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Posts posted by LeXXington

  1. Anything on a floodplain might not be covered by any insurance. The drainage plan should show you what the highest point in the last 100 years.


    When I was working on my plot of land, there was no easement or drainage plan. Everyone I spoke to with the town was more at why I could not proceed than how to move forward.


    If you want movement, just build it. They will have to put everything in writing on what you need to do to make it legal or take it down.


    good luck

  2. I have worked with many CEO's of multi-billion dollar companies. I know what the trait is that makes a CEO. Its a drive to succeed and advance no matter what


    They never turn off, its a special drive that can not be learned. It's not a lack of empathy its just the ability to move on, not dwell on decisions. The worst decision was one that was not made.


    Most CEO get their pay approved from the board of directors.. When the board of directors are your super rich friends you lose sight of the people below you.


    Ironically a CEO can make 100 to 200 times what they used to in the 70's and the company's board does NOTHING about that.... if it wasn't so sad it would be funny.


    That also drive me nuts, a CEO can come in drive the company to the ground and walk away a billionaire. Board of directors should be forced to include some employee's..

  4. Some kids today just think they are above working hard. They will figure it out in time when mom and dad eventually run out of money.


    There is a difference between public sector union and private company union.


    Public sector there is always more money available regardless what you ask for.

    Private unions over does it and the company folds or moves. Balanced happy workers are productive workers.

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