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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. Since the anglers are from the USA they would be fined , but probably not have to pay the fines. US citizens don't have to pay speeding tickets or 407 charges unless they choose to.



    This is correct, just never plan on coming back to Canada "ever".


    I also think they are now sharing traffic ticket information cross boarder.


    Have fun.

  2. I renew each year.. I do not like some of the stuff they do, but these days Ontario goverment is putting fishing resources as an afterthought to be plundered.


    How long wil it be before you are paying $100 to launch your boat andl fishing becomes only for the rich.


    Any loud voice that sticks up for me is good

  3. I am looking into buying a ATV with a plow for the winter. I was amazed at the price differece in buying from the US to Canada even when its made here..


    PM me if you find a good dealer in Mississauga so far, everthing I have found in the GTA is over priced.


    By the looks of it I might be buying mine from the US.

  4. I agree with Gerritt. Just keep the cat..


    Now here is the main thing, if she has agreed to leave the cat with you. Get her to sign the cat over to you.


    I know, your thinking what the hell. Sometimes out of the blue people get revenge for what ever reason and use the animal as a wedge.


    take care

  5. Hi Joey.


    Best fishing partner I had was my dog. Sorry to all that fish with me ;)


    She loved the boat, water and going out. When I was packing for trips she would sleep on my stuff to make sure I did not forget her.


    She would sit at the back of the boat waiting for the salmon to make the reel scream. :) then do the happy dance and lick the fish.


    Lots of hotels now accept dog's unfortunately they make sure you pay extra for it. Same for camp sites.


    My dog was only out a few times this year before she passed away.. I miss her on the boat as the extra company is great.




  6. I have the dodge 2006 3.7.. Stay away... First 12k the breakes went.. Sorry sir we only warranty for first 10k


    Entire fuel system replaced under warranty ... In the shop every other week till the fixed it


    I think all the bugs are worked out now but I wished I got anything else. The depreciation on it was terrible


    No one wants a used dodge

  7. Yes, I am. Since line capacity wasn't an issue I figured it would not hurt to go 50lb instead of 30lb or whatever.


    Just be careful of the no-stretch on the braid.. I would suggest the rubber "lines". When a king hits if the line is too tight it won't break but the hooks might bend.


    mono has the stretch to withstand a good hit.


    My only concern with the 50# is the cost, and if there is an issue you better have a knife ready to cut if needed..


    Nothing worse than getting hooked on bottom and the darn line won't break.


    Have fun and good luck

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