie patch and studied it quite a bit when I first got into it....over 20 years ago. Some varieties that do well up here don't do well down there...and vice a versa...because they are breed specifically to do well in particular regions according to temperatures of course...but also day length. Most local nurseries don't have a clue about such things and if you don't either you could be getting the "wrong" seeds/seedlings.


    One of my favourite things in the world is tilling my garden for the first time in the spring. The smell of the fresh earth and the sounds of the robins and other birds chirping and flapping around my hedge on a beautiful spring day.

    I'd love to be able to putter around out there all year. I envy you for that.


    BTW did my final tilling Oct 14th to put my garden to bed for the winter.


    Thx for the post...but your killing me :angry:

  9. i have an acquaintance that lost his wife to a deer kill.


    She hit the deer on the 403 a number of years ago.... DECAPITATED her.


    Her two daughters were in the back seat at the time.... their mom's head landed on the eldest daughters lap....


    My friend got the call from the other daughter while they were still in the car !


    The girls still struggle with it and have received all kinds of counseling for bereavement and PTSD.


    I say,,, let the hunters do their job... cull the herds to manageable numbers in their respective areas of the country.



    My deer experience was only fatal to the deer and my 1986 VW GOLF. So I can make jokes about it. Your friends experience is just awful.I can't imagine being involved in that. I wish the family all the best at putting it in the past.

  10. Did you think the 80 billion dollars the federal and provincial governments collectively borrowed to 'stabilize' our economy would magically pay itself back? Tax increases and higher interest rates are a given. For those proposing to fight the HST, how exactly do you propose we pay that money back?


    Get used to it! Tax increases are in the future. Bet on it! I see the tax free sales of principal residences being next on the chopping block.


    Welcome to the new normal.


    Sad...but true.


    I've said it before and I'll say it again. Taxes are a necessary evil. Does anyone REALLY think the government is just taking the money to screw people?..REALLY?


    I'm not trying to start a pissing match. Just saying it's necessary and anybody who is an adult Canadian should have realized a long time ago that this is the way things are in Canada.


    Suck it up or move.

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