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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. As a novice fisherman and still learning :) I love to take kids fishing just for the joys on their faces when they get even a small pan fish + I look like a pro :)


    Now for tourniments, there are already many going on that try to get kids out, with the parents. Perch Fest, BOQ opener, Toonie Series, Sun Salmon, etc.. with Family pricing


    One thing I have seen compared to our US friends and a few in Canada is Bass tourn's are big boats, big money. Just not sure we have enough interest here for that, I could be wrong but for kids, can't see it.


    For the part about getting kids involved with our natural resources, OFHA does this and many other groups. Yes I agree we need more kids to get away from the computer \TV and with Nature, but really the only ones we can blame is the parents for this.


    Kids need lots of pats on the back and enjoy the sport if you add competition and presure it might drive more away than get kids involved.

  2. Thanks guys, I know fishing shows have to make a buck or two and promote stuff thats the way all televison works. It was just wierd to see back to back shows with 2 completly opposit views on advertisements.


    Great info here and just goes to show that we all watch differect type of shows cause lord knows my bandwith Downloads from internet shows (TJ / Getting Hooked) and the other shows I watch have gotten me to purchase a few things in my tackel box.


    Am I a slave to advertisements I guess so, mind you if the pro's can catch fish with the stuff hopefully I have a chance too.


    Thanks again for all who spoke up, great stuff to know.

  3. Advertisements???


    Ok all I know it’s the slow time of the year waiting for open water so I thought I would ask this questions


    I watch Going Fishing and Real Fishing show Saturday Morning over coffee while dreaming of open water. So this weeks one's made me wonder.


    On Going Fishing * Darrel Chronzy went out of his way mentioning how he can't say the products name, etc and how he was saying it was the crtc pushing that.


    Then on the Real Fishing show with Bob, he mentions all the products by name..


    So what gives? I figured there might be one or two Pro's out there that could have the response..

  4. LOL, guy tell us if your taking and good equipment with you so we can pick it up later from our boats


    The SAT pics are normally 24 hours out, 3 sunny warm days later.. for perch?


    I know cabin fever is strong but you can pull through 2 weeks until the perch fest :)

  5. Like all its a big issue for us Suburb people. I only have a single garage so no twisting in the wind for me..


    Remember just cause the boat says 19" there is neck and engine so it all adds to the length.


    I fit my 15.1 Legend with a 25hp with 4" to spare into a 19' single.


    Love a bigger boat but no way am I paying for storage!! CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP :)

  6. bowshep: Any particular brand of organic fertilizer you recommend?



    (please say Dog Poop!!! Please say dog poop!!!)



    I have a old Tecumseh that the neighbour was tossing in the trash! Just changed the oil a few bangs of the hammer and she starts everytime now..


    Now if you feel brave you could buy one of those manuel ones. My wife came home with one cause she is embarassed cause the neighbours see me mowing my yard with there old mower while they try to fix their new MDT one!


    I told her I would use her enviormentaly freindly one as soon as I buy the ATV to pull it :)



    ~ LEW I have seen your arms, one pull from your arm and I could see you starting a jet engine!!! A lawn mower ha, must be scared not too start :)

  7. Not too steal the thread by any means but watch out for lots of older engines going on Sale soon. With the new gas regs in Ontario 10% eth could eat away at some older seals making them need replaceing sooner.


    I would not pay $500 for a 80's engine under 9.9.. consider getting one used from the USA lots to get and much cheaper

  8. Lex, I remember this post from the summer. You are so lucky your dog didn't become musky bait. What the heck would you have done then? Saved the dog or the musky :lol:


    Its one thing to come home skunked its another thing to come home without the dog, Bill asked me the same question.. what would I do .. I said I was going in after the dog beacue If I came home with a trophy Muskie, I can just hear the wife..


    Great a large fish with big teeth your not going to hang that in my house... wait a minute.. Hey where's the dog.. Well dear it goes like this, here I was fishing and.....



    Toronto Star top article... Mississauga Man in hospital to have womans boot, and frying pan removed

  9. For those who fish with me know that my dog is my best fishing partner, yeap she is a water Rat just loves the water and when its slow I toss her gently :) over the side and she swim's until she is tired then comes back to the side for a pickup.. She will then stand at the side waiting to go again..


    These are the pics from last year out on the Bog with Muskie Bill and John.


    We were fishing a weed bed when my dog figured land.. over she went.. yes she need saving.

    Once back on board she looked over the side and jumped again.. this time she stayed put when I could just pick her up.






    Almost all dogs can swim, its like human's panic kills.

  10. LOL, :clapping::clapping::clapping:


    Yeap, thats pretty much it.. the fish that got away and as it ran through the schools of perch it yelled RUN, RUN for your Lives there fishermen are over there..


    Now what you could have done different.


    Your rod was held at approx 44.5 degrees if you have played a little say 45 degree you might have had a chance..


    Now your drag issue, if you had only done half a click instead of a full click of the drag you would have got it for sure..


    Got too look at the bright side, we used "YOUR" auger and the fish was at least 10lb's or more so it the hole was clearly too small to bring up that big of a fish :lol: we would have had to cut the line..


    Great fishing with you again, Come April we will be back with the boat for revenge!!! ~ JAWS is in there with your hook I am sure we can find him

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