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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. I don't think that anyone has experience with a season with such late ice. I just fish where other people are catching em.


    When you find this if you could just give me GPS directions :lol:


    The perch don't know that its late Ice, too them its a different calander, same tatics

  2. Right on Lew.


    Everyone wants their cut. and are not happy without a profit. Its like anything people try to get as much out of it as you can. Milk it baby


    Just wait till attendance is down and they ask the city for funding or the province.. Can we say AD SCAM.


    I as a rule never give to charity when they acost me for it.. If they can afford too put up a booth and ask people for money you know that most of the money you give them is going to marketing. Research your charity first there are too many people scamming for this.


    I think the only reason I go too the Sportman Show or the Spring Fishing Show is too meet OFC'er and see some new stuff. :worthy: + get a way from the wife

  3. LOL, Don't worry Basskicker.. Goverment has you covered.


    Even if you pay $20.00 for the machine there is a book value and you get charged the full amount of the book value.


    Just really depends if how far off you are from the true cost if they look or not.


    With the border dudes go ligit or pay for it later :) those hand prints on the floor are not decorations.

  4. Hey Basskicker.


    I looked into this a few weeks ago. Cause I thought we were getting hosed in the costs. (WE ARE)


    There are a few forms to complete, a standard processing fee, +GST PST.


    You need to complete the forms in advance and send them in, you need to give the border 48 hours notice when your coming.


    Then you do the customes things, you then have 30 days to get it "cert" as canada allowed at a few locations.


    You are good as gold. I believe you have to do this unless its over 10-20 years old...



    Look under buying a car from the US a and there are reference to ATV in the same document.



  5. Hi All:


    Just wanted to introduce the latest member to the fishing community.


    Maxwell Born on Jan 8th at 10pm,


    Everybody is doing fine, Mom had no complications or issues.


    Poor dog is getting worried about all this competition for boat spots :-)





  6. Perfect Guys, Thanks..


    I was not sure how the setup went, now I see just a simple X marks the spot.. I was over engineering it :dunno:


    Fang I think the level is a great idea just too make sure you straight


    Now all I need is lots of ice to test out my contraption I am going to build.. If others have other idea please post them as you can always build a better mouse trap :lol:


    Great thanks to b2kptbo for the pics

  7. Mr Heater Portable Buddy is sufficient for heating an ice hut.. Absolutly...


    At low its warm, but when you crank it too high you will be in a t-shirt and shorts..


    Besides, although its nice to be warm in an ice hut you don't want it too warm or when you walk out the door - buuuuurrrrrr

  8. Hi All:


    I have a basic idea what too do but I was trying to find if there are any either good pictures or instrutions on how to make a Transducer (boat mount) moved over to a portable ice fishing mount.


    any tips or tricks to make it easy to use. This is just the transducer the rest of the unit is all set.


    Thanks Guys for the info

  9. To give a fair and valid responce here is the e-mail I received back from Yamaha.


    granted they have vaild points but I do not think there is that much of a difference


    thanks to Yamaha for responding.




    Good afternoon:


    It is impossible to simply answer this type of inquiry regarding


    between US and Canadian products.


    There are many variables and fluctuations and the exchange rate today


    not necessarily the rate fixed when the prices were initially


    Different import expenditures, volume purchasing (300 million vs. 32

    million), and different associated costs of operating in Canada vs. the

    USA. Such dilemmas are shared by Yamaha and other importers and



    I regret you feel compelled to shop in the USA, however, please take


    consideration importation regulations/costs and understand that foreign

    units imported into Canada do not have warranty outside of the country


    origin (i.e. all warranty work will need to be performed at US


    in this case). Many European consumers consider the prices of units

    sold in

    Canada to be very reasonable. I personally believe our prices fair are


    compatible with Canadian competitors. I assure you we try and make our

    products and accessories as competitive as possible!








    [email protected]

    12/08/2006 11:40





    Website Customer Contact







    Dear Yamaha Canada.


    Like many people I try to buy local when purchasing stuff, yes it may


    made else where but there is a cost to drive around or the duty to get

    stuff shipped here.


    I have been looking for a small ATV out of shear curiosity I took look


    the cost of the same unit in the USA..






    Can you please tell me what difference there are in these machines if



    With the current $US and the customs fee's provided by

    http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca the cost saving's over the msrp is still


    $1000.00CDN. Knowing what the manufacture difference in the machine


    help me determine if I should buy the unit in Canada or the US.


    Thanks in advance.



  10. Hi All:


    Checked with Yamaha USA, LOL there are 2 types of serial numbers.


    if it starts with a "J" its made in JAPAN

    if it starts with a "S" made in the USA - no duty. just 6% GST




    There is a 206.00CDN charge and you need to notify customs 72 hours in advance.

    have Bill of Sale and a title paper.


    It also needs an off road sticker?? have to find out what this is???


