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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. When getting ready for the upcoming fishing season and then getting giddy :thumbsup_anim: when the BPS flyer came out my wife asked me a simple question...


    What could you possibly still buy that you don't already have? This leads me to a wierd question. How much is too much :) is there a point?


    Yeap, I could always upgrade stuff, or buy more spinners, plastics, hooks etc, rods, reels etc.


    What would you buy if you could not upgrade excisting stuff or add more baits?

  2. I keep enough to feed my family for 2 meals,. If I have some still in the freezer let the rest go. Guess it really depends on how many I would catch in a outing..


    These are my target fish of choice but I only keep small ones and once I have some in the freezer for when I want a fish meal the rest go over the side..


    great now you got me thinking about shore lunches..... BRING ON THE SPRING

  3. Great Report,


    Good to see you going out again, braver than me ;) How did the new auger go?


    I have had a perch, in a bucket (no water) got it home put them in some water to clean them prior to the filit and the little dudes started swimming...


    Perch cleaning is really easy you just need them to all be 13" :) :) :)

  4. Well, I was not a FORD guy at all, figured I would buy a Mazda import (insert joke here)


    So I opened the door (made by Ford) oh well... 230K later sold it still running like a baby. Only repairs were general maintance..I was sorry to see it go


    So needing more stuff I bough a dodge 2006 dakota It had the best reviews, in that price range. I would have sprung for a ford but the cost of Gas !!!!, Wanted to get a toyota but did not want to mortgage my house.. Next was the GM family.. lowest reviews,


    How it turns out I will tell you after fishing season... So far 3,500K no issues so far LOL

  5. Hey all:


    This is NOT a request for your GPS spots of your best hot spots :)


    I have loose map of the contors of the Innisfil beach but I was looking too see if anyone has a map with the long \ Lat cordinates to help me narrow down the spots to fish.


    I am on the walking tour so, it only needs to be within 1 k of the launch ramp. My fishing partner is waffeling so If you are walking and want too hook up too PM please


    Any help you can provide willl be most appreaciated. Please pm if you want to keep it hush hush :whistling:






  6. Hi Rick:


    The responce the city of Toronto has had to this has been the province only provides some funding local tax payers provide the rest.


    So for example you pay road tax, gas tax, and licence fee but this only covers some of the roads the local tax payer picks up the rest. So if you want too stand on town land the local tax payer, pays to keep it clean, cut the grass and the insurance incase you get hurt.


    So an none local person should pay for the privlidge of standing there,


    The major issue I see with this is if every town decided to do this there would be road tolls every 2k, if you wanted to stop and get out of your car buy a pass.. So much for come visit my town...


    Trust me this will not be the first or last time a city, province or goverment tries to take more money from you.


    If this gets past what I would recommend is Every person from St Catherines pays a standing fee to fish anywhere else in the province. (sorry local people)


    Darn I hate tax time it gets me all ticked off :(

  7. Yeap, Towns looking to get in on the $$..


    Unforatunatly the Goverment did provide the powers to cities to tax.


    For example they may not be allowed to charge a "Fishing licence" but they could charge a access right to fish while standing on town land?. For example they do this if you want to hold a wedding or something on town land??


    Hopefully the goveremnt will nip this in the butt as this will make lots of people who fish from shore locked out of many good urban fishing spots. Us with boats can pull right up and fish without interferance.


    I am sure the OFAH will be on this as we know without a large push the MNR will fold under presure.

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