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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. Every government from the dawn of democracy has always found way to grow the government.


    When you get enough people living off the government dole there are bound to vote to keep what they have.


    Get more people working and voting for the government you hit a critical movement.


    We, the people who pay the bills are screwed! Greece anyone?

  2. I had a 25hp on my boat 3 people great could just get on the plane 4 people not a chance. I had to upgrade to a 40. Still I would recommend the smart tab.


    Adds stability.

    Slows down a drift

    more control in waves


    I even got one for my 40hp just because I liked the control so much.



  3. Funny thing is as you see more companies change the paper the receipt is printed on, Most times after a year its deteriated to unreadable..


    Sometimes its just stupidness in the policy.


    Match sale price deference within 15 days but no hassel returns in 30 days?


    I went in at 17 days and asked for the price differance.. No sorry your after the 15 days.. NP I would like to return these products and purchase them at the new cost :wallbash:


    Sure NP sir.

  4. Still much better to be in a floater suit with a .450 rating for hypothermia protection than a simple life jacket.


    Most people that fall into cold water don't die from the hypothermia it's the drowing that kills you first.


    stay safe!

  5. For the last few years’ in the fall, Lloyd from U & Me Guide Service would send a PM and see if I would like a spot on the last “Fun” Bay of Qunite Walleye charter prior to taking the boat out of the water.


    After twisting my arm and thinking long and hard. Ok it was about a small fraction of second I jumped at the chance. As I have posted before going out on the water with Lloyd on the U & ME charter is like going to walleye training school, the amount of stuff I learn on each outing would take me years to accumulate.


    One of the great things about fishing on a Bay of qunite walleye charter is it’s not really like your fishing on just “1” boat with a few fishing rods. They have a charter group that talks to each other all day getting the most up-to-date information on best colour, depth, location. I wonder if they offer a subscription service.


    Days before the magic weekend arrived the winter gods started putting the feelers out and posting super winds and snow. Perfect!! Last year at this time same thing happened and we had some of the hardest fishing I had ever seen. I was a little worried.


    Day#1. Thursday. It was just Lloyd and I but like always U & Me produced some amazing fishing. Total caught 7- Only -1 fish was eater size but the rest were some big girls.



    Day#2. Friday, Ralph and Terry arrived and joined in on the 3 hour tour. It was just one of those magical trips that was non-stop fish and laughter. Sometimes in the reverse order. Terry had an amazing talent for most of the day when his turn was up it would almost always end with a double header. Ended the day with 15 fish most released



    Day#3. Saturday. At 6:00am I checked the weather closer to Mississauga and I saw that they changed the weather forecast, the bad weather that was suppose to arrive on Sunday had sped up a little and was to hit “later” in the day. Lloyd knows the area like the back of his hand and gave us a choice as we left the dock. We could go to a protected area and try new ground or go to a proven producer but leave when the wind gets up.


    Friday was such a great day, we chose the protected area and it was one of those great days that just worked out. The place we went had no other boats around, consistent fish and little to no wind/waves. The storms that did eventually come were very scary, it was sunny and calm then you could see the black clouds and the wall of white. 20 min later 60K gusts of wind, whiteout conditions, then just like a dream it was over and back to calm and sunny.





    At the end of the day as Lloyd drove the boat home we came out of our protected cover and wow Lloyds boat was getting pushed sideways while under near full power as we headed back to the dock and this is no small tinny boat :dunno:


    Once in we decided the weather forecast was only going to get worse – 8C over night so we decided to pack up early and pull the boat out.


    End result was we only got a few eaters with the rest being returned for next year,


    Sunday AM – Temperature -16C, winds gusting to 50… Best decision ever!



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