    Other than that home free.


    1 hour drive, $1000.00 savings.. Well you know where I am heading.. BOOOOOOOO on Yamaha..

  11. Hi All:


    Like many people I try to buy local when purchasing stuff, yes it may be made else where but hey what does it cost to drive around or the duty to get stuff here.


    So I was looking for a small ATV.. checked out the clones but still not too sure on the quality then I check out the major brands...


    Then out of shear curiosity I look for the cost of the same unit in the USA..


    Not including taxes this is the same machine,






    Give an above average exchange rate of 30%...feel like we're getting hosed


    I have sent a letter to Yamaha asking what the difference is this should be intresting ;) if they reply at all.


    Other manufactors are no differet but keep this in mind if you thinking about a new one..

  12. Lots of stuff here guys thanks,.


    A 2 wheel drive might be all I need as really its just trails and stuff in the summer, As I use to have a dirt bike the rear wheel drive only should not really be an issue.


    Ice on simcoe is why I was looking for a ATV unit.. Yeap too lazey to walk miles pulling a sled..


    If 90 would do it, I was thinking about one of these but then I see a 250 for the same price got me too thinking.


    I would love to get a much bigger one but Storage is a big issue as it needs to fit in the garage and on a small pickup.


    The used ones are still super expensive and you never know how they were driven... Lets face it there are not too many Granny Drive ATV's out there :dunno:

  13. Hi All:


    I know lots of members on the board have the standard ATV's (yamaha, Honda, Polaris, etc)


    Just wondering if anyone has tried the alternate brand, I see there are lots of them out there powermax, CDN Tire, and others.


    The cost of these China wantabies is vastly cheaper, I know yes someone will say you get what you pay but

    the warrenty is the same, but the cost is almost half.


    Thoughts all?

  14. Hmmm, got a PM from the mods stating that I must remove my avatar "according to the rules", well here is the rule: "Please keep your avatars tasteful and not degrading or insulting to any race, sex, religion or political entity. "


    Not sure which category it falls under, maybe she makes some of the guys feel emasculated or something. So dont whine to me that she is gone. Man this is such metrosexual politically correct crap. :angry:


    See ya



    Sniff, Sniff :dunno: like a lot of things these days, being PC trumpts tradition...


    I vote for a save "Charlotte" Campaing, If I remember my good old days when you came out this with we put it too a female vote and there was no issue..


    Bring Back Charlotte. Bring Back Charlotte, Bring Back Charlotte, Bring Back Charlotte. Bring Back Charlotte, Bring Back Charlotte.

  15. Hey all:


    What a great time to see everyone Old friends and a few new ones too add too the mix.. I just love getting together like this and fishing together such a bunch of great people all chatting at the dock. .. It turned out too be a super weekend


    Well it all began on the Friday, load up the truck kiss the dog good by.. poor thing had a hankie waving and a tear drop in the eye as I drove off without her My Wife just said are you not gone yet ..


    While spending about 3 hours at the dock fishing Friday night... I got a new personal best right of the doc must have been at least 12 pounds wet..arx10.jpg


    Next year I am going after the capacino machine.. I know this part of the post makes no sense but If you were there it does :)


    So up at 6ish and off we go, nice and calm but we were marking lots really down deep.


    Within the first hour Jello hooked into his first guy one 12lb.. Very nice



    Then a couple more hours the rod goes off again my turn.. Great a laker how disappointing..



    Spent the next couple hours marking tones of fish just none in our level.. finally as we are on the way back to the launch fish on again a nice 6lber for the fish fry. No pics of this sorry


    Really nice on the water, calm not too cold.. except for my toes started getting chill and had to warm them up for all the boats out there who suddenly got a smell of limberger cheese that was me..




    Next morning off again with large expectations...


    First fish was me... yes finally a nice 9lb walleye..


    About mid day Jello hooks into another 6lber very nice..




    Alas that was all there was for the day.. was it a little chilly or what


    Maybe next year I will post a PB but outing like this with pro fisher people the knowledge you gain is worth the price of admission

  16. I know from experience with other kinds of events that it's hard to get a group of people organized who are coming from different places and different times, unless somebody takes the intiative of coordinating it.


    For example, creating a spreadsheet showing who was confirmed, where they were staying, when they were arriving and when they were leaving, and whether they had a boat or had a seat in a boat arranged.


    That person would know that Carp had a seat or two free in his boat and needed a couch or floor to sleep.


    It takes work, some people like doing it and others don't.


    I could not agree more, there were some people as they said all over the BOQ, not only due to space issues, but also $$ issues..


    Little too chilly to camp and keep cost down for some people so $$ was an issue,


    That said, its not that we were not aware everyone was at the Merland. I persally was just tired from 6am to 6pm fishing each day :) then fishing off the docks for some night action..


    Lake Air its warmer and I can get in an afternoon nappy :-) see everyone there

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