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About northwood

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    Oshawa Ont,
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  1. " Im hittin the credit river for some salmon fishing saturday.
  2. Go for the musky if you never done it... they are hittin now..
  3. " Nice big fat smallies.... this time of year... awsome"
  4. Have you ever tried checking out Cabela's the got awsome deals on baitcasters and combos or bass pro shop... you mite find the deal you are searching for... don't worry about the shipping cost's or if you have a chance go to one of there stores you will be happy you went.. you can't catch fish if your line isn't in the water....
  5. They also have jig heads with a little ring built into the jig head and you attach or snap the wire end of the stinger hook to the ring... i forget the name... you can find them at any fishing outlet... gagnons. lebarons.
  6. " Bump in the night..." imagine putting a video camera up ...
  7. " My condolences to you and your family.
  8. if your fishing up stream in the river.... a single egg immation or small roe bag or a fly.........
  9. It looks like the fish mite be heading up to erindale park .. and in the next week more comming.....
  10. Nice catch guy's ..... october,november is when they fatten up for winter...
  11. Yup i will be there.... oct. november. december.... i hope the weather dosn't get to ugly.... Don't forget some sand or salt for the boat launch.....
  12. It looks like everyone has got the bug........ Oh.' and great pic's too... shall i call 911,..
  13. It is strickly a smallmouth bass lake and you will catch lake trout along with the bass.......... Tubes ... Tubes .... Tubes....
  14. Lake ontario.... a northwind is great it blows from shore out into the lake - a small boat is o.k up to 15-20 km/h .. then use your sense and know when is enough- (this is a must look at the weather forcast for where you are fishing.. - An east or west wind up to 10 km/h with a small boat 15 to 20 km/h winds it gets pretty choppy... - A south wind is blowing inshore 5 to 10 km/h is ideal anything more it is going to get very rough for a small boat.. YOU HAVE TO LOOK AT THE WEATHER FORCAST FOR THE AREA YOU ARE GOING TO FISH... HAVE ALL YOUR SAFETY EQUIPMENT... RADIO..GPS.. AND A SECOND MOTOR ON YOUR BOAT LIKE A TROLLING MOTOR FOR SAFTEY.. IN CASE YOUR BIG MOTOR BREAKES DOWN.. IT'S A LONG WAY TO PADDLE JUST BE SMART...
  15. Well now you know..." once a drug addict,,, always a drug addict... (sorry if i offended anyone,,, but the truth hurts don't it... besides you gotta wounder where all the expensive homes and vehicles he ownes came from. (he aint makin it selling fishing lures or beer..... "
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