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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. I hear ya on that one CCM, these days there is so much on the enviorment and what is good what is bad, Its hard to get a straight responce. I just always put up the guard when the "director of the advocacy group Environmental Defence and the author"


    You know who he is writting for, now if it was a unbiased report from 3 independant sources. Ok I would look harder at the report.


    Today don't eat the fish, tommorow we need to eat more fish. I think its somewhere in between. There are too many "the sky is falling reports these days"


    Sorry 55CM was a small salmon brain fart though in inches. still a 21" salmon is still a good meal

  2. Found this online in today's Toronto Star website. This is why I dont keep anything out of Lake Ontario....anyone surprised by this revelation???


    I read this and found a couple things of note..


    1. Written by policy director of the advocacy group Environmental Defence and the author of the report .. So of course he is not going to say all is super good.


    2. Warnings about eating fish longer than 75 centimetres have been in place for years, as they accumulate toxics like mercury and furans in their fat over years. Now, fish around 55 centimetres long, .... Thats a super huge fish !!


    3. http://www.ec.gc.ca/MERCURY/EN/efca.cfm --- a more equal report.



    Eating fatty fish such as Salmon its a balance between what is good and what is not. These days even eating food brought in from China has risks.



    Now from a personal view..


    I only eat the small fish for safety and too keep the population going.

    I think the lakes are cleaner now than before

    There is more monitoring and tougher standards now so its getting better.

    The fish are getting bigger now due to bait so lots of fish have higher merc.


    Just $.0000002 for thoughts.

  3. Humm, did they check the plug.


    My guess is the boat trailer went off the end of the ramp and pulled the truck in.. Has to be up north cause most of the ramps around here you have too have most of your truck in the water before you even find deep water for the boat too unload.


    Oh well I am sure the embarrasment of the event would be more than enough for not useing the emergancy brake :)

  4. Well decided to head up to my home town to visit my sister for some sun, sand and fishing on the lake.


    Only got out once due too wind and need for sleep :)


    Took my nephew out for with me and my dog, only managed too hook into one "boot" :( not what I wanted but made the day for my nephew.


    When I got it in the boat, I told him to take a picture then I said here you hold it let me take a pic before we get a length and weight..


    yep you know whats coming.. ahhhhh, wiggle wiggle, ahhhh flip flip splash.. and that was it.. We only managed to get 3 pics :)


    not that we were going to keep it but poor guy was the joke at the table that night.





    another strange thing happend. there were about 5-6 boats out fishing in big lake huron then we hear the OPP boat checking in with the coast guard as then are heading out.. OK you have 20k of coast line to cover but I do a quck check to make sure all equipment is on board and ready.. What is the chance that they will come over too us as we are so far out and so few boats.


    About 30 min later the OPP boat chuggs along side us :) after a brief go through of all the safety stuff he asks me for my operators card...


    Pardon -- Yes sir your Operators card.. So I dig in my wallet, past the dust, cobb webbs, shooo the moths out of the way and there it was.,.


    Finally after 5 years someone has finally ask for it.. a tear formed in my eye.


    Super nice OPP by the way. Thats the way it should be no attidtude, Hi how are you, have a great day fishing, and good luck type of conversation!!!

  5. Rule of business is,


    If its not it writting it never happend.


    If you don't have a signiture of recieving it , It never happened.


    Send back a letter (registered with signiture required) stateing such and if it continues in such a matter you will request a harrasement suit.


    if all else fails. Toss muskie baits at them.

  6. Have you ever stayed up in Sauble Falls? There is a provincial park there as well as lots for you to do with your four year old, lots of inland lakes close by as well as swimming at sauble beach... you can't beat the sand castle building there.


    Hey Jen,


    Yeap Been there and the area many, many and a few more many time :thumbsup_anim: ... Super place, I lived in that area for 20 something years.


    Thats a place if you wanted a super beach you just can beat that area, friendly people, etc.


    Unfortuantly, its a long drive from my place going over the 3 hour mark + the inland lakes are even further :(


    I figure a 4 year old would only listen to so much Classic rock for the drive so I need it closer.

  7. Hey All.


    Does anyone know a nice queit place for camping with a small in-land lake for pan fish. Close too 2 hours from Toronto.


    I know I could go just about anywhere for fishing but my requirements are tight on this one as its for my 4 year old and me too do a little bonding time.


    I need a small lake so it warms up quick for swiming.

    Boat Access and she wants to go on the boat

    Lots of pan fish to keep her busy, nothing for me unless its there of course :)

    Winning lotto numbers for next fridays super 7 (thought I would slip this in)


    I was looking on the web and there are too many to pick from.


    Any one have any recomendations.





  8. roasting in 93* heat in a 40' deep excavation wearing a hard hat, steel toed boots, ear plugs, safety glasses, and gloves sounds a little better than


    I wanna see Art dance and sing the Village Peoples YMCA in his tighty whites after he gets outta the shower


    Great to see you Greencoach, till next year..

  9. Well, it all started after last years Lakair trip. I showed my brother some of the pictures of the area and he was so taken back with the area he worked on my Dad for almost 6 months to head up there for a fishing weekend.


    Finally at Christmas it was set that this year we would have a min Son's and Dad weekend. We had not gone out just the boys for a weekend for well over 20 years. Everyone arrived at my place at 9am Thursday for the trip up.. With all the stuff loaded we were off.


    The first thing my dad, figured out was my board name is LeXXington. Funny thing about the internet is you may know everyone by the board names and forget there real names.


    We were out each day at 6am only beating Lew to the dock once over the 3 days. Later I found out he was stopped on the way down there to chat :)


    What a weekend we must have caught well over 20 pike fishing almost 8 hours a day, eating and drinking like kings.


    Over the weekend we met so many super people even a few new ones that I have not met at other OFC events. I know we did not get too hang too often with the group at the fire pit, but just hanging with Dad and Bro playing darts and chatting made up for it.


    I could go on, but I see most people have posted lots and lots about how great a weekend it was, for me and my family it was one of those events that I will always remember and if possible and all willing it might become a tradition for as long as it lasts until my Son is old enough :)


    Thanks again all for a super weekend + Rick and DougG with putting up with us in the cabin :)


    Here are a few of my pics :)







    King of ALL SPORT FISH


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