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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. Buy the OMC engine guide it will have all the stuff you need to do for winter storage. Worth the money and do it yourself.


    Part II fishing season is just starting. If its like last year I am not going to winterize my boat untilI see snow.. put mine away last year mid november but the ice did not come till Feb


    All thoese days haveing talk to the wife when I could have been fishing :(

  2. Well, after some seriously stressful couple weeks of work I decided I needed a little R&R.


    What else do you need to relax but some fishing :)


    We did not want to head too far and with a little baby camping was out.


    We decided to try Chemong lake http://www.lancasterresort.com/welcome.htm


    Very nice little resort, with amazing staff and cottages,


    The beach for the kids was in a little need of sand (in the water part) but the over all area was well maintained and super friendly people.


    We stayed at number 9 cottage, this cottage was very comfortable with everything you would need for a nice week with the family.


    The area bay was weedy, shallow. Super for kids fishing, etc but not for swimming or other activities.


    I would stay at this place again and recommend it if asked,


    Now for the quick report.



    Fishing in the area was mostly Bass and pan fishes' lots, and lots of both. Nothing too big but good for numbers.


    Walleye were there but hard to catch, I did manage to get one for the pan but that’s about it.


    The real treat for the week was my little 4 year old catching her first Muskie. Ok you ask sure, sure..


    Well here how it went down, Me with my high prices fishing rod, etc fishing for walleye with a Erie deary and my daughter with her $20.00 combo fishing with an Erie deary.


    She said she had a fish, I set the hook and gave it back too her, that lasted for about 4 min as the fish stayed deep and dogged left and right, I thought she had a nice walleye no issues. Well the fish thought ok enough of this and started running that’s when my daughter nearly followed it into the water and I took over.


    As soon as I felt the power I knew it was either a big walleye, or something else.


    Fighting a Muskie with 12lb test, a simple push button reel and no leader was tough. Landing a Muskie with no net as our walleye net was too small. (used both hands too lift it in) was a chore to say the least.


    So, a great week and here are some pics.





  3. At home, the new skin loads fine....however, at work, I have to use IE and I can't reply to a thread or send a PM. Not to mind, I only see the first 4 threads on Genereal Discussion, as well, when I enter a thread I can only view 2 replies to it? No scroll option. Haven't had time to troubleshoot but appears to not be loading properly? Must need an update somewhere? I'll have to check it out Wednesday when I get time.



    Yeap mine is doing the same, Loaded firefox and all is well so its a IE issue, Cleared cache and cookies. same problem.. Going to tinker for a while until I can find the setting.


    Rick any idea?

  4. Well like all long weekends, it was time to do some fishing,


    Our Plans for up north changed at the last minute so I decided to head to Bronte on Sat and see if there was anything shaking. Too late too arrange a partner hook up so it was just me and the dog.


    The parking set up right now with all the boats is a bit odd but guess its crowd control.


    I set out at 6am staring at 80F and heading out into the 150+ mark the fish were far and few between close in all the fish were out in the deep water.


    Lots and lots of boats out fishing. Even with so much water I had one guy in a White Lowen that not only cut me off as I had the right of way, but steared at me forceing me to do a hard turn. Yep tangleing my lines.


    In the 200f mark the rigger went off wow, thought I had a monster on then too my surprise it was a double hookup. A large bow on the slider and a shaker on the bottom.


    This is the second time it happend too me Always a fun netting job





    Once the wind picked up and the heat started I reset the lines and started trolling in. I am sure all the spoon pullers have done this, you reset a rod, troll for an hour then bring up your line to find a shaker on it.. Dolt how long has it been attached


    Anyway 2 nice footballs for the BBQ



  5. Yeap, Tax grab. If it was all for the safty the money would go into enforcement.


    But for the people who do actually read the manuel etc, it does help.


    I was sailing since the time I was 5 so I had lots of experiance on the water and in bad weather.


    Still I went to a class took the course. Wrote the test in a class enviorment etc.


