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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. My dog eats anything the kids leave on the floor, counter, rooms... Many a Lego Men have take the trip through the secret passage to come out and appear in the back yard.


    I have tried putting wasabi, hot sauce, pepper you name it on the small toys as bait... No affect in they go.


    I have caught him with his head in the Lego box searching for the right piece to eat.


    I have full pet insurance. At 3 years old I thought he would outgrow it but nope.

  2. That area Cops are useless.. By the time the police arrive the truck is gone.


    Of course he had insurance on the truck.. Say it was a nice truck $30,000. Insurance pays the full replacement value right. You end up losing nothing in the theft right?

    You will have a new truck on your driveway the next day so you can get right to work?


    Poor guy protecting his property went to far. Should have dialed 911 and then gone out.


    Don't get me wrong a person died and we don't know the circumstances but if he was not stealing he would not be dead.

  3. Keiko Nakamura worked for Toronto Housing. Auditor general reveals inappropriate spending she gets Fired


    Hired at Goodwill ... oh you can't just take more money from tax payers?? Run's it to ground.. Expense exceed revenue.


    Goodwill will reopen, sure some tax payer money will be involved.

  4. Everyone I know is talking about the Free upgrade to Windows 10.. Yes "Paul" its free all free.


    Installation and Use Rights.

    a. License. The software is licensed, not sold.


    What this means is it can become a subscription service at the discretion of Microsoft. Charged for updates, etc..


    Nothing is for free!!


    If you have windows 7 stick to it as long as updates are pushed.

    Vista .. yes its a pain but stick to it as your hardware will need updating for the new software.


    Everyone that run's Microsoft products will end up on Windows 10 as that is all they will support after a while.

  5. Where do you get this "WE" stuff


    Just the govt workers that heard they may lose their job did it..apparently there is enough of them


    Just a few more Govt Workers and we can change Ontario to a Communist state.

    System of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.



    The Crown prosecutes the people charged in the Gas plant theft. The people charged worked for the government when the crime allegedly took place. The crime will be argued they were doing what was required for the job.


    We pay for the Crown lawyers to prosecute \ we pay for the lawyers of the people charged == Screwed twice again on the same gas plant.

    The Duffy trial has cost so much more than he allegedly stole.. and yet we pay for it all

  6. I totally agree with the concept and all for it but ... I think they might have shut themselves down over time and that could be a good thing.


    The Royal Canadian Legion was originally restricted membership.. (ex-service members of Canada's Armed Forces and Merchant Navy)


    That was a time in our history when many Men and Women went off to a war, stood guard in the cold war or peace keeping. Meaning lots of members


    Now our Men and Women going off to war is a much smaller focused group compared to WWII.



    Now that the Legion accepts people that have had no military experience it becomes a club just like many other clubs doing great things for the community.


    I am sure around every active base there is a place where service members go.


    No need for the government to help this.. Passage of time in another 20 years I think only the Legions that have branched out and have a good membership drive will survive.


    Is that a bad thing?

  7. Funny how everyone is "we must clean the environment"


    Don't see any restrictions on cheap china imports that are made while polluting 100% more.


    Some reason people think the pollution in China does not affect Canada.



    Free trade is Free trade.. Carbon tax on Canada goods made while polluting // same thing for china goods.

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