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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. However it says the head lights must be able to operate at high and low beam. My low beam that was burnt out still worked as high beam. so I guess the amber light canbe low beam and the high beam can be high beam?
  2. Yah I have a two amber lights one on each side, and one headlight was working. As for the mailing it says you cannot set a trial date by mail.
  3. haha, don't get me started, on good cop bad cop... the guy on the phone said there is no way to get a court date unless I go in and request one, so this will be two days pay.
  4. And btw I don't mean this to turn into a bash to cops thread. I mearly wanted to post to people and tell them to do a double check because they must be out for every little thing.
  5. No way leafs all the way. So just out of protest I am going to leave one of the lights the old yellow stock ones and the other one is a super ultra bright blue one. If you ever see the silve franken light corolla thats me in protest. Damn. Too bad it actually wasn't pirate day. I am sure I got that ticket for actually joking about being pulled over for having a burnt out light bulb.
  6. Crap, spent 68 minutes on the phone just to be told, and I quote "The cop didn't know what she was talking about, you don't phone the number you have to come in in person to request a trial" Looks like another waste of time. I mean I was pretty much fuming and am still abit tempered about it. But of course she has the taser so I guess I have no choice. If I was speeding or something, or cut someone off, or whatever, yah give me the headlight as an extra. Or if she was loking for somethign and found nothing, seriously why not just a warning, or an escourt home around the block so I can change it. Man o Man, this is exactly why my faith in the folks in blue have lost my respect a long time ago. Not only that a cop without signals on was behing me on my way to work this morning at a light. I was turning left and so were they. He did a double lane change around me and almost side swiped a car coming towards us making a right. I want to pull my hair out.
  7. Bancroft as 3, 2 full stores and 1 gas station one, population 3,000 give or take.
  8. So I had a burnt out headlight, Went to crappy tire, to buy a light was on my way back to my place to change it and I got pulled over. I wasn't speeding, didn't miss a signal or cut someone off. Yep I got pulled over for having a burnt out headlight. I told her that it just burnt out and I just bought a headlight and was on my way to replace it at home and she said, take a picture of it and set a trial date. Been on hold now for 49 minutes waiting... sheesh man... I would love to say how pissed I am about this but I will just hold off. Anyway it must be quota time in the GTA so make sure you got your nuts tightened.
  9. I believe the answer is ARRRgon... Rum would be my next guess
  10. after getting dropped on the floor from 5 feet in the air hopefully it went and bull in his shoes... but ha ha none the less.
  11. Oh yah I have seen it all, my shouting matches usually go like this.... "Your gonna ruin the tires and blow up the engine"... "Then get out and push, you're the one that wouldn't let me buy an SUV, you had to have something good on gas" Nothing like a good old fashioned burnout at the boat launch.
  12. haha so it is... move along
  13. Arr Matey, yee headlight is out.. pass me yer license and registration or walk the plank"
  14. Hey so today is Pirate Day. Your supposed to talk to someone like as if you were a pirate today, and tell them its pirate day and tell them to talk to someone like they are a pirate.
  15. Its the launching part that sucks. getting the boat in the water is ok, but pulling it out a 16 footer fully decked can be interesting with a corolla. It usually involves swearing, tire smoke and a 1/4 tanks of gas. Its also a possibility I am going to sell the corolla and get a small suv. If that is the case we will likely opt for some dry land storage.
  16. I would trailer it all over, but having a corolla to drive, and living in a condo with nowhere to park it is a pain, and putting it in a slip is only a bit more than dry land storage. So I think I will like the convenience of having it in a slip. Idon't even leave anything in it even when I had it parked at home in the driveway so that won't be much of a change for me. ps if anyone is looking for a 2000 lund pm me... I may end up listing it as well, and see what comes first a buyer or a dock.
  17. That seems like a good price do you recall the name of the place?
  18. I was an avid tim hortons guy, but since I got a tasimo, I can't drink that watered down Tim's coffee.
  19. Rooting for the Giants but I am betting on the pats... I am gonna say a conservating Pats by 10 or more
  20. I dunno, I would hope it would be fairly secured, enough to leave my trolling motor on. The only other thing i have on there is my fish finder and its on a clip on bracket so its only a second to pull off. Called emerald isle, and scugog island. I'll have to make the calls around the usual suspects.
  21. Does anyone know the rates for slips in the kawarthas? Looking for to put my 16 foot alluminum in a slip this year, maybe on Balsam, Pigeon, chemong etc...
  22. Cut a hula hoop in half and insert the end of the rod into the hula hoop and jam her in there., 2 rods per hula hoop half or 4 rods per hula hoop.... I assume no liability for anything that you do with this advice.
  23. +2 Mr Buddy. I have the single tank Mr.Buddy and I am very happy with it. I have had a few other types, and the buddy is the best I have used.
  24. since the future has yet to be written only the past serves as a lesson.
  25. But where will I get worms?
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