    I feel wiser for doing it. People who cheat are only cheating themselves and putting them and there family in possible danger.

  6. Excellent report Fishmaster, looks like you have a booming business, I would recommend you with that boat


    Odd questions for you, I see you catching the bigger eyes, Not that there is anything wrong with that at all.


    Do you catch any of the smaller ones with the same set up, I was thinking of heading out there for a nice feed, I personally prefer the smaller ones 1-3 lb range.


    Any help you have would be most appreciated.



  7. Hi All:


    From all the great information provided I thought I would give a full review for others.


    Review - The Summerhouse - http://www.summerhousepark.ca on Miller lake.


    The launching facility and "Marina Office" were top notch service with a smile, Dockage for the week was $50.00 for a good slip (no electric that I could see) Well worth the price,


    The boat house contains a map of the lake with recommended spots for Bass, pike and Pickerel.


    You can purchase bait and basic fishing equipment there.


    The camp store is well stocked with all amenities and prices are a little high but hey that’s camping,


    The main beach is full sand and well groomed.


    Over all camp is above average in most aspects.


    The website does have a little bit of not false advertisement but more misleading information.


    We stayed at the Sandpiper cottage, the absolute best location you can have, right on the water, spectacular views, If you were to go here, try to get this cottage.


    It lists 2 bedrooms its, more 2 bedrooms with a divider wall (the wall does not extend too the ceiling)


    The 2 piece bath is a camper port-a-potty with a sink, in a Small room.. How small you ask :) you can wash your face in the sink with sitting on the port-a-potty.


    The Grill, is a grill you need to provide all char coal, etc.. Buy it before coming its a big grill and to get enough going you burn it quick


    There is a TV with Sat reception.


    The lighting in the cottage is very limited, sometimes you dropped stuff in the bedroom and needed a flashlight to find it.


    Overall a rustic cottage.


    My cousin stayed at the Mersenger Hideaway.


    The hideaway is located on the main cottage road, with the fire pit and picnic table facing the road, Be prepared to hear, cars, trucks and traffic. This cottage is on a slight hill with very loose gavel, Cars spin there tires, kids wipe out etc. All day expect to say hi to everyone walking by to the main beach, and the view of the water is through the tree's --- other than that same as above. DO NOT STAY AT THIS COTTAGE.


    The other cottages are a 50/50 on location some great others with a 10 foot vertical drop too the water, not good for small kids but great view.


    The main showers by the cottages are in dire need of service,


    2 stalls,hope your not looking for privacy,

    A bench that needs paint or replacing

    Water that goes super hot, ice cold, super hot without any help (careful with kids)

    Shower heads that have not been serviced since the 60's..


    Its sad cause it looks like they retiled the are recently but stopped ??


    Now what you are looking for lake Miller information.


    If your going there for Walleye, cause they "stocked the lake" you will be disappointed, yes they are in the lake as I got a small fry in my minnow trap, but for catching one they are far and few between.


    Now for pike and bass, excellent fishing with a good chance of getting a few each night. The lake is relatively clean with very little weedy patches.


    Lots and lots of rocks structure, island, and drop offs, great lake for bass,


    There are small pan fish but not in great numbers.


    The rocks sometime just appear in the middle of no where some are marked others are a few feet down, until you know the area keep a sharp look out.



    The web site listed this site as * Rated 5 star for recreation / 4 star for facilities.


    I would give it a 3 star for recreation

    ~ great park for the kids

    ~ great other activities.

    ~ bad part expensive to rent any extra activities.



    I would give it a 2 star for Facilities.

    ~ Showers / bathrooms need updated

    ~ Cottages need some TLC

    ~ Expensive for what you get or expect.

    ~ good rustic retreat


    And a few pics :)









  8. Too funny, I was thinking the same thing,


    too windy, just like last year, Everytime I wanted to head out in Erie the wind would pick up..


    Humm maybe its time I put up a wind power generator, they you can be sure the wind would be calm each day.

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