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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. Thanks for the info Guys,


    Caught a very stinky SKUNK!!!!! but it was great too see the area. Had a few hits but very hard to tell whats a fish and whats the current..


    Oh and on the PECKING order, guess it does not apply to the chartter boats zooming in and out among us.

  2. Hey All:


    Wanted to try and fish the Niagara river by Queenstone this weekend. But need some basic help.


    I understand the drift with the 3 way. But just got a few questions.


    What do you use for bait,


    I presume we are fishing for what ever is in season focusing on Salmon and steelhead?


    How far up from Queenstone do you go? My chart data goes to the Adam Beck plant. Is this too far.


    Yeap I am a chicken but I play it safe :)



    Any help you can provide would be much appreciated.

  3. Hi All:


    Don't you hate when people ask these questions :)


    So, I get a day pass from my wife, now where too go. Been to Port Maitland 2 weeks ago did fairly well but the action was slow, going to BOQ later in the month and don't want to go just for the day out there. Guess simcoe is the place to try.


    Here is my delema, I know cooks bay and the narrows faily well after than its just chart information. If the weather stays true its a south wind.


    Lakers and Whites are closed. so its perch, bass, pike


    Is Jacksons or Virginia a good place this time of year or are the perch moved into Cooks.


    The curse of living in Ontario too many fishing ops so little day passes.

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