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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. near cliffs place, and you took the picture with a Nikon Cool Pix S570. ok fin I cheated, thats the properties of your picture. lol. I orignially thought ceserea
  2. To be honest its one of those things that may be hit or miss. some willlove it some will be bored. However its also on the list of must do things with kids not in any order, and I am sure there are many things missing but as a parent you have an obligation to show your kids these things at least once if you live or frequent ontario...When kids see big things it opens there minds that there is more out there than youtube and school. Polar bear swim in cochrane Toronto Metro Zoo CNE CN Tower Algonquin Park Museums Canadas Wonderland Rom Science Center Butterfly conservatory in Niagra Walk under the Falls Maid of the Mist Marine land and pet a beluga or dolphin African Lion Safari Science North Big Nickel Rock Jambori in Bancroft
  3. I took mine there as well, they were scared at first of the nickel mine, but after a while they were ok. I carried the youngest 3 yrs old at the time the whole way around.
  4. Looks like the docks on Sturgeon lake. Rod storage depends on the boat. in our 21foot bass boat they go in the locker or strapped to the decks. at the bigining of a tournament we have about 4 rods each out, by the end we have about 30 rods out at least. In my tin boat i used to leave them in the vertical rod holders until I had a musky run under my boat and I tried to sweep around to the other side of the boat and caught reel on one of the rods that was up vertical and it opened the bail... man did that musky go for a swim. I managed to land it a 43" musky on pigeon river, but that was the last time I stored rods upright.
  5. Its pretty much the same as the science center, so if they liked that they will like science north. I took mine around the same age a few years ago, and they enjoyed the day. We also went to the nickel mine but they were scared of that. The 3 year old will probably have fun at the play area butt he rest of the exhibits are more geared towards the school aged kids. The 3D movie was kinda cool as well.
  6. Outside of the sens game, I like the new lineup with lupal playing with kadri on the third line.
  7. That was pretty close to clipping and clearly an attempt to do so. Typical of a sens player. Honestly I hope the sens make the play offs so the leafs can shoot them down once again in the first round.
  8. haha np, I shoulda mentioned I searched google for hours already looking for the info. I did manage to find a few dates though through various phone calls... Temagami is March 10th Elliot lake is Feb 2nd Temiskaing Not sure Wikwemikong is feb 11th Wawa has a big one on March 3rd-5th I think there was another big one somewhere but the location escapes me.
  9. My fishing partner always steps on his rods every tournament. He combats this by buying cheaper rods from Bass pro. In my old grand cherokee I used to have a hanger system I made out of nylon webbing. I stole the idea from a friend that was doing the same in his pathfinder. Int he boat we put golf tubes in the rod locker to keep them seperated from eachother and prevent them from bouncing around.
  10. Cancer touches most every family in one way or another, very sorry to hear the sad news.
  11. No info yet apparently on the 2012 derbies. I talked to the guy that ran it last year, he gave me the number of the guy doing it this year. The new guy hasn't got the entry forms back yet, and there is nothing on the web about them yet apparently, and no website is setup for them. CTV will eventually start advertisising them, but apparently not yet. So in this case google is not my friend. Of course if you can find a link to the 2012 derbies and info for this year, please post them. I am sure others would like to know.
  12. Tried couldn't find anything on there.
  13. Anyone know the schedule for the 2012 ctv ice fishing derbies?
  14. Lew, I liked your last one with all them big muskies.
  15. Its the old adage, post a pic or post the size but don't do both. Unless its scale worthy. Especially if your giving the Monster Fish Stretch hold. I don't think anyone said its not a good or a great crappie, but to post a size beside that is just crazy. I would expect the same bask a roo if I did that.
  16. I dunno, I think its really a toss up, I mean who has more potential long term? I doun't think he is going to give us anything this year. another 20 goal scoring winger, isn't exactly what the leafs lack. I would say its not a great deal.
  17. Here is your evidence of this NOT being 18 inches...
  18. haha, I meant more of a pain for me to schedule the games to watch em all.
  19. Is it just me or are there way more back to back games this year than ever before? It seems every team plays a back to back once per week.
  20. Not if you already have all the stuff laying around, spare deep cycles, inverters etc...
  21. it would take some getting used to but we do much the same for our hunt camp every year, run the generator during the day and use thebatteries all night. You may not be able to run your furnace or dryer off of it, but lights tv etc...wouldn't be a problem. move all the lights, tv's etc... to a seperate panel and power the panel off of the battery rack, and charge it at night.
  22. last time I tried to exchange a 70 dollar Bass Pro branded tackle bag with a broken zipper that I phoned in about and was told it wasn't a problem they told me I was only allowed to get a 20 dollar in store credit and that I was too cheap and couldn't afford to pay the difference for a new one. It didn't end well. Many bad words were exchanged and a cart full of musky baits ended up on the ground.
  23. Yes, I am sure it will be an interesting experience. I'll likely end up on youtube with a million hits... "Shopper goes ballistic at Bass Pro over a rod rack"
  24. Why not just get a couple deep cycles and an inverter. Charge them at night when the power is cheap and burn it off during the day.
  25. Do you recall how much it cost solo?
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