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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. need one for a 6.5 , although I could save the extra foot and a half for any sens fans I go fishing with... youknow the part that hangs down by the tail pipe.
  2. Hopefully the coach keeps slapping them around a bit. They all have jump today. and SO SO SO awesome that kessle put one in the back of the net.
  3. Yes, 4x4, real 4x4, as in Part time, no limited slip rear end though. Has low rolling resistance tires, they also did alot of weight saving on this years model, alluminum hood instead of steel, lowered the weight of other steel components as well. Also alot of the components are now electric instead of belt driven, Power steering, brake pumps etc... Dodge finally did there homework and it netted them a realy impressive truck. As well as motor trend truck of the year. I drove a few others as well, but this is really an impressive truck. Its sticker rated for 36mpg on the highway, and it actualy hits that if you have the cruise set at 100km/h on flat ground. Of course real highway driving I think hits around mid 20's I'll test it tomorrow as I am leaving early for fishing and will be cruising hopefully traffic free up the 404 early in morning. The 8 speed transmission is truly amazing. It does seek for gearing a bit in the lower speeds but it does a great job keeping the rpm's in check. I did find on the highway it wanted to cruise in 7th and mileage wasn't as good, but if you kick it to 8th it just sits there and sips gas.
  4. 2-1 Leafs... How that last flurry didn't result in a goal is beyond me. Rask has horseshoes tonight. Should be like 4-1
  5. Yah I am super happy with the economy. One the tonneau cover goes on it should be better. Here is a pic. I don't have a cosco membership. Princess auto has one as well.
  6. Maybe a pair of high lift jeep style jacks on the front of it and angle the trailer under it as far as you can strip it down and tip eth trailer forward, then jam a log under the trailer tires and hook up to the toon and pull it onto the trailer the rest of the way with your truck. Even if you get it halfway you should be able to back it to the water if its in a safe confined area. Just be careful you don't crush yourself... not that I would know anythign about coming close to crushing myself.. and I would offer my jedi force powers, but I am being called away next weekend to help move a mountain.
  7. Well, I traded in the jeep this week and drove out with a 2013 ram 1500. Awesome, lovin it so far. Great on gas. Averaged 19 mpg in Toronto stop and go this week. Has the 300hp Pentastar V8 with 8 speed rolls royce trans. Anyway if anyone is selling or knows of someone selling a truck tent that goes in the back of the bed let me know. I have seen them pop up for sale here and there.
  8. If it was me I would put kessle out on every chara shift and tell him to suck it up and play against him or not dress. Who cares if he hit you once. Grow up kessle are you wearing a sens jersey under your leafs jersey? I do agree that id that jvr shot went in I think the outcome would have been vastly different. The reffing as usual was brutal and reimer was being exploited high on every single shot.
  9. Pretty weak effort all around. I mean if you aren't gonna play kessle you darn well better deal him in the summer.
  10. SCORES!!!!!!
  11. Habs or sens? That's like choosing between a kick in family jewels or a punch in face. I think the habs got this one down though. Even if price forgets to put on his pads the sens will have a tough time scoring goals. As for the leafs well, I don't think they will win but I am going to root for them none the less and scream if they lose. The one thing I will say, is they can score, skate and hit with the bruins. Its defense and proven goaltending that puts the bruins over the top.
  12. Sens and habs will be a good series. Well like two fruit flies mating. Haha
  13. 2-0 sens... looks like its gonna be the bruins in the first round.
  14. On a regular basis what are they blacking out? Like 5 people?
  15. It will be interesting to see how the canuck goalie drama plays out. As well the red wings after sneaking over the last week as well of course chicago after dominating the league.
  16. Leafs finish in 5th. What a great season for such low expectations and minimal trades. Afaik this is where it stands. For the Leafs If the Bruins get 2 points we play Montreal in the first round If the Bruins get 1 point or lose tomorow we play the Bruins For the Sens If they get 0 points they finish 8th and play Pens. If they get 1 point, they tie islancers but get the tie break so finish 7th and play Boston If tthey get 2 points they lose the tie breaker against rangers and finish in 7th and play Montreal The first tiebreaker is Regulation or overtime wins(no shootouts) Second tie breaker is record agains the tied team
  17. You are allowed 4 hooks.
  18. I am only planning on doing this once, if it comes through again, I'll just buy a new rear bench seat. I have been running hot water through it with dawn dish soap but it still feel oily, I don't think I am going to be able to get it all out.
  19. Well, I guess this is kind of fishing related as it happened whil on a camping trip. someone who shall remain nameless spilled a good amount of cooking oil onto one of the seats. I thought I got a fair bit of it up but it has been sreading up the seat. Today I removed the offending seat and I took the covers off(oh joy).... Now I have the foam that has soaked up the oil. Anyway to get it out? I think I may just have to accept it and cover it in plastic before I put the clean sovers back on.
  20. Algonquin lakes are still frozen so I would guess most everything north of that is also still frozen.
  21. I would pay 70% more than regular season prices for play off tickets. Oh btw leafs up by 1 in the first.
  22. I gotta admit, I have jumped thebandwagon a bit, I have watched a few games this season. I love the idea of a hot shot knuckle baller on the mound. Too bad he got smoked both games I watched him pitch.
  23. Not sure, I missed it, I know it came shortly after they blew the lead. I was hunting for the game on TV, when I gave up and turned the radio on he was gone. This is from TSN's write up
  24. Battery is running my trolling motor it gets discharged regularly probbaly 4 -5 times per month from April - Oct.. So I guess thats about 85 full discharges(Full meaning down to about 50% Plus or minus), and 3 winters
  25. Jays won in the 11th Gibbons got ejected in the 8th or ninth. Couldn't find it on tv, had to listen on the radio. SO old school.
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