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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. Anyone catch this? http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/04/22/suspects_in_toronto_terror_plot_arrested_sources.html
  2. Here is a shot that is very telling. You can see the bank of the York river where the pole is. Normally there is a fairly big drop down the bank, 4-5 feet if I recall to where the water level normally sits there. [/url]
  3. Its going to get even worse in Bancroft. For those that don't know the Elephant and Baptiste are a flooded section of the York river held back by a dam. The York flows through Bancroft. Today they released a statement saying they are being forced to remove another log from the dam. This is said that it will raise the York another 2-6 inches or something like that making things even worse. The reason is there are fears that the dam might break so they are trying to relieve some pressure. If the dam breaks there are fear that Bancroft (essentially a bowl) will be under water within an hour as much of Elephant and Baptiste will drain into the town. At least this is what I heard. Crossing my fingers for those in Bancroft.
  4. If they get in they deserve it. They don't have much room for error unless the jets fold.
  5. Who rents a motorhome to go 100km's haha
  6. Can't argue with that roy. and btw... Sens are now tied for 8th....
  7. haha, I drive, they sit in the back and keep quiet.
  8. Anyone ever rent an RV from toronto to Florida and back? what kind of mileage do they get? Looking for something for 3 couples, maybe 2 week round trip.
  9. Talked to my cousin the pictures are crazy. The york river is right up to the river bank in town. The water level looks at least 10 feet high in the river. Water is flooding the streets. Its crazy.
  10. Bancroft has declared a state of emergency.
  11. Keep your head up sens fans.... you have pits and wash next... rangers have flor and jersey... peg has buffalo and pits.. could be a rough week only a few points out of ninth. FOREEEE!!!
  12. Thanks for the free pass sens. You suck as always...
  13. Yikes... I will a few days. Haha
  14. could have had tickets for tonight and tomorrow, someone at work was giving them away. Are the jays world champions yet?
  15. What if they cap him and there was a third person? What if he just crawls into a hole and kills himself not to be found for years? I hope they are able to find him. Seriously though these two guys are dumb. There pictures weren't released for days, they could have driven to mexico and back, before anyone even had the foggiest who they were.
  16. post a link to the aunt video
  17. scroll pas the pictures to a video of an interview with the second bombers uncle. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2311744/Losers--Bombers-uncle-blasts-radicalized-nephews-brought-shame-family-county.html
  18. Me neither, until they told me so on the tv and radio this morning.
  19. From chechnia, but are of Muslim faith. Chechnia has a huge radical Muslim population.
  20. No fly zone, door to door searches, they are already talking about trying to figure out if they are part of a bigger Muslim terrorist cell.
  21. Yah but not for managers and wouldn't even recommend a sens fan to work there.
  22. OH well, I guess on the good side everyone from management and above shows up at 11 and leaves by 3 every day.
  23. Of course that's there feeling is to try and make it look like they are American as there business is international. Its companies like this that help to keep Canada down as far as I am concerned. There are very successfully global companies proud of there roots. Just annoying is all. Haha, had a soap box moment I guess. I am all done, feel free to move on. lol
  24. Wow, I rarely publicly complain about an employer but I am so glad I gave my notice and am moving on. The place I worked at(run in Canada, funded by Canadian dollars) is launching there new website design, with an American theme and graphics of the statue of liberty etc... Does anyone else get particularly offended by companies that try and make it look like they are American? Just annoys me.
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