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About hotrod

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  1. Good Job Luc, nice of you to teach one of the Campners how to fish.
  2. Shooting anything from the vehicle is not hunting, it's illegal, unsporting and poaching plain and simple. I hope he gets the book thrown at him because this crap goes on all the time, not just with tame deer. This story will get tons of press and makes all hunters look like asses. They should publish the guys name and let the shaming begin. What an idiot.
  3. Ontario is a have not province now....well we do have a 25 billion dollar debt. The feds have a 50 billion dollar debt. Both levels of government need more money and the only way to do that is to raise taxes or cut spending. They decided to raise the taxes. It isn't about saving work for anybody or making it easier for business or being revenue neutral. These are only red herrings. It's about the money like it always is and the guy at the end of the line gets stuck with the bill like he always has. That's how the HST works.
  4. Good job Keraml. The science is junk and the data has been fudged for years, this needs to be investigated. Seems big government has been financing the alarmists, it's all about the money. This isn't going to go away despite the name calling that has and will continue to come from the true believers. It hurts to be lied to.
  5. I believe you can't legislate morality or ethics. As mentioned the hunter safety course addresses shot placement. Those who will take less than optimal shots will do so regardless of the fact that they took a course, like many do who hunt with a gun despite the fact they have all passed a course telling them not to. I'm against more rules, we already have enough and adding more will just turn more people off hunting like the gun registry did....
  6. How fast were you going in mph at top speed?
  7. Just curious, do the longer fish fight any harder than our stockier bass?
  8. Insurance issues are the biggest stumbling block to these kind of tournaments, I'd look into that first. You don't want to be liable if there is a mishap and I don't imagine the board does either. I wish you good luck .
  9. http://www.torontosun.com/news/torontoandg...561986-sun.html
  10. I hope you meant anise.........and you don't really know what greasy anis tastes like.......
  11. Scuro, my skepticism comes from they hysterical rantings of people like Al gore and Ban Ki Moon and their ilk. I also feel the science has been hijacked to suit ideologies and accessing funding. I also don't believe "facts" that are based on computer models that are merely flawed predictions and can be made to show what the modeller wants, you know the gigo theory. We're on a cooling trend right now, yet it's reported by the majority of the msm that the planet is still heating up! The thing that really concerns me is the idea of cap and trade based on inconclusive science such as it is now, not really knowing the effect that humans have to influence the climate if any at all. To me it is nothing but a scam dreamed up to line the pockets of the elite. I think it's safe to say that the science is far from settled and there's alot we don't know. It's good that we can debate our differing points of view on a forum such as this without it degenerating into personal attacks. I'm going fishing and this is my last post on the subject, our clubby is tomorrow and I'm 1 point behind for AOY so I need to find some fish!
  12. That's some funny stuff!
  13. The killers are dead. They blew up in the plane. Quit the nonsense and disrespect.
  14. He is one of the many wack jobs out there. His comments are totally out of place and show a stupefying amount of disrespect for all the dead. I wasn't referring to you dr.s.
  15. You conspiracy people make me ill hijacking a thread like this.
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