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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. Great going. There are bigger ones out there Bly time will come and watch out :)


    I love fall casting for the big ones, Even having a boat in the fall I sometimes just go out of range where the peir casters are Drop the anchor and cast away from the boat. Hard to describe the power of a hit at high speed.


    :) look forward to more posts and bigger fish

  2. Sunday at Port Maitland


    A long weekend, light winds and the wardens blessing it was planned.. Ok the planning started Saturday afternoon but that’s Kids and married life for you.


    Up at 5:30am on Sunday, dog was in the truck ready to go.. Lunched out of Port Maitland about 8am and head out in search of the Erie Walleye.


    Started doing all the tricks of the trade. The problem when you are on a lake that you really would love to fish more is you only have so much time to try everything. Was changing up every 40 min. only a couple bumps enough to release the down rigger.


    Around 11:30 figure ok maybe head up to the dam. Those drinking coffee may wish to finish before reading this.


    I pulled up the lead core and released the downrigger, Wait there is some weight at the end of this.. Oh and its fighting.. A walleye finally.


    I bring it up too the boat, reach down with the net while holding the rod. Rod is bent over walleye is in the net.. Walleye wiggles. Unhooks Erie deary..


    Have you ever wondered why fishermen where eye covering glasses even when its not too sunny. Here is why!!!


    The 3/4 weight Erie deary that I was using with the tension of the rod bent over dislodges from the walleye flies at top speed hitting me between the eyes. After the momentary shock of being dinged the star's stopped doing the tweety song. Something is still wrong.. tweety is finished but there is still pain.


    Those who know what an Erie Deary looks like will know what follows the weight. YEAP.. A Long hook and where was that.. Firmly lodged up my nose.


    So I reach up pull the hook, with the worm still on it out.. YES IT HURT


    Rest of the day just a few perch and a nice sheep's head but of a great day on the water with the Dog :)


    Wife could not stop laughing when she heard what happened.




  3. Find all the activist and cut off everything that is powered by electric.


    Water, has to be pumped and cleaned




    Wonder how long it would take before they complain.


    I read that they new this was going to happen and let them board rather than stopping them because the negitive publicity would be worse.


    Could be worse, could have been P3TA :)

  4. Hey Tybo.

    For all great lakes you should have a vhf.


    I use the Atlantis 250.


    There are pro's with a hand held cause you can move it anywhere you want and does not need a fix mounting ant.


    Batteries Ok and last a while. Even with a fixed unit, if your batteries are dead you are dead in the water.


    Bad thing is limited range for chatting and hearing people. 5-10k is what I have found.


    You never have to worry about contacting the coastguard for help as they are always listening.


    If I had the choice again, I would buy a fixed mount. Just for more range to chat. 25w compared to 5w


    Hope that helps

  5. You know guys... Steve catches fish, and is always willing to help other people catch fish. If you ask him where on Erie to catch fish, he'll point you in the right direction no questions asked.




    Any professional that comes on and gives tips etc is always welcome in my books. :) if it was the second post ok spamm. but jeez not like the post was come ye all to my business.



    Now can you please give me the best GPS spots to catch a walleye ;) jk.

  6. Pikeie, really any rod and real will work when casting for these.


    The reason for longer rods is casting, and leverage when fighting.

    Spinning reels are great cause of there castability but not nessasary.


    Longer your line is in the water the more chance for a hook up. I can't tell you how many times I see the salmon coming for my cleo just as its about to exit the water :(


    Line test is more about how far you cast, how much line you can put on the spool..


    lower the test the farther you cast but if your bait hits the water, gets picked up right awayt by a big fish and runs out you will get spooled quickly.


    Pick a 8-12 lb test depending on the amount of line you have to hold. If your useing light line 8-10 make sure you have enough line to let a good run and your bearings are lubed.


    I use to cast for salmon from the time I was 8 to mid 20's, 7 foot spinning real with 12lb.. you win some you lose some.. But thats fishing

  7. Hi All:


    Went out Salmon fishing Sunday Evening at Bronte with my daughter and the dog :) thought this might help those waiting for the big runs :)


    Trolled 60 - 120 feet, lots and lots of bait clouds but very little in hooks.


    Most of the fish we marked were in the 70-80 feet. Very little close in almost like a blank spot in the lake.


    The water is really warm 68-69f.


    Manged to take one little Salmon 5-6 pounds. It had already started to turn for the river run.


    After 7:30pm there were a few jumpers but nothing in numbers.